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  • CAdall of Gallowaie gouer|nour, sent with an ar|mie into Ireland, 42, b 20, 60 Rewarded for his good ser|uice, 43, a 10. Deceaseth, 43, b 10
  • Cadwall vanquished, restored to his kingdome, 111, b 10
  • Caldorus a Briton reioiseth as well at the slaughter of his owne people as his eni|mies, 65, b 10
  • Calen his graue counsell ta|keth place, 136, a 50
  • Ca [...]s besieged by Edward king of England, 240, a 60
  • Calphurmus is sent into Bri|taine, entreth into the bor|ders of his enimie, returneth to yorke, 64, b 40, 50, 60. Stu|dieth to reforme the state of Britain, returneth to Rome, 65, a 10
  • Camelon besieged by Uespa|sian, surrendred, peopled with Romans, 48, a 50, 60. Taken by force, 85, b 60. The citie throwne downe, 132, a 60. The gentelwomen there are preserued, 131, b 10. Require truce for thrée daies, b 30
  • Candida Casa, 117, b 60, 312, b 40
  • Cannus a Danish capteine landeth at the Red brates, marcheth through Angus, 165, b 50, 60. Incourageth his Danes, he is slaine, 166, a 10, 50
  • Canute brother to Swane ge|nerall against the Scots, 166 b 60, 167, a 10. His words to Edmund Ironside, 169, b 30
  • Captiuitie right happie: note, 256, a 50
  • Car Thomas, 408, b 50
  • Car Walter sent to defend Ied|worth, 409, a 5. Ioineth with William Ruthwin, 409, a 30
  • Caratake chosen capteine of the Britons, 46, b 30. Pro|clamed king of Scots, borne in Carike, 45, b 20, 40. His answer to the Romane am|bassadors, 47, a 50. Assem|bleth an armie, 49, b 60. The strength of the place where he was incamped, 60. As|sembleth an armie, 48, b 10. Escapeth, flieth vnto Dunstafage, vtterlie refuseth to become a subiect, 48, a 10, &c, b 30. Exhorteth his to fight, ouerthrowne, betraied by his stepmother, sent to Rome, shewed in triumph, di|eth, 50, a 10, &c.
  • Carantius troubleth the estate of Britaine, 71, b 60 His wi|lie practise, 72, a 10. Offereth to come to make answer vn|to such matters as he was charged with, requireth to be aided against the Romans, vsurpeth the kingdome of Britaine, hauing gotten the victorie, diuideth the ga [...]e in assigning to his confederats their due portions, 72, a 10, &c. b 10, &c. 60.
  • Carausius, ¶ Sée Carantius.
  • Carbarrie hill, 387, a 50
  • Cardane king of Denmarke, 137, b 60
  • Cardinall Gualo summoneth the Scotish clergie, 195, a 10, His auarice, condemned in a summe of monie, the Scots sore offended at him, his practise, 30, b 30, 40. Com|meth into England furni|shed with the p [...]pes authori|tie: note, 194, b 10
  • Cardinall Hugh of saint Ang [...]|lo the popes legat, 189, b 60
  • Cardinals onlie two in Scot|land, 452, a 20
  • Carlill woon by the Scots, 194 b 40, Repared, 184, a 30.
  • Carmichell lard, 402, b 39.
  • Carolus Magnus in league with the Scots, 120, b 10
  • Carron riuer runn [...]th with bloud, 83, a 10
  • Cart [...]ndis quéen of Scots, 78, b 60. Lamenteth hir infortu|nate estate, 79, a 10
  • Cartimandua buried quicke, 51, a 60
  • Cassels earle committed vnto ward, 401, b 50. Slaine, 314, b 10
  • Cassibelane king of Britaine requireth aid of the Scots a|gainst the Romans, 43, b 60
  • Castell of Blackenesse woone, 373, a 20. ¶ Sée Blackenesse.
  • Castels surrendred and taken by force of the English, 212, a 50, 60. Repared, 90 b 40. In pledge, 189, b 20. ¶ Sée their proper names dispersed in this table.
  • Castius lieutenant of Britaine 84, b 60. Raised an armie, 85, a 10
  • Cathnesse the earle passeth into Orke [...]e, 317, a 30. Slaine, 317, a 30
  • Catus procurator of Britaine fled into France, 52, a 30. Wounded, 52, b 30
  • Cawmils woon by the English 363, b 10
  • Cesius Nasica entred with an armie into Gallowaie, 51, a 50
  • Ceuline king of west Saxons slaine, 110, b 20
  • Chaire of marble described, hath a fatall destinie, 30, a 60. Conue [...]d into England and placed in Westminster, 213, a 10. Remooued from Argile in|to Gowre, in the place called Scone, 132, b 50
  • Challenge made of the lard of Grange, 403, a 50. Made by the lard of Grange, against the lord Eoore, 363, b 60
  • Chancellor, the office, name, and originall thereof, 421, b 40
  • Chancellors their catalog, 449, b 10
  • Charanach king of Picts, 52, a 40
  • Chatalon in Touraine deliue|red to the Scots, 258, b 30
  • Chesholme Iohn commeth out of France, [...]03, a 60.
  • Christ Iesus his birth, 45, b 10
  • Christians: ¶ Sée Constanti|us and Dioclesian.
  • Christmas bankets resembling the feasts of Bacchanalia, 102, a 40
  • Chronicles & other books bur|ned, 212, b 40
  • Church inriched & the crowne impouerished: note, 183, a 50 Cathedrall of Murrie burnt, 251, b 20
  • Churches repared, 167, b 30 Indowed by king William, 193, a 60
  • Churchmen fauoured, 90, b 50 107, b 10 Their liuings de|manded, 378, b 10
  • Claudius emperor commeth in|to Britaine, 46, a 10
  • Claudius temple builded, 48, b 10. At Colchester, 212, b 60
  • Clemencie of Iames the fourth vnto rebels and murtherers. 287, b 30
  • Clere sir Iohn slaine in the ile of Orkn [...], 364, a 20.
  • Clergieman slaine and what seuere execution insued, 196, a 50. ¶ Sée Churchmen, Fere|deth, and Préests.
  • Cneus Trebellius appointed in Agricola his place. 59, a 60
  • Cobois capteine. 350, a 10
  • Coilus his subtiltie, entred in|to Scotland with an armie, slaine, and his armie discom|fited, 34, a 30, &c. b 20
  • Coine imbased, 283, a 60
  • Colchester, 48, a 60, b 10
  • Colgerne a Saxon is sent for by Occa, 100, a 60. Landeth in Northumberland, b 10, Created duke of Northum|berland, 101, a 20. Reprooueth Loth, is run through by his aduersarie, 102, b 40, 60
  • Colman conuerted the Saxons, 114, b 50. Erected a monaste|rie, 115, a 60. Gouernor of Marre, a wise counsellor, his oration before king Achaius: note, 120, b 60
  • Colmekill, 84, b 30
  • Colmes inch Ile w [...]me by the English, 343, b 30
  • Combat in a case of treason, 180, b 10. ¶ Sée Iusts.
  • Com [...]t. ¶ See Blasing star.
  • Commissioners sent into Eng|land, 401, a 60
  • Commotion against Aruira|gus, 46, b 40. Betweene the earls of Murrie and Hunt|le [...], 304, a 20. In Scotland, 156, a 30: note the end, a 30, 40. ¶ Sée Angus, Uariance.
  • Composition vnwise, 216, b 50
  • Compostella ¶ Sée Brigantia.
  • Conanus chosen king of Scot|land, persecuteth offenders, renounceth the estate, 39, b 10, &c. Giuen to excessiue glutto|nie, conspired against, com|mitted to close kéeping, his officers punished, 63, a 10, &c. Dieth, 63, b 60
  • Conanus Camber counselleth the Britons to séeke peace with the Scots, and slaine a|mongst them, 87, b 20, &c. 50. Goeth about to persuade his countrie to breake the peace with the Scots and Picts, 89, b 60
  • Concubine ¶ Sée Daisie.
  • Concupiscence, 118, b 20
  • Confession of a murthering quéene: note, 118, a 20
  • Congall vpon conditions cou [...]|nanteth to aid the Britons, 96, a 50. Promised to aid the Picts, 93, b 20. His exhorta|tion to the Scots, 95, a 50 Wounded but yet escapeth, 95, b 10. Deceaseth, 99, a 10
  • Conranus generall of the Scots, 98, a 40. Maried Ada the daughter of Aurelius, 98, b 60. King of Scots main|teineth good order, present at assises, 99, a 10, &c. Murthe|red in his bedchamber by tre|son, 104, b 30
  • Conscience guiltie of a tyrant, 172, b 30. Troublesome, 70, b 40. A hellish torment, 158, a 10 &c. Accuseth a man, 151, a 50.
  • Conspiracie of people against their king, 40, b 40. Of the Scotish lords against Iames the third, 286, b 40. Of lords against Robert Bruse king: note the issue, 223, a 10. Of the commons of Britane against their nobles, 90, a 60. Of Scotish lords against Ro|macus, 74, b 50. Against Cõ|rane, 104, a 40. Against king Ethus, 140, a 20. Against king Constantine and the same executed, 137, b 30, 40. Of Ferquhard: and note the end thereof, 37, a 60. Agréed vpon by indenture, 213, a 40 Discouered, 50. The parties examined, 60. Their end: note 214, a 10, 20, &c. It and mur|ther, 62, b 50, 60. ¶ Sée Per|sies and Treson.
  • Conspirators of king Iames the first his death, 266, b 10, &c. Search made for them, their execution, 267, b 10, 20, &c. Drowned and otherwise reprochfullie executed: note, 167, a 60. Put to a most horri|ble death: note, 147, b 10. Dis|couered and pardoned: note, 177, a 20
  • Constantie of the Picts when they were besieged, 131, b 60
  • Constantine aspired vnto the crowne, 158, b 60. Crowned by force of fréends, 159, a 10. In armes against Mal|colme and Kenneth, 159, a 60, EEBO page image 749 b 10, &c. Assembleth a mightie armie, 138, a 60. Proceedeth against his enimies, b 60. Is slaine, 160, a 10
  • Constantine crowned king of Scots at Scone, 137, a 30. He would faine recouer his predecessors losses, he deui|seth a reformation of disor|ders, 40, 50, &c. Conspired a|gainst, b 20. And the conspi|rators executed, 40
  • Constantine placeth his soldi|ors and incourageth them. 139, a 30. He is taken & mur|thered, 60, b 10
  • Constantine proclamed king of Britaine, 81, a 10. Slaine, 81, b 60
  • Constantine proclamed heire apparent and prince of Bri|taine, 105, a 60. Crowned king of Britaine, 107, a 10. Forsaketh his earthlie king|dome in hope of the heauen|lie, entereth into religion, 107, a 40. Murthered, 50
  • Constantine the first, king of Scots, nothing like his vn|cle in noble conditions, 91, b 30, &c. Slaine by one whose daughter he had rauished, 92, a 10
  • Constantine the third, king of Scots beginneth his reigne 145, b 20. Becõmeth a canon, 146, b 10. His decease, 30
  • Constantius a moonke elected of Britaine, 92, a 40. Mur|thered, 50
  • Constantius persecuteth the Christians, 73, a 30. ¶ Sée Dioclesian.
  • Contention about the inioieng of the sée of saint Andrews, 303, a 30. Betwéene earles and other states, 306, b 20, 307, a 30. Betwéene kinsmen for the crowne, 204, b 30. ¶ Sée Dissention.
  • Conuall elected king of Scots, his deuotion to the crosse, 107, a 60. Towards church|men, b 10. And churches, 20. Deceas [...]th, 108, a 30
  • Conuall succéedeth Achaius, and is king of Scots, decea|seth, 125, a 40
  • Corbreid king of Scots, 50, b 10. His thrée sonnes, 53, a 30. Deceaseth, 53, a 10. ¶ S [...] Gald.
  • Cormach bishop of Dublin went to king Gregorie about peace, 144, a 10
  • Cornelius and his huge armie, 143, b 10. He is sore woun|ded, 40
  • Cornewall castell woone, 344, b 60
  • Corpus Christi least first insti|tuted, 198, a 60
  • Cotten capteine of Inskith, 350, b 50
  • Couetousnesse hath a pretense, 114, a 20. The root of all mis|chiefe, 175, a 50. Linked with crueltie, 118, b 30
  • Councell held at London, 92, b 60. Without the cleargie, 377, b 60. Called by Con|stantine the third, 146, a 60 ¶ Sée Parlement.
  • Counsell graue taketh place, 136, a 50. Good of graue men despised, 128, a 30. Euill of a wicked woman followed with destruction: note, 150, a 60, &c. Ill of a woman to reuenge, &c: note, 156, a 60. Good of capteins not regar|ded, 300, b 60
  • Coun [...]sse of Leneux borne, 303, b 60. ¶ Sée Margaret, and Leneux.
  • Crab a pirat and a [...]eueller: note, 232, a 10
  • Craftsmen brought into Scot|land to instruct the people, &c. 39, a 10, &c.
  • Cragmiller prouost of Eden|burgh, 387, b 50
  • Cranestane capteine ouer|throwne, 437, a 20
  • Crathlint chéefe conspirator to the murthering of Donald, procureth the nobles to op|presse the seruants of Do|nald, 70, b 60. Reioiseth to heare that Carantius was aliue, resolueth to aid him and so certifieth him, cõme [...]h to a communication with the king of Scots, 72, a 40, 50, 60. Made king of Scots, his politike gouernment, go|eth to hunt, promiseth to ob|serue the ancient amitie be|twixt the Scots and Picts, 71, a 20, &c. Destroieth the temples of God and man, 73, a 30. Dieth, 50. Causeth a commotion, instigated to re|uenge, 156, a 60. Taken and executed, b 30, 40
  • Creichton William a Scot im|prisoned in England, 436, a 60
  • Cressingham Hugh regent of Scotland, 208, b 50
  • Crosse called the Blacke crosse, 177, b 50
  • Crosse called the Roicrosse: note 187, [...] 40
  • Crowdan what it signifieth note, 167, b 10
  • Crowne of Scotland changed, 35, b 60. Intaled, 221, a 10. An act for the succession thereof, 225, a 60, 245, b 40. ¶ Sée An|gusianus, Contention, Scot|land.
  • Crueltie of the Scots, 88, a 10, 132, a 50. 131, a 20. Of Sum|merleid, 185, b 50. Of Mak|beth, 174, b 40. Of Britons extreme, 107, a 20. In Warre, 237, a 30, 40. Of a théese to a widow, 263, b 60. Barbarous and vnnaturall: note, 278, b 30, &c. Of one brother to ano|ther, 205, a 10. Of rebels, 186, b 50. Caused through feare, 174, a 40. ¶ Sée Britons, Danes, Makbeth, Sweno, Théeues.
  • Culen crowned king, requireth publike praiers to be had, his oth, 151, a 20, &c. Continued not as his beginning was 152, a 30. His lewd and wic|ked inclination, 40, &c. He is murthered, 60
  • Cullen capteine taken, 403, a 20
  • Cumberland inuaded, 249, a 10
  • It & Westmerland do homage vnto England, 147, a 60
  • Cumin Dau [...]. ¶ Sée Erle of Atholl, Bruse.
  • Cumins kindred when they had their beginning, 182, b 30, 40. Complained of and put to the horne, 198, a 20. Great of power and honor: note, 198, a 30

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