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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer, to reduce the English people the sooner vnto obedience and awe, he tooke from them all their armour and weapons.The Conque|ror taketh frõ the English|men their ar|mour. He ordeined also that the maister of euerie houshold about eight of the clocke in the euening, should cause his fire to be raked vp in a [...]hes, his lights to be put out, and then go to bed. Besides this, to the end that euerie man might haue knowledge of the houre to go to rest, he gaue order, that in all cities, townes, and villages, where anie church was, there should a bell be roong at the said houre, which custome is still vsed euen vnto this daie, and commonlie called by the French word, Couer few first instituted. Couer few, that is, Rake vp the fier.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 This yeare on Whitsunday, Maud the wife of king William was crowned Queene by Acldred archbishop of Yorke. Matth. We [...]. The same yeare also was Hen|rie his sonne borne here in England: for his other two sonnes Robert and William were borne in Normandie,Edmund the great. before he had conquered this land. About the same time also, Goodwine and Edmund surna|med the great, the sonnes of K. Harold, came from Ireland, and landing in Somersetshire, fought with Adriothus that had béene maister of their fathers horsses, whom they [...]ue, with a great number of o|thers; and so hauing gotten this victorie, returned into Ireland, from whence they came with a great bootie which they tooke in their returne out of Corne|wall, Deuonshire, and other places thereabouts. In like maner, Excester did as then rebell, and like|wise the countrie of Northumberland, wherevpon the king appointed one of his capteines named Robert Cumin, Wil. Mal [...] Simon Dun. a right noble personage (but more valiant than circumspect) to go against the northerne people with a part of his armie, whilest he himselfe and the other part went to subdue them of Excester: where, at his comming before the citie, the citizens prepared themselues to defend their gates and wals: but after he began to make his approch to assaile them, part of the citizens repenting their foolish at|tempts, opened the gates, and suffered him to enter. Thus hauing subdued them of Excester, he greeuous|lie punished the chéefe offendors. But the countesse Gita, the sister of Sweine K. of Denmarke, and sometime wife to earle Goodwine, and mother to the last K. Harold, with diuers other that were got in|to that citie, found meanes to flie, and so escaped ouer into Flanders. King William hauing passed his businesse in such wise in Deuonshire, hasted backe towards Yorke, being aduertised in the waie, that the Northumbers hauing knowledge by their spials, that Robert generall of the Normans being come to Durham, did not so diligentlie cause watch and ward to be kept about the towne in the night season as was requisite, did set vpon him about midnight, & slue the same Robert with all his companie,This chaun|ced the 28. of Ianuarie on a wednesday. Polydor. so that of seauen hundred which he brought with him, there was but one that escaped to bring tidings to the king their souereigne.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 He heard also, how Edgar Etheling at the same time, being in the countrie, riding abroad with a troope of horsemen, and hearing of the discomfiture of those Normans, pursued them egerlie, and slue great numbers of them, as they were about to saue themselues by flight, Polydor. with which newes being in no small furie, be made speed forward, and comming at the last into Northumberland, he easilie vanquished the foresaid rebels, and putting the cheefe authors of this mutinie to death, he reserued some of the rest as captiues, and of other some he caused the hands to be chopped off in token of their inconstancie and rebelli|ous dealing. After this, he came to Yorke, and there in like sort punished those that had aided Ed|gar, which doone, he returned to London.

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