You are here: 1587 > Volume 1 >
Front Matter: Section 3 of
6: ¶The names of the Authors from whome this Historie
of England is collected.
Snippet: 9 of 20 (1587, Volume 1, p. 5) I.
- Compare 1577 edition:
- IOhannes Bale.
- Iohannes Leland.
- Iacobus Philippus Bergomas.
- Iulius Capitolinus. Iulius Solinus.
- Iohannes Pike with additions.
- Iohannes Functius.
- Iohn Price knight. Iohannes Textor.
- Iohannes Bodinus. Iohannes Sleidan.
- Iohannes Euersden a Monke of Berry.
- Iohannes or rather Giouan villani a Flo|rentine.
- Iohannes Baptista Egnatius.
- Iohannes Capgraue.
- Iohannes Fourden. Iohannes Caius.
- Iacob de Voragine Bishop of Nebio.
- Iean de Bauge a Frenchman wrote a pam|phlet of the warres in Scotland, during the time that Monsieur de Desse remai|ned there.
- Iohn Fox. Iohannes Maior.
- Iohn Stow, by whose diligent collected sum|marie, I haue beene not onelie aided, but also by diuers rare monuments, ancient writers, and necessarie register bookes of his, which he hath lent me out of his own Librarie. Iosephus.
You are here: 1587 > Volume 1 >
Front Matter: Section 3 of
6: ¶The names of the Authors from whome this Historie
of England is collected.
Snippet: 10 of 20 (1587, Volume 1, p. 5) L.
- Compare 1577 edition:
- LIber constitutionum London.
- Lucan. Laelius Giraldus.
You are here: 1587 > Volume 1 >
Front Matter: Section 3 of
6: ¶The names of the Authors from whome this Historie
of England is collected.
Snippet: 11 of 20 (1587, Volume 1, p. 5) M.
- Compare 1577 edition:
- MArianus Scotus. Matthaeus Paris.
- Matthaeus Westmonaster. aliàs Flo|res historiarum.
- Martin du Bellay, aliàs Mons. de Langey.
- Mamertinus in Panegyricis.
- Memoires de la Marche.