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  • ZOoch aduertiseth sir William Pelham lord iustice of the lord Greie his arriuall, 169. 50. He serueth vpon the Spa|niards at Smereweke, 171. 58. He is gouernor at Kerrie and Desmond, 172. 10. A sickenesse fell in his campe at Dingham, 174. 48. He is go|uernor of Mounster, 175. 20. He killeth sir Iohn of Des|mond, 175. 30. He serueth noblie vpon Barrie, and re|ceiueth him to protection, 176. 20 He maketh a iourneie vpon Fitzmoris of Lexna, and prei|eth his countrie, 176. 50. He receiueth a new supplie of souldiers, 177. 20. He retur|neth into England, 177. 4

The fourth table seruing for the description and historie of Scotland; conteining iust directions to memorable obseruations both of names and matters: gathered by Abraham Fleming.

The first number noteth the page, the second the line, a the first columne, b the second.


  • ABbat of Ferne burnt, 316, a 40 Of Kilooinning slaine, 403, a 26. Of Culrie mur|thered. 317, b 40
  • Abbtie of Charterhouse moonks built, 265, a 50
  • Abbeies founded, 193, b 60, 190 a 40, 182, a 60, 187, b 10, &c. 183. a 10, 198, b 10. Giuen by vnlawfull meanes, 282, a 10. In Englishmens hands, 209 a 40
  • Aberden towne burned by the English, 236, b 60
  • Abircorne wall and the manner how built, 86, b 50. Ouer|throwne, 87, a 10, 30
  • Achatus king of Scotland, ma|keth the nobles agree, 120, a 10, 20. Deceaseth, 125, a 10, 20
  • Acho king of Norwaie landed in Albion, 198, b 30, 50. The cause of his comming into Scotland, 199 a 60, b 10. His demands & exhortation to his people, 60. His nephue slaine, 200, a 60. The losse of his ships and mariners, his flight into Orkencie, b 10, &c. Pre|pareth to make a new inuasi|on, but dieth before his pro|uision wasreadie, 200, b 60
  • Acon. ¶ See Acres.
  • Acres besieged, 191, b 30
  • Ada the daughter of Aurelius and wife to Conranus, 98, b 60
  • Adelstan entred into Deira, 123, b 50. Pursueth Hungus, his cruell proclamation, doth chal|lenge his enimies, is slaine, 124, a 10, &c. His buriall, 124, b 30 ¶ See Athelstane.
  • Adders without hurt, 192, a 50
  • Adrian the emperour prepareth to go into Britaine, transpor|ted, findeth nothing abrode in the countrie of his enimies, beginneth to make a wall for safegard of the Britons, com|meth to London, 62, [...] 10, &c, b 10, &c. His wall vndermined and ouerthrowne, 88, a 10
  • Ag [...]tha and Christine renounce the world, 178, b 60
  • Agneda. ¶ See Edenburgh, 35 a 50
  • Agricola inuadeth Leneux, re|turneth to Pictland, pursu|eth his enterprise against the Scots, 56, a 20, &c. His name dredfull to the Scots and Picts, 65, a 10. Maketh a bridge, &c. Passeth with his host, and incampeth neere the foot of the mountein of Granz|berie, 58, a 20, 30. Commeth to the succor of his men, 57, a 30. Discomfiteth his enimies, 40. Sendeth foorth his nauie of ships to discouer the fur|thest point of Britaine north|ward, 57, b 60. Subdueth Angus and wintereth there, certified of the mischance of his na [...]e, 59, a 30. He is sent for to Rome, 50
  • Aidan commeth to the king|dome of Scots by surrender. 108, b 10. Appointeth sessi|ons to be kept yearlie in three parts of the realme, in wars against Brudeus. 50, 60. Re|prooued, repenteth, 109, a 10. His diligence to resist his eni|mies, 110, a 30. Departeth this life, b 50
  • Aire castell besieged and woone, 198, b 30
  • Alarike. ¶ See Athaulfe.
  • Albian a noble man his oration. 121, b 20
  • Albren the sepulture or graue of Danes, 164
  • Albions and Saxons incoun|ter, 98, a 60
  • Ale sold by weight, 192, b 60. It and wine by the pound, 168, a 10
  • Alleluia. ¶ See Germane.
  • Alexander king of Scotland his valiancie. 200, a 40. with his wife came to London, 202, b 20. Goeth into England, 196 b 60. Commanded of the pope, 196, a 50. Married, 203 a 50. To the daughter of the lord Coucie, 194, a 10. His answer to a legats message, 202, a 20. His wisedome prai|sed, 40. Taken by the Cu|mins, 198, a 30. Set at liber|tie, 50. In armes against the Danes and Norwegians, b 30, &c. In battell against king Acho of Norwaie, 199, 20, &c. His manhood, his death and buriall, 182, a 10, b 30
  • Alexander the fierce crowned king: note, 181, b 30
  • Alexander the second crowned king, 194, a 10. He passeth to London, 40. He is accused, 60 Returneth into his countrie, b 10. In armes against the English, 30, 40, &c. Decea|seth, 197, b 10
  • Alexander the third crowned, an interview betwixt the king of England and him, 197, b 10, 60. His lawes, 204, a 10, &c. His sudden and strange death 203, a 60
  • Alexander prince of Scotland maried, 202, b 60. His death, 203, a 10
  • Alexander of the Iles arrested, 263, a 50. Commeth to the king and asketh pardon, 262.
  • Alexander Canon a valiant man: note, 182, a 30, 40
  • Alpine crowned king of Scots, inuadeth Pictland, 126, b 10, 20. Refuseth anie treatie of peace, 127, a 60. The incamp|ing of his armie, b 50, Con|strained by the noble [...] maketh vpon him to be crowned king, 125, a 50. Unwilling to re|ceiue it, fled. 60. Ioifullie re|ceiued of Dongall, 60. His ex|cuse, b 10. Taken by his eni|mies and after beheaded, 128, a 10. His head stolne and so|lemnlie buried with the bodie, 128, a 60
  • Alured sent ambassadours to king Gregorie about a peace, 142, b 10. ¶ Sée Etheldred.
  • Ambassadors into Denmarke, 281, a 60, b 10. Into Eng|land, 330, b 60, 378, b 40, 376 a 64, 457, a 60, 381, a 40. Out of England, 409, b 30. Into Scotland, 449, a 8. Out of England into Scot|land, 410, a 30. Out of France, 410, a 30, 410, a 50. Into England, 443, b 10. Out of England into Scot|land, 443, b 53. Into France to consummate the mariage of Marie queene of Sco [...]s to the Dolphin, 372, a 30. From and into France, 305, a 50. Out of France into England, 374, a 50. Out of England to Scotland, 374, a 60. From the king of France, 383, b 40. Out of England, 384, a 10. Out of France, 436, a 40. Out of Scotland into France 436, a 50. Into France, 318, b 50. To the king of Romans 286, b 10. From Spaine, 289, b 60. From Swethen, 380, b 60. Slaine, 164, a 30
  • Ambition. ¶ See Makbeth.
  • Ambi [...]keleth king of Scots turned from vertue to licen|tiousnesse, gathereth an ar|mie 116, b 30, 50, &c. His death. 117. a 10
  • Amphibalus, 73, a 60
  • Analassus hath Northumber|land giuen him, 147, a 10 Fled into Westmerland, rifled the Ile of Man, and got him into Ireland, 147. a 30. ¶ See Norwegians.
  • Angle [...] inuaded by Sueto|nius, 52, b 60
  • Angus erle commeth into Eng|land 438. Returned into Scotland, 446. Entereth Setrling, 448, a 30. Sent into Scotland, 330, b 30. Com|mitted to ward, 333, b 20. His dissimulation, 345, b 60. Put to flight, 346, a 10. For| [...]alted and attainted by par|lement, 310, b 10. ¶ See Earle.
  • Angus the thane of Gallowaie raiseth a commotion, discom|fited, besieged, yeeldeth, be|commeth a canon, 186, b 20, &c.
  • Angusianus with vpright dea|ling purchaseth the more friendship, vanquished, pro|clamed king, 74, b 10, &c, 60. He, Fethelmacus, and Ro|maens sons to three seuerall brethren pretend right to the estate, 74, a 60. Sueth for feare, 75, 60. In armes, b 10. Slaine, 20
  • Annand deliuered vnto the go|uernour, 393, a 60. The church vndermined, 344, 30. Blowne vp with powder, 344, a 50
  • Antoninusin hope to be emperor concludeth a peace with the enimies, 67, b 50
  • Antwerpe, the Scotish house there builded, 220, a 60
  • Anwicke castle w [...]ne by the English, 179, b 30
  • Archbishop resigneth, 283, b, 60. Abused, depriued, put in pri|son, 282, b 10. &c. Sent vnto Rome, 284 b 50.
  • Archbishop of Glascow dieth, 292 b 10, 30. Of S. Andrews executed 402. b 10. Deceaseth, 308, a 20.
  • Archbishops striue for prehemi|nence, 288, a 60. Of S. An|drewes their catalog, 455. a 34
  • Argadus is sent forth to appre|hend rebels, 64 a 20. Created lord president of the councell, 10. Chosen to gouerne Scot|land, vpright, rebuked, confes|seth his faults, permitted to continue in his office, and a|mendeth his former misgo|uernment, 63, b 10, &c. Slaine by ambush, 65, b, 60.
  • Argathelia when first so named, 31. b 50
  • Argile, for Argathile, 84, b. 20. The earle at dissention with earle Huntleie, 374, a, 10. In|fested by the Iland men, 65, b 50. ¶ See Argath [...]lia.
  • Argentine sir Giles knight slaine in fight: note, 219, b 6 [...]
  • EEBO page image 747 Arrane earle would exchange lands, with Morton, 437. b 30. Flieth, 448, a 20. Brea|keth his faith, 332, a 60. ¶ See Erle.
  • Arthur the great whose sonne, 99, b 40. Proclamed king of Britaine, 101, b 10. Goeth foorth against the Saxons, raiseth a power against the Picts, 20. Returneth to Lon|don, 102, a 10. Discomfiteth the Saxons, vseth victorie with gentlenes, 20. Causeth churches to be repared, pur|poseth to destroie the whole race of the Saxons in Albi|on, his badge, his exhortation to his people, 103, a 10, 20, &c. Upon conditions receiueth the Saxons vpon their sub|mission, 103 a 10. His victori|ous conquests, 105, a 10, 20. His mumficence, 104, a 30. He with thirtie thousand Britains slaine, 106, b 10
  • Arthurs hoife: note, 212, b 60.
  • Arthur prince deceasseth, 294, a 10
  • Aruiragus sendeth messengers to Uespasian, 48, a 20. Gi|ueth his enimies an ouer|throw, 46, a 60. Reuolteth, 47, a 60. Would disherit his owne, children which he had by Uoada, promised aid to the Britons, 46, b 30, 40, 60. Re|stored to his former dignitie, 48, a 30. Forsaketh his law|full wife, 46, a 40
  • Athaulfe and [...]arike kings of Goths, 81, a 60
  • Atholl assigned to the Picts, 83, a 30. The earle made lord chancellor, 421. b 30
  • Athelstane base sonne to king Edward against the Scots, 146, a 30. Tooke Northum|berland, 146, a 50. ¶ See Adelstane.
  • Athirco king of Scots regar|deth not his nobles, abuseth a noble mans daughter, 68, a 50, 60. Conspired against, b 10. Killeth himselfe, 30
  • Augustinus and Mellitus sent into Albion, 110, b 60
  • Aulus Didius commeth into Britaine, 51, a 10. Dieth at London, 51, b 40
  • Aulus Uictorinus lieutenant of Britaine, 62, b 20
  • Aurelius Ambrose purposeth warres against the Saxons, 97, b 60. His oration, 98, a 20. Proclamed king of Britaine, 30. Hasteth foorth to London, by whose means he got the victorie an himselfe confesseth b 20, 40. He and Uter, sonnes to king Constantine, 95, b 40. Falleth sicke of a consumpti|on, deceaseth, 99, a 50, b 10
  • Authoritie. ¶ See Magi|strates.

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