Compare 1577 edition: 1 These were the acts and dooings of king Dorua|dille, who in the 28 yéere of his reigne departed this world at Beregonium, now called Dunstafage, lea|uing behind him a sonne called Reuther as yet not of sufficient age to succéed in the estate. By reason whereof Nothatus the brother of Doruadille, a man Nothatus. of comelie personage and wit, apt (as was thought) to haue a realme in gouernance, was crowned king by force of law aboue remembred, debarring children vnder age to inherit the succession of the crowne.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 THis Nothatus had vneath reigned two yéeres, when all the people began to crie out vpon him, Nothatus for such tyrannicall parts as he practised as well a|gainst the meane estates as the high. And for somuch as he being admonished of his duetie, and required to reforme certeine dishonorable vsages by him ex|ercised, he would giue no eare thereto: therefore one Brigantia, now called as the Scots say Galloway. Doualus gouernor of Brigantia, conspiring with other nobles of the realme to depose him, intised Reuther king Doruadilles sonne, to take part with them, and to claime the crowne as due to him by des|cent from his father. And so assembling a companie of their faction sufficient for their enterprise, they en|tered the palace where Nothatus lay, and after rea|soning with him of certeine points touching his mis|gouernment in the estate, diuers of their companie not tarieng till they were commanded, rashlie fell Nothatus murdered. vpon him, and murthered him togither with diuers of such nobles and gentlemen, as they knew to be enimies to Doualus and his friends.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 AFter this they proclaimed Reuther king, and crowned him with all due solemnitie, diuers of Reuther. the nobles of the realme being highlie displeased Reuther crow+ned king. Diuers lords offended. therewith, for that they iudged it not onelie a great offense to haue the king thus traitoroustie murthe|red, but also saw hereby the ancient ordinance of choosing their king through consent of the people, to be broken by the wicked attempt of a priuat person, & an vnskilfull yoong man aduanced to the crowne, contrarie to the decree of an autentike law. Among other one Ferquhard the sonne in law of Nothatus Nouantia. gouernor of Lorne and Cantir, called an assemblie I conspiracie of Ferquhard against Do|ualus. Ferquhard fled into Ila. of the people, and began to declare what enormities were like to insue through this tyrannicall attempt of Doualus. Doualus hearing whereabout Fer|quhard went, hastilie came to the place where this as|semblie was made, and there sleaing diuers of the chiefe, he did put Ferquhard also in great hazard of his life, who by flieng yet escaped his hands, and got him ouer into the Ile of Ila, whither resorted vnto him diuers of the nobles (that fauored not Douale) with a great number of the commons.