Compare 1577 edition: 1 BUt now to my purpose. After Feritharis with Feritharis the full consent of all the people was thus elec|ted king, he was inthronized with all solemnitie in receiuing his kinglie ornaments, as his two edged A two edged sword. sword, his scepter roiall, and his crowne of gold fa|shioned in forme of a rampire made for defense of a towne or fortresse, signifieng that he tooke vpon him to preserue the libertie of his countrie, to sée offen|dors dulie punished, and the execution of lawes with equall punishment trulie ministred.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 These ornaments of inuesture remained vnto the Scotish kings, without being in anie point chan|ged, till the daies of Achaius king of Scotland, who establishing a perpetuall league with Charles the The crowne changed. great, emperour and king of France, to indure for euer betwéene the Scots and Frenchmen, added vnto the crowne foure flower de lices, togither with foure crostets, diuided in sunder with equall spaces, rising somewhat higher than the flower de lices: that thereby the obseruing of the christian religion and sincere faith, mainteined by the Scotish nation, EEBO page image 36 might be the more euident to all men that beheld it. But now as touching Feritharis, shortlie after he The league with the Picts con|firmed. was thus inuested king, he came to an interuiew with the king of the Picts, where manie things be|ing communed of touching the wealth of both nati|ons, the league was in solemne wise confirmed, and such punished as had doone anie thing sounding to the breach of the same.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 After this, being returned home, he ordered him|selfe in the administration of his charge verie vp|rightlie, without giuing iust occasion vnto anie to find himselfe gréeued: and thus continued he cer|teine yéeres in such loue of all the estates of the realme, that afterwards when his nephue Ferlegus the eldest sonne of king Ferguse, being now come to full age, through instigation of some insolent per|sons, and such as by alteration hoped for aduance|ment, required (contrarie to the ordinance before established) to haue of him the crowne: the matter was taken in such ill part, that where before the same Ferlegus was highlie beloued and honored of all the people, they were now readie (if Feritharis had not with authoritie and gentle persuasions staied them) to haue torne him all in peeces: but although their rage was somewhat appeased by Feritharis, as is said, yet would they not be pacified throughlie, till that all such as had béene of counsell with him in that practise, had suffered death, and new gouernors appointed to haue the ouersight of him.