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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 By this meanes each of them being placed as his [...]hance fell, they inhabited their quarters with such people as they had the leading of, so that afterwards the countries tooke their names of those the first go|uernors: which names for the more part (being a little changed) remaine amongst them euen vnto this day. Ferguse hauing thus without occasion of enuie diuided his countrie amongst his nobles and Statutes and lawes are made. subiects, studied further more to deuise lawes for the maintenance of common quiet amongst them. And therefore amongst other ordinances he made sta|tutes against murther, robberie, burning of houses, and especiallie against theft.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 He builded also the castell of Beregonium in Loughquhabre on the west side of Albion, ouer a|gainst Beregonium. the westerne Iles, where he appointed a court to be kept for the administration of iustice: that both the Albion Scots, and also those of the same Iles I place apoin|ted for iustice. might haue their accesse & resort thither for redresse of wrongs, and ending of all controuersies. The re|sidue of his life he past in rest and peace with his neighbors the Picts and Britains, indeuouring by all meanes to knit and couple the hearts of his sub|iects in one friendlie bond of inward loue and ami|tie. Finallie, sailing afterward into Ireland to be arbitrator in a matter of variance betwixt the no|bles Ferguse went into Ireland and in his returne was drowned. of that land, as he returned homewards by force of tempest, the ship wherein he was inbarked, was driuen vpon a rocke, where he perished, after he had reigned as king amongst the Scotishmen in Albion about 25 yeeres. The rocke where he was thus cast away, hath béene euer since called rocke Rocke Fer|guse, other|wise Knocke Ferguse. Ferguse, after his name.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In the same season there reigned amongst the Britains one Enanius, named by Hector Boetius Esdadus, and amongst the Picts one Cruthneus Camelonus that builded a famous citie vpon the Esdadus. Cruthneus Camelonus. This citie the Scotish wri|ters take to be Camelodu|nu [...], of the which there is so often mention made in the Roman writers: but verelie herein they doo great|lie erre. Agneda now called Eden|brough. The castell of Maidens. banke of the riuer called Caron, as the Scotish wri|ters affirme, appointing it to be the chiefe citie of all the Pictish kingdome, where in times past there was a faire commodious hauen apt to harbour ships in at all seasons, but now it is dammed vp in such sort, that vneath there appeareth anie token where that hauen was: and the citie it selfe was finallie subuerted by Kenneth king of Scotland, as after shall appeare. The forenamed Cruthneus builded also the towne of Agneda, afterwards called Eden|brough, of Ethus king of the Picts, the castell was named the castell of Maidens, for that the daugh|ters of the Pictish kings were there kept vnder strait custodie, appointed to learue to sow & woorke, till they came to yéeres of mariage.

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