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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But now to our purpose. The Spaniards sub|stantiallie aided by the Britons, setled themselues, and diuided their seats in quarters, the foure bre|thren reigning seuerallie apart in foure sundrie por|tions in good quiet and increase of welth, vntill their Disse [...]tion betwixt the brethren. pride and ambition armed two of them against the other two: as Hiberus and one of his brethren a|gainst Such are the fruits o [...] [...]. Hermion and the other brother. In this dis|sention Hermion slue his brother Hiberus. Of whom at the same time the countrie (as some hold) Sée more hereof in the description. was named Hibernia, as in the description further EEBO page image 50 appeareth: although some rather hold, that it tooke the nam [...] of iron, of the plentifull mines of that kind of mettall wherewith that land aboundeth: and so those ancient writers which name it Ierna, named it more aptlie after the spéech of the inhabitants than others, which name it Hibernia. But to procéed. Her|mion herevpon to auoid the ill opinion of men, for that he had thus atteined to the souereignetie by the [...] [...]ime so [...] or detestable that wanteth a colourable pretense to ex|cuse it. vnnaturall slaughter of his brother, in that vnhap|pie ciuill warre, purged himselfe to his subiects, that neither maliciouslie nor contentiouslie, but for his necessarie defense and safetie he had borne armes a|gainst his brethren: and to witnesse how farre he was from all desire to rule alone, he appointed cer|teine capteins as kings, to rule vnder him seuerall countries, reseruing to himselfe but one fourth part, and the portion of Meth allotted to the monarchie for the better maintenance of his estate.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 These parts appointed foorth in this wise at length Ireland diui|ded into fiue kingdomes. One soue|reigne ruler ouer the rest. grew to fiue kingdomes, Leinster, Connagh, Ul|ster, and Mounster diuided into two parts, and some|time to more, by vsurping or compounding among themselues: but euer one was chosen to be chiefe so|uereigne monarch ouer them all. Thus it séemeth that certeinelie the Spaniards of the north parts of Spaine, inhabiting the countries about Biscaie and Galicia, came and peopled Ireland (as both their owne histories and the British doo wholie agrée:) but from whense they came first to inhabit those coun|tries of Spaine, verelie I haue not otherwise to a|nouch for no other writers that I can remember, but (such as haue registred the Scotish chronicles) make mention of the comming thither of Gathelus with his wife Scota and their people, in maner as by the said chronicles is pretended. But now to our pur|pose. An hundred and thirtie chiefe kings are recko|ned of this nation from Hermion to Laogirius, the sonne of Nealus Magnus, in whose time that holie estéemed man Patrike conuerted them to christiani|tie. But now in the meane time whilest the Irishmen liued in some tollerable order and rest vnder their se|uerall kings, one Rodorike a Scithian prince with a small co [...]panie of men, being weather driuen round about the coasts of Britaine, was by chance cast vpon the shore of Ireland.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 These were Pi [...]s, and the first that had béen heard of in these parties (as some authors haue recorded) a [...]s arriue in Ireland. people from their verie cradle giuen to dissention, landleapers, mercilesse, fierce and hardie. They being brought and presented to the Irish king, craued in|terpretors, which granted, Rodorike their cheefeteine made this request for him and his, as followeth: Not The oration of Rodorike king of the Picts king of Ireland. as denegrate from the courage of our ancestours, but fashioning our selues to fortunes course, we are become to craue of Ireland, as humble supplicants that neuer before this present haue so embased our selues to anie other nation. Behold sir king, and re|gard vs well, no light occasion causeth these lustie valiant bodies to stoope. Scithians we are, & Pi [...]s of Scithia, no small portion of glorie resteth in these two names. What shall I speake of the ciuill warre that hath expelled vs from our natiue homes, or rip vp old histories to mooue strangers to bemone vs? Let our seruants and children discourse therof at lei|sure, if perhaps you will vouchsafe to grant vs some time of abode in your land, to the which effect and purpose our vrgent necessitie beséecheth your fauors, a king of a king and men of men are to craue assi|stance. Princes can well discerne and consider how néere it toucheth their honour and suertie, to vphold and releeue the state of a king, by treason decaied. And manifest it is to all men of reasonable conside|ration, that nothing more beseemeth the nature of man, than to be mooued with compassion, and as it were to féele themselues hurt, when they heare and vnderstand of other mens calamities. Admit (we be|seech you) and receiue amongst you these few scatte|red remnants of Scithia: if your roomes be nar|row, we are not manie: if the soile of your countrie be barren, we are borne and enured to hardnesse: if you liue in peace, we are at commandement as sub|iects: if you warre, we are readie to serue you as souldiours: we demand no kingdome, no state, no pompous triumph in Ireland: we are héere alone, and haue left such things behind vs with our eni|mies: howsoeuer you estéeme of vs, we shall con|tent our selues therewith, and learne to frame our liking to yours, calling to mind not what we haue beene, but what we are.

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