You are here: 1587 > Volume 1 >
Front Matter: Section 3 of
6: ¶The names of the Authors from whome this Historie
of England is collected.
Snippet: 20 of 20 (1587, Volume 1, p. 5) Compare 1577 edition: 1 Besides these, diuers other bookes and treatises of historicall matter I haue seene and peru|sed, the names of the authors being vtterlie vnknowne.
FINIS.You are here: 1587 > Volume 1 >
Front Matter: Section 4 of
6: A Table of such Chapiters as are conteined in the
first booke of this Description.
Snippet: 1 of 1 (1587, Volume 1, p. 6) A Table of such Chapiters as are conteined in the first booke of this Description.
- Compare 1577 edition:
- 1 Of the diuision of the whole earth.
- 2 Of the position, circuit, forme, and quantitie of the Ile of Britaine.
- 3 Of the ancient denominations of this Iland.
- 4 What sundrie nations haue dwelled in Albion.
- 5 Whether it be likelie that anie giants were, and whether they inhabited in this Ile or not.
- 6 Of the languages spoken in this Iland.
- 7 Into how manie kingdoms this Iland hath beene diuided.
- 8 The names of such kings and princes as haue reigned in this Iland.
- 9 Of the ancient religion vsed in Albion.
- 10 Of such Ilands as are to be seene vpon the coasts of Britaine.
- 11 Of riuers, and first of the Thames, and such riuers as fall into it.
- 12 Of such streames as fall into the sea, betweene the Thames and the mouth of Sauerne.
- 13 The description of the Sauerne, and such waters as discharge themselues into the same.
- 14 Of such waters as fall into the sea in compasse of the Iland, betweene the Sauerne and the Humber.
- 15 The description of the Humber or Isis, and such water-courses as doo increase hir chanell.
- 16 Of such fals of waters as ioine with the sea, betweene Humber and the Thames.
- 17 Of such ports and creeks as our sea-faring-men doo note for their bene|fit vpon the coasts of England.
- 18 Of the aire, soile, and commodities of this Iland.
- 19 Of the foure high waies sometime made in Britaine by the princes of this Iland.
- 20 Of the generall constitution of the bodies of the Britons.
- 21 How Britaine at the first grew to be diuided into three portions.
- 22 After what maner the souereigntie of this Ile dooth remaine to the prin|ces of Lhoegres or kings of England.
- 23 Of the wall sometime builded for a partition betweene England and the Picts and Scots.
- 24 Of the maruels of England.
EEBO page image 7
COnquestor, Rufus,
- Wil. Conqu.
- Wil. Rufus.
- Henricus 1.
- Stephanus.
- Henricus 2.
- Richardus 1.
- Ioannes.
- Henricus 3.
- Eduardus 1.
- Eduardus 2.
- Eduardus 3.
- Richardus 2.
- Henricus 4.
- Henricus 5.
- Henricus 6.
- Eduardus 4.
- Eduardus 5.
- Richardus 3.
- Henricus 7.
- Henricus 8.
- Eduardus 6.
- Phil. & Mar.
- Elisabeth.