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  • VAlens Iouinus master of the horsses, 73, b 50
  • Ualentia a part of Britaine, 73, b 30
  • Ualentians, now Romans, 74, a 60
  • Ualentinus vanished into Bri|taine, his wicked practises, 73, a 60. Rescueth & succoreth the distressed Britains, 70, b 10. Put in danger by Maxi|mus, 68, b 30. Slaine, 83, b 30
  • Ualeria adioining to [...], 73, a 60. Now Stier|marke, 73, a 60
  • Ualiantnesse of Edoll with a hedgestake, 82, a 10. Of a Ro|mane ensignebearer, 25, a 40. Of Siward euen at his death, 192, a 30, b 60
  • Uannes in Armorica, now Britaine in France, 24, a 50
  • Ubba and Hungar two Danish capteins and cruell of nature, 142, b 60
  • Uellocatus a squire marrieth quéene Cartimanda, hir hus|band Uenut [...]us being reiec|ted, 40, b 50
  • Venedocia now Northwales, 27, a 30
  • Uengeance. ¶ Sée Reuenge.
  • Uenutius a skilfull British capteine, reiected of his wife, his acts and déeds, 40, b 30
  • Uerannius his purpose against Britaine preuented by death, 41, a 60
  • Verolamium a towne of great fame in the daies of Uoa|dicia, 45, a 10
  • Uespasian sent by Claudius in|to Britaine & where he arri|ued, 36, b 30. He is dead, 51, a 20
  • Uffa a Saxon & his dominion in Britaine, 87, a 20
  • Uictorie wauering and incon|stant, 80, a 30. Abused with ex|cessiue crueltie, 45, a 10. Of the EEBO page image 735 Britains against the legion of Ma [...]ius Ualens, 40, b 10. Of Marius against the Picts in|grauen vpon a stone in place where it was gotten, 47, a 50. Of Ostorius against Cara|take: note, 39, a 50, 60. Of Os|w [...]s vow if he might obteine it against the enimie, 118, b 40. Notable against the Saxons, by the conduct of a British ar|mie vnder two bishops, 83, a 20. Abused by Swaine, 172, b 60
  • U [...]tius U [...]lanus lieutenant of Britaine. 46, b 20
  • Uies. 15, b 30. ¶ Sée Malmes|burie.
  • Uigenius and Peredurus reigne [...] as kings, 21, b 30
  • Uikillus gouernour of North|folke killeth a great manie of the Danes, 169, a 10
  • Uirgine & yet a wife, 125, a 50. Of Friswide hir withstanding of prince Algar, 133, b 60, 134, a 10 Of Ireland called Modwen, renowmed, 142, a 30
  • Uirginitie of the daughter saued by the losse of the maids: note, 160, b 60
  • Uision of Dunstane, 157, b 40. Telling hun of king Edreds death, 158, b 10. Of K. Edgar a litle before his death, 161, a 60. Appearing to Edwin, 108, a 40. Of Egwin bishop of Worce|ster, 128, a 60. Of Augustine the moonke. ¶ Sée Dreame.
  • Uitalianus pope, 120, a 20
  • Vitae. ¶ Sée Iutes.
  • Uipius Marcellus lientenant in Britaine verie watchfull: note, 53, b 10
  • Ulysses in Britaine, 6, b 50
  • Ungust king of Picts, 131, b 20
  • Uniuersitie. ¶ See Cambridge.
  • Unkindnesse of Leirs daughters to their father, 13, a 60
  • Unthankefulnesse to God puni|shed, 111, a 60
  • Uoadicia the wife of Aruiragus beaten of the Romane souldi|ers, 42, a 60. Described, with the pithie spéech that she made to the Britains against the Romans, 43, all 44 Hir daugh|ters cruc [...]ie abused at the Ro|mans hands, 45, a 60. Chosen of the Britans to be their cap|teine against the Romans, 42, b 60. Hir death doubtfull, 45, b 60
  • Uortigerns ambition to reigne & rule, 77, a 10. Chosen K. of Bri|taine, 77, a 60. A meane that Constantius the moonke was made king, 76, b 50. Depriued of roialtie by his people, 79, b 60 Forsaketh his wife to marrie Ronix a Saxonish damsell, 79, a 60. Welcommeth the Saxons in Britaine, 78, a 60. Taken prisoner by Hengist & how re|leased, 82, a 10 Put in feare of his vsurped estate, 77, b 50, 78, a 10. Busie in building a castell, 84, a 10, Much giuen to sensu|all lust, 79, a 40. Restored to his kingdome, 81, b 10. Incestuous & lewd of life, 84, a 20. Burned to deth within a castell, 84, a 20
  • Uortimer succéedeth Uortigerne as king of Britaine, 79, b 60. He is made king, 80, a 60
  • Uortimer restored religion a [...]ter he had vanquished the Sax|ons, 81, a 60 Imbattelled a|gainst the Saxons, 80, b 10. Noble victories against Sax|ons, 80, b 10. Poisoned by his mother in law Ronix, 80, b 40
  • Uortiporus king of Britains, his exploits, & Gyldas excla|mations against him, 95, b 60
  • Uow of chastitie inuolablie kept 125, a 50. Of Ceadwalla if he might get & conquer the Ile of Wight, 124, b 50. Of Ethel|wulfe whereof the pope absol|ued him, 140, a 30, That Oswie made, if he might haue victorie, performed, 118, a 40, 60
  • Usurie by the Romans inforced vpon the Britons, 42, b 10
  • Uter why surnamed Pendragon 87, b 10. Made K. of Britaine, 87, b 10. Encountereth Pas|centius and his aids & killeth them, 85, a 10. Falleth in loue with ladie Igwarne another mans wife, 88, a 20. Goeth into Ireland, and incountreth Gal|lomanus, 84, b 60 His decease, 88, b 10. ¶ Sée Aurelius Am|brose, 77, a 40
  • Utred deliuered pledges vnto Cnute and put to death not|withstanding, 174, b 60
  • U [...]frea son of Edwin, 111, a 50
  • Uulshere king of Mercies his acts & déeds, 119, a 10. A great furtherer of religion, he dieth, 121, a 10


  • WAde a duke conspirator of Ethelberts deth. 137, a 10
  • Walbrooke in London whie so called, 57, a 10
  • Waldhere bishop of London, 122, a 60
  • Wales destroied and harried by the Englishmen, 193, b 10
  • Walius brooke. ¶ Sée Walbrooke.
  • Warre is to be begun with prai|er: example, 111, b 60
  • Warre & famine signified, 135, a 60
  • Wars ciuill fiftie yeares in Bri|taine, 15, a 10. Among the Bri|tains, 97, b 60. Decaied the force of the Britains, 71, a 10. Betwéene the British kings, 98, b 40. Betwixt K. Cuthred and one of his earls, 131, a 20. In Edriks time, 126, a 10. Be|twéene Ethelard and Oswald, 129, a 10. Betwéene Madred & Constantine for succession to the crowne, 94, a 50. Among the Englishmen, 137, a 20. Be|twéene the kings of Northum|berland, 115, a 60. By a wo|mans meanes, 40, b 40. Ceased betwéene the Britains and Romans by quéene Genissas meanes, 36, b 50
  • Warwikeshire wasted by the Danes, 174, b 30
  • Wassaill what it signifies, 79, a 60
  • Watchword of treason. Nempt your sexes, 81, b 50
  • Watlingstreet. ¶ Sée Highwaies.
  • Wednesday why so named, 79, a 10
  • Weights. ¶ Sée Measures.
  • Wellowin, where great slaugh|ter of Danes did begin 168, a 40
  • Welshmen obteined victorie a|gainst the Englishmen, 192, b 20. Rising in armes, were al|waies subdued, 188, a 40. Whense they tooke their name, 126, b 40. Preuent a slander, 188, b 60. Their kings in the dais of Edgar, 159, b 30. Io [...]ne with the Danes & are vanqui|sh [...]d, 139, a 40, Rebell against Edgar and are subdued, 161, a 40. Good seruice against the Romans, 27, b 10. Are the verie Britons in déed, 90, a 50. Agrée to paie their accustomed tribut to England, 193, b 10. Ouer|throwne in battell, 131, a 20
  • Werefredus bishop of Worcester, 149, a 10
  • Werintans. ¶ Sée Thuringers.
  • Werlamchester, now saint Al|bons, 62, a 10
  • Westmaria, now Westmerland, 47, a 50
  • Westmerland of whome first na|med, 47, a 50
  • Westminster church built, 52, a 60 By whom builded, vncerteine, 102, b 10
  • Westsaxons conuerted vnto the faith, 114, b 10. Their conquest or victories, 138, b 20. Their kings and of whom descended, 95, a 50. They would not iet their wiues be called queenes, 136, a 20 Haue the whole mo|narchie of the land, 127, a 40. Their progenie ceased in Ed|ward the third, 19 [...], b 50. Their kingdome vnder whome it be|gan, 87, a 40. 89, b 30. Subiect to two, 124, b 10, 105, a 20. Kent & Essex annexed to that king|dome, 139, b 30
  • Wichstred king of Kent dieth lea|uing issue thrée sons, 129, b 40
  • Wife and yet a virgin, 125, a 50, 154, b 20
  • Wife forsaken: note, 79, a 60. Not to be forsaken without cause: note danger, 136, b 60. Faith|lesse and adulterous exemplifi|ed, 40, b 40, Louing to hir hus|band, 5, b 60. 133, b 30. Loued with dotage, 79, b 50
  • Wife of Berne a noble man raui|shed, bred much mischiefe, 144, b 20
  • Wiues twentie and one had E|branke, 11, b 60
  • Wighart a préest well séene in the scriptures, 119, b 60. Dieth of the pestilence, 120, a 10
  • Wight Ile conquered by Cead|walla, 124, b 50. Subdued to the Romans, 36, b 60. Conque|red by Uulthere, 119, a 30. Re|ceiueth the faith, 124, b 60
  • Wightam towne in Essex built, 151, a 50
  • Wilfeketell. ¶ Sée Uikillus.
  • Wilfrid the second archbishop of Canturburie, 129, a 50
  • W [...]frid archbishop of yorke, 120, a 60. How far his iurisdiction extended, 121, a 30
  • Wilfrid bishop of Northumbers, 119, b 10
  • Wilfrid by licence of king Edel|walke preacheth the gospell to them of Sussex, 123, a 10. Taught the Southsaxons to catch fishes with [...]ts, 123, a 50 What part of the Ile of Wight kin [...] Ceadwalla gaue him, 124, b 50. Deposed for disobedience, 122, a 50. Banished, 122, b 60. A long time in exile now re|stored, 125, b 50. A bréefe re|hearsall of him, 129, a 40
  • Wilfrid a yoong damsell defloured of king Edgar, 160, b [...]0
  • William bishop of London bani|shed, 191, a 20
  • William the poore bishop of Ro|chester, 122, b 50
  • William duke of Normandie ai|deth Edward the third going to take sea into England, 186, b 40. ¶ Sée Duke.
  • Wilnot a Sussex gentleman an enimie to king Egelred, 169, b 10
  • Wilton spoiled by the Danes, 168, b 60
  • Winchester called Caerguent, 12, b 30. Destroied by the Daues, 144, b 10. The church where the bishops sée of all that pro|uince was then placed, by whõ builded, 121, b [...]0, 122, a 10
  • Win [...] a kind of strange people l [...]ie at Futham, 147, a 50
  • Wine blustering that ouerthrew c [...]es. 135, a 60
  • Wine forbidden moonks an [...] at last granted, 133, a 10
  • Win [...] bishop admitted by king Chenwald & expelled againe, 115, b 60
  • Winnebert a traitorous murthe|rer of his lord and master, 133, b 20
  • Wipets field in Kent and when fought, 86, b 30
  • Withred king of Kent after se|uen yeares vacancie, 126, a 10
  • Woden an ancient prince of the Saxon kings pedegrée, 78, b 60, 79, a 10. His three sonnes, [...] what kings of Britaine des|cended of them, 95, a 50
  • Wolthere archbishop of Nor|thumbers, 150, a 10
  • Wolstan archbishop of yo [...]ke, 156, a 50. Imprisoned by king Edred, 158, a 60
  • Woman not without a miscief|ous practise, 80, b 40. Wicked counsell, 133, b 10. Good coun|sell, 104, b 50. Persuasion wor|keth much, 159, a 20. De [...]fc to make hir husband forsake the world, 128, a 10. Gouernment ouer the Westsax [...]ns, 122 a 10, Commended, 19, b 60. Wisdome praiseworthie, 179, b 30
  • Women in a strange maner of ha|bit and at [...]re, 41, b 40. Bear [...] rule in Britaine, 11, b 30, 13, b 50. Restreined of their great and supreme titles, 136, a 20. They as well as men admit|ted to publike gouernment a|mong the Britains, 42, b 60. Their rule disdained, 40, b 60
  • Women with child taught a les|son of continence by Elfleda, 148, a 60. To be baptised and purified: note, 101, b 40. What parents should doo when they haue a child brought into the world, 107, b 60, 108, a 10
  • Wonder of crosses that fell from heauen signifieng affliction, 135, b 50
  • Wonders strange séene import an alteration of the state, 196, b 10 and propheticall, 42, b 30
  • Woods cut downe in Angleseie by Suetonius, &c. 41, b 50
  • Words faire make fooles saine to their smart, 132, a 10. Not lightlie to be trusted, 136, b 50. Bréed displeasure, 161, b 50. Ill taken and breed hatred: note, 40, a 10. Bréed wounds and slaughter, 30, b 30. The price of life: note. 155, b 20
  • Wrestling en ancient exercise, 10, b 40

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