This earle was verie rude both in gesture and The earle is rude without nurture. in apparell, hauing for want of good nurture as much good maners as his Kerns and his followers could teach him. The deputie hauing him at Dublin, did so instruct, schoole, and informe him, that he made a The earle in|structed in ci|uilitie. new man of him, and reduced him to a conformitie in maners, apparell, and behauiours apperteining to his estate and degree; as also to the knowledge of his dutie and obedience to his souereigne & prince; and made him to knéele vpon his knées sometimes an houre togither, before he knew his dutie. This though it were verie strange to the earle, who ha|uing not béene trained vp in anie ciuilitie, knew not what apperteined to his dutie and calling: nei|ther yet of what authoritie and maiestie the king his souereigne was; yet when he had well digested and considered of the matter, he thought himselfe most happie that euer he was acquainted with the said deputie, and did for euer after so much honor him, as that continuallie all his life time at euerie The earle praieth for [...] Edward Bel|lingham. dinner and supper, he would praie for the good si [...] Edward Bellingham: and at all callings he was so obedient and dutifull, as none more in that land.
This sir Edward lord deputie, when and where soeuer he trauelled, he would be chargeable to no man; but would be at his owne charge. It happe|ned that trauelling the countrie, he was lodged on The lord de|putie would be chargeable to none. a night in vicount Baltinglasses house, where all things were verie plentifullie prouided for him: which the vicount thought to haue giuen and bestow|ed vpon his lordship: but at his departure, he com|manded his steward to paie & discharge all things, thanking the vicount for his courtesie, but refused his interteinement; saieng: The king my maister hath placed me here to serue him, and alloweth me therein for my charges and expenses: wherefore, I neither maie nor will be burdenous nor chargable to anie other man. He was verie exquisit & carefull in the gouernement, as few before him the like; as|well The good go|uernment of this deputie. in matters martiall, as politike, magnani|mous and couragious: in the one, to the appalling of the enimie; and as seuere & vpright in the other, to the benefit of the commonwelth. For neither by flat|terie could he be gained, nor by briberie be corrup|ted; EEBO page image 110 he was feared for his seueritie, and beloued for his integritie; and no gouernor for the most vniuer|saliie Sir Edward [...]ngham well beloued. better reported of than was he. But as ver|tue hath the contrarie to enimie, so he found it true: for he was so enuied at, and that rebellious nation not brooking so woorthie a man, who trauelled all the waies he could to reduce them to the knowledge of themselues, and of their duties; and also to reforme that corrupt state of gouernement, that great prac|tises and deuises were made for his reuocation; and matters of great importance informed and inforced against him. Wherevpon, before two yeares en|ded of his gouernement, he was reuoked, and sir Francis Brian made lord iustice. At his comming 1548 Sir Francis Brian lord iustice. into England, great matters were laid vnto his charge: but he so effectuallie did answer the same, that his maiesties doubtfulnesse was resolued; & he not onelie cléered, but also better liked than euer he was before, & should haue béene sent backe againe, had he not alleged his infirmitie; the which was a fistula, and other good reasons, which were accepted for his excuse. Sir Francis Brian had maried the countesse of Ormond, and by that meanes he was Sir Francis Brian maried the countes of Ormond, died and was bu|ried at Water|ford. a dweller in that land: where he died & was buried in the citie of Waterford. His time of iusticeship was but short, & no great matters could in so short a time be doone by him. After his death, sir William Brab|ston had the sword deliuered vnto him, and he conti|nued 1549 Sir William Brabston lord iustice. lord iustice, vntill that sir Anthonie Sentleger came ouer, who was now lord deputie the second time: who notwithstanding by his knowledge & ex|perience 1550 Sir Anthonie Sentleger lord deputie the second time. he had good skill and did well gouerne: yet there remained some coles of the fire in his first go|uernement vnquenched; and within a shorter time than thought of, he was reuoked: and sir Iames Crofts was sent ouer to supplie the place; his euill 1551 Sir Iames Crofts lord deputie. successes in good attempts did not answer his va|lour and good deserts.
And albeit the time of his gouernement were not long, yet it continued vntill the death of king Edward the sixt, and then he was called home, and sir Thomas Cusacke and sir Gerard Elmer were appointed lords iustices, who iointlie gouerned the estate, vntill quéene Marie sent ouer sir Anthonie 1552 Sir Antho|nie Sentle|ger lord depu|tie the third time. Sentleger; who now the third time was lord depu|tie. This man ruled and gouerned verie iustlie and vprightlie in a good conscience, and being well ac|quainted in the courses of that land, knew how to meete with the enimies, and how to staie all magi|strates and others in their duties and offices: for which though he deserued well, and ought to be belo|ued and commended: yet the old practises were re|newed, and manie slanderous informations were made and inueighed against him: which is a fatall destinie, and ineuitable to euerie good gouernor in A fatall desti|nie to euerie good gouernor to be slande|red. that land. For the more paines they take in tillage, the worsse is their haruest; and the betterbe their ser|uices, the greater is the malice and enuie against them; being not vnlike to a fruitefull apple trée, which the more apples he beareth, the more cudgels be hur|led at him. Well, this man is called home, and the lord Thomas Fitzwaters was made lord deputie. At sir Anthonies comming ouer, great matters 1555 The lord Fitzwaters made lord de|putie. were laid to his charge, and manie heauie aduersa|ries he had, which verie eagerlie pursued the same a|gainst him: wherein he so answered, that he was not onelie acquited; but also gained his discharge for euer to passe ouer anie more into so vnthankefull a land.