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To the Right worshipfull Maister Thomas Secford Esquire and Maister of the Requests, William Harison wisheth all knowledge of God, with dailie increase of his gifts at this present, and in the world to come life euerlasting.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _HAuing by your singular curte|sie receiued great help in my description of the riuers & streames of Britaine, and by conference of my trauell with the platforms of those few shires of England which are by your infinite charges alre|die finished (as the rest shall be in time by Gods helpe, for the inestimable be|nefit of such as inhabit this Iland) not a little polished those rough courses of diuers waters not exactly before time described by Le|land our countrieman, or any ancient writer, I could not deuise a|ny thing more agreeable with mine abilitie and your good nature (which greatlie fauoureth any thing that is doone for a commo|ditie vnto many) than to shew some token of my thankefulnesse for these your manifold kindnesses, by the dedication of my sim|ple translation of the description of Scotland at this time vnto your worship.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Indeed the trauell taken heerein is not great, bicause I tie not my translation vnto his letter, neither the treatise of it selfe such, as ta|keth vp any huge roome in the volume of this chronicle. But such as it is, and whatsoeuer it is, I yeeld it wholie vnto you, as a testimonie of my good will, which detesteth vtterlie to receiue a|ny benefit, though it be neuer so small, and not to be thankfull for it Certes my vocation is such, as calleth me to a farre other kind of studie, so that I exercise these things onlie for recreation sake, & to saie the truth, it is much vnsitting for him that professeth Diui|nitie, to applie his time any otherwise vnto contemplation of ciuill histories. And this is the cause wherfore I haue chosen rather, on|lie EEBO page image 4 with the losse of three or foure daies to translate Hector out of the Scotish (a toong verie like vnto ours) than with more ex|pense of time to deuise a new, or follow the Latine copie, which is far more large and copious. How excellentlie if you consider the art, Boetius hath penned it, and the rest of his historie in Latine, the skilfull are not ignorant: but how profitablie and compendi|ouslie Iohn Bellenden archdeacon of Murrey his interpretor hath turned him from the Latine into the Scotish toong, there are ve|rie few Englishmen that know, bicause we want the books.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Wherefore sith the learned read him in his owne stile, and his countrimen in their naturall language, why should not we borow his description, and read the same in English likewise, sith the kno|ledge therof may redound to the great benefit of so manie as read or heare the same? Accept therefore (right worshipfull) this my simple offer, and although I assure my selfe, your naturall inclina|tion to be such, as that it will take nothing in ill part that is well meant toward you, how rudelie soeuer it be handled in the doing, yet I will not let to craue pardon for my presumption, in that I dare be so bold as to offer such a trifle to you, whom more weigh|tie affaires doo dailie call from things of so small importance. Almightie God keepe your worship from time to time in his feare, and blesse you and my good ladie your wife with such increase of his benefits, as may most redound to his glorie, & your own ad|uantage.

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