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  • Richard the firſt, after his ex|ploytes in the Holy land at|chieued, maketh peace with the Saraſins, and departeth homewarde. 506.22. the dangers wherin he was vpõ the way, in Iſtria. 506.30. is taken priſoner at Vienna. 506.56. kept priſoner cloſe|ly in colde yrons. 506.97. cleered of the death of the Marques of Mountferate. 507.21. deliuered priſoner to the Emperour, Henry the ſixt. 508.17. put to his ran|ſome by the Emperor. 511.81. hath landes aſſigned vn|to him by the Emperour. 512.1. is releaſed out of ca|ptiuitie. 514.22. and. EEBO page image 1478 81. confirmeth penſions to certaine primes of the Em|pyre. 515.16. arriueth at Sãdwich, & is receyued with proceſſion. 515.53. is crow|ned. eftſoones at Weſtmin|ſter. 519.1. paſſeth ouerſea, & entreth into Fraunce with an army. 520.70.
  • Riddle Geffrey drowned. 357 111.
  • Riuers Richard trauaileth with kyng Henry the firſt, to re|ſigne his right to the inue|ſture of Biſhops. 343.7
  • Richard Archbiſhop of Cantor|bury returnyng from Rome, dyeth by the way. 637.22
  • Richard the firſt beſtoweth his three daughters. 541.16. Pride, to the Templers and Hoſpitallers. 541.17. Co|uetouſneſſe, to the White Monkes. 541.19 Lecherie, to the Prelates of the church 541.22.
  • Richar caſtle belõgyng to Hugh Mortimer. 771.13
  • Riuallon dyeth, and is buryed at Yorke. 21.62
  • Richard the firſt ſetteth forth on his voiage. 485.28. receiueth the ſtaffe and Scrippe. 485.30. reproueth the Court of Rome of Couetouſnes. 485.70. ariueth at Meſſina. 486 76. confeſſeth his filthy fore|paſſed lyfe, and becommeth a new man. 490.21. his fleet toward the holy land. 491.58.
  • Richard Molineux knight. pa. 1295. co. 1. lin. 58.
  • Richard Wooduile, Lorde Ri|uers. 1298. co. 1. lin. 3. taken lin. 17. Earle Riuers, and high Conſtable of England. 1316. co. 2. lin. 26.
  • Richard earle of Cheſter in his minoritie. 343.67
  • Richard Percie. 1292. co. 2. lin. 20.
  • Richard Bingham Iuſtice. 1292. co. 2. lin. 27.
  • Richard Earle of Cornwal, go|eth into the holy land. 758.1 marieth the Lady Sanctia. 705.64.
  • Riſe ap Griffin rebelling a|gainſt king Henry the ſecond, ſubmytteth hym ſelfe, and is pardoned. 460.43
  • Euſtace de Ribamõt fighteth with the king. 944.50. b. is taken priſoner. 945.2. a.
  • Rithwal king of Wales. 297.26.
  • Richard Earle of Auranges. 323.29.
  • Riuallon ſonne to Cunidagius, beginneth to raigne ouer Bri+taine. 21.48
  • Richard the firſt, why called Cueur de Lyon. 540.84
  • Richard Prior of Ely, abſolued and reſtored. 346.95
  • Richard kyng of Almaine his valiancie and iſſue. 781.95
  • Riches William. 554.71
  • Richard Duke of Normandie, marieth Heſtricha, ſiſter to K. Cnute. 259.55
  • Richard the third, duke of Nor|mandie, marieth Eſtric, ſiſter to king Cnute of England. 289.22.
  • Richard Archdeacon of Poyc|tiers, accurſed by Archbiſh. Thomas Becket. 409.61
  • Riſe brought to his death by meanes of Harold. 277.81
  • Richmond houſe buylt. 1454.20.
  • Richard primate of Ardemach dyeth. 968.35. a
  • Rippeley George. 1462.3
  • Riolle beſieged and wonne by the Earle of Derbie. 927.33. b.
  • Riſe kyng of the Welchmen ſlayne. 324.38
  • Riſe the laſt king of the Welch|men. 324.41
  • Rieule a borough in Normandy burnt. 385.49
  • Richard Tunſtal. 1315. co. 1. lin. 8.
  • Richard Griffith. 1414. co. 1. lin. 40.
  • Rial beſieged by the Earle of Aniou. 874.24. b
  • Richard the ſecond maried. pa. 1129. co. 2. lin. 54. brought to the Towre of London. pa. 1130. co. 1. lin. 19. buryed at Langley. lin. 28
  • Richelinus ſonne to Cinegiſ|eus, king of Weſtſaxons. 155 58.
  • Ryuers Baldwin Earle of the Iſle of Wight. 656.26
  • A Riot vppon the Eaſterlings. 1443.20.
  • Richard the firſt, ſonne to kyng Henry the ſecond, begynneth his raigne ouer Englande. 474.4. receyued and pro|claymed Duke of Norman|die. 474.15. crowned at Weſtminſter. 475.92
  • Rigmanus Phileſius cited. 5.42.
  • Rippon Abbey burnt. 229.63
  • Rime againſt Engliſhmẽ. 890 42. b.
  • Richard the firſt highly offended withe the Monkes of Cantor|burie. 537.35
  • Richard Neuile earle of War|wicke. 1311. co. 1. lin. 1
  • Riſe ap Griffin king of Wales, dyeth. 534.42
  • Reiualle abbey foũded. 394.27
  • Richard Earle of Cornwal ſent into Fraũce with a great na|uie of ſhips. 627.2
  • Rigſig, or Riſige ſuccedeth Ecg|bert in the kingdome of Nor|thumberland. 219.25.
  • Rigſig departeth this life. 219.33.
  • Ridel Geffrey Archdeacon of Canterbury, made Biſhop of Ely. 58.
  • Richard Earle of Cambridge, Henry Scrope, and L. Wre [...] conſpyre agaynſt Henry the fift, 1172. co. 2. lin. 39. exe|cuted. 1173. co. 1. lin. 35
  • Richmond caſtle builded. 301.66.
  • Riſe, and Griffin Princes of Wales, ſubdued. 270.45.
  • Rippingdõ in Mercia. 212.16
  • Richard Clifford Lord Priuie ſeale. 1119. co. 1. lin. 41
  • Richard William Doctor of di|uinitie. 1443.40.
  • Richard the elect of Cantorbu|rie, doeth homage, and ſwea|reth fealtie to king Henry the ſecond. 424.75.
  • Richard the elect of Canterbu|rie his conſecration diſtur|bed by Henry, ſonne to King Henrye the ſecond. 425.34.
  • Richard the elect of Cantorbu|rie traueileth to the Court of Rome in his owne cauſe. 425.71.
  • Richard, ſonne to King Henrye the ſecond, taketh part with his brother Henry, againſt his father. 426.67
  • Rice ap Thomas knight at blackheath fielde. 1447.3.
  • Riſe ap Griffin Prince of ſouth Wales, ſweareth fealtie to King Henry the ſecond. 449.73.
  • Rimemede, where King Iohn agreed with his Barons. 590.107.
  • Riche Richard knight created Lord Riche. 1614.24.
  • Robert Earle of Richemont, dyeth. 919.5. a.
  • Richard the elect of Cantorbu|rie, conſecrated by the Pope. 433.14.
  • Richard Earle of Glouceſter, deceaſſeth. 440.18.
  • Richer de Aquila. 390.78.
  • Richard the firſt maketh pro|uiſion to go into the Holye land. 478.31.
  • Richard King of Almaine, be|commeth vtter enemie to the Barons. 766.13. taken priſoner by the Barons. 769 4. dyeth at Berkhamſted. 781.93.
  • Richard the firſt, dyeth of a wounde. 540.68. forgeueth him that wounded him. 540.54. rewardeth him. 540.56 geueth charge that he be not hurt, but let him go. 540.58
  • Richard Prior of Ely, procu|reth the erection of the By|ſhops See there. 349.99.
  • Richard Byſhop of London. 350.65.
  • Richard the firſt wounded in the ſhoulder at the ſiege of Chalus Cheuerel. 539.103 maketh his laſt wyl and Te|ſtament. 540.13. forgiueth and rewardeth his murdere [...] 540.52.
  • Richard, ſonne to King Henry the ſeconde ſubmitteth him|ſelfe to his father, and is pardoned. 438.30.
  • Richard Bourgh. pa. 1328. co. 2. lin. 4.
  • Richard Bewchamp ſonne to Lord Bewchamp of Powike pag. 1337. col. 1. lin. 54.
  • Richard Croftes Knight. pag. 1 [...]39. col. 2. lin. 51.
  • Richard Guifford Eſquire. pa. 1400. col. 1. lin. 49. col. 2. lin. 34. pag. 1401. col. 2. lin. 52.
  • Rice ap Thomas. pa. 1413. co. 2. lin. 13. lin. 49. pag. 1414. col. 1. lin. 42. lin. 56. col. 2. lin. 50. pa. 1415. co. 2. li. 15.
  • Robert Clyfford. pag. 1328. co. 2. lin. 3.
  • Richard lord Grey the Queens ſonne. pag. 1361. col. 2. lin. 47. beheaded at Pomfret. pag. 1362. col. 1. lin. 36.
  • Richard Duke of Glouceſter his deſcription. pag. 1357. col. 2. li. 35. tooke on him the gouernance of the yong king Edward the fift. pag. 1362. co. 1. lin. 14. made Protector pag. 1363. col. 2. lin. 43. his Oration. 1364. col. 1. lin. 12 vſurped the kingdome. pag. 1384. col. 2. lin 40.
  • Richard Ratcliffe knight. pag. 1376. col. 2. lin. 7.
  • Richard the third vſurped the Crowne. pag. 1386. col. 1. lin. 1. proclaymed kyng. col. 2. lin. 9. maketh knightes of the Bathe. pag. 1387. col. 1. lin. 14. crowned. pa. 1389. co. 1. lin. 1. murdered his Ne|phewes. pag. 1391. col. 1. lin. 3. put to death the Duke of Buckingham. pag. 1403. col. 2. lin. 30. made an Ora|tion. pag. 1417. co. 2. lin. 41. ſlaine at Boſworth. pa. 1422. col. 2. lin. 30.
  • Richard the ſeconde reformeth his paſſed trade of liuing to better. 526.1.
  • Richard Lorde Welles. pag. 1321. co. 2. lin. 53. toke ſanc|tuarie. pag. 1322. col. 1. li. 6. was beheaded. col. 2. lin. 6.
  • Richard Duke of Glouceſter. pag. 1313. col. 1. lin. 33. pa. 1327, col. 1. lin. 57. enemye to peace. pag. 1348. col. 1. lin. 40.
  • Richard Walgraue knight. pag. 1313. col. 2. lin. 2.
  • Richard Radcliffe knight. pag. 1390. co. 2. lin. 4. ſlaine. pag. 1422. col. 1. lin. 16.
  • Redcroſſeſtreete. pag. 1358. co. 1. lin. 47.
  • Richard Herberte knight. pag. 1319. col. 2. lin. 48. valiant pa. 1320. co. 2. lin. 8. headed. lin. 35.
  • Richard the firſt geueth certain EEBO page image 1479 poſſeſſions to the Church of Rome. 532.80.
  • Richard tranſlated from the Byſhopricke of London to Canterbury. 351.93.
  • Richard Prior of Douer, cho|ſen Archbyſhop ofCantor|burie. 424.63.
  • Richard Edgecombe knight. pag. 1402. co. 2. lin. 25.
  • Richard For Prieſt Byſhop of Wincheſter. pag. 1409. co. 2. lin. 29.
  • Rion wonne by the French|men. 812.7. b.
  • Rye brent by Frenchmẽ. 1007.7. a.
  • Riſe Prince of Wales doeth homage to king Henry the ſe|conde and his ſonne. 401.114.
  • Rice Prince of Wales, wyth his vncle Owen, rebel a|gainſt ye Engliſhmen. 402.9.
  • Richard, ſonne to king Henrye the ſecond taketh the Croſſe vpon him to go to the Holye Land. 464.73.
  • Richard, ſonne to king Henry ye ſecond entreth vpõ the lands of Earle Reymond with an armie. 467.44. reuoketh frõ his father to ſerue the french King. 469.29. accurſed by the Popes Legate for raiſing of troubles. 469.57.
  • Richard the ſecond Duke of Normandie ſonne to Willi|am Longeſpee, maryeth Ag|nes, daughter to Hugh [...]le Grand, Earle of Paris. 288.114.
  • Ricula, ſiſter to king Ethel|bert, wyfe to Sl [...]dda. 152.34.
  • Richard, ſonne to K. Henry ye firſt drowned. 357.106.
  • Richard Erle of Cheſter drow|ned by Shipwracke. 357.108.
  • Riddle Geffray, the proude By|ſhop of Ely [...], departeth this lyfe. 475.67.
  • Richall, where Toſtie, and the Norweigians toke land. 284 60.
  • Richard Archbyſhop of Can|torburie dyeth. 460.7.
  • Richard, the third ſonne to king Henry ye ſecond borne. 398.5.
  • Reginald Earle of Bullongne fled out of Fraunce into En|gland to king Iohn. 572, 21.
  • Remfred a Monke. 307.103.
  • Reg [...]n ſecond daughter to Leir, maryed to Maglanus Duke of Albania. 19.96.
  • Rebellion moued by Henry the ſonne agaynſt his father king Henrie the ſecond. 424.58.
  • Rebellion in Lincolnſhire. 1566 8. appeaſed. 10.
  • Remaine conſecrated biſhop of Herefoord. 347.12.
  • Reliques and Iewels of the Church of Weſtminſter, en|guaged to certain merchants for mony. 778.86.
  • Rebellion in Wales agaynſt K. Iohn. 573.99.
  • Repentance commeth too late, 225.112.
  • Rendleſham. 174. [...]9.
  • Religious men taxed. 571.17.
  • Reginald Earle of Cornwal, Vncle to king Henrie the ſe|cond. 431.77.
  • Reginald Earle of Cornwal dyeth. 440.11,
  • Rebellion rayſed againſt king Edwin. 231.11.
  • Rebellion at Yorke. pa. 1319. col. 1. lin. 41.
  • Reinerius ſonne to Redwald, ſlayne. 155.29.
  • Reygnold Bray. pag. 1400. col. 1. lin. 39. pag. 1398. col. 2. lin. 44. lin. 50. pag. 1399. co. 1. lin. 49. pa. 1413. co. 2. lin. 16.
  • Rehald an Earle of the Danes, ſlayne. 221.28.
  • Releaſe made by king Iohn to the king of Fraunce. 548.65.
  • Rebellion in Suffolke. 1535.4.
  • Richard Erle of Cornwal bro|the to Henry the third elec|ted Emperour. 743.60.
  • Richard the elect king of Al|maigne taketh his leaue and departeth out of England. 746· 93. is crowned king by the biſhop of Colen. 747.50.
  • Richard king of Almaigne refu|ſeth to ſweare to the orders taken at the Parliament hol|den at Oxforde. 756.1. hee changeth his mind, & recei|ueth the othe. 756.33.
  • Ridley Nicholas doctor biſhop of London a meane for the foundation of the hoſpitals in London. 1713.3. is depri|ued of his Byſhopricke, and cõmitted to the towre, and why. 1721.20. diſputeth openly at Oxford. 1735.16.
  • Richard Duke of Yorke regent of Fraunce. pag. 1256. co. 2. lin. 27 pag. 1264. col. 1. lin. 53. claymeth the crowne. pa. 1282. col, 2. lin. 29. rayſeth a power. lin. 55. ſubmitteth himſelfe, and taketh an othe. pag. 1283. col. 2 lin. 26. ac|cuſeth the Duke of Somer|ſet. lin 51. imagineth the de|ſtruction of the Duke of So|merſet. pag. 1286. col. 1. lin. 54. rayſeth an armye. pag. 1287. co. 1. li. 37. made pro|tector. pag. 1289. col. 1. lin. 28 diſcharged of protectorſhip. pag. 1290. col. 1. lin. 4. came to London. pag. 1292. col. 1. lin. 2. aſſembleth an armie. pag. 1296. col. 1. lin. 20. fled pag. 1297. col. 1. lin. 55. at|taynted of treaſon. pag. 1298 co. 1. lin. 45. returned to Lon|don. pag. 1300. co. 1. lin. 33. ſet himſelf in the Throne roi|al lin. 49. his bold ſpeech. co. 2. lin. 5. his oration. lin. 47. heire apparant. pa. 1303. co. 1. li. 20. was ſlayne. co. 2. lin. 42.
  • Roger Bullingbrok necroman|cer. pag. 1268. co. 1. lin. 57. co. 2. lin. 10.
  • Richard Neuel Earle of War|wicke. pa. 1286. co. 2. lin, 13 captaine of Calais. pa. 1289 co 1. lin. 31. aſſaulted. pag. 1294. co. 1. li. 3. Admiral. co. 2. li. 6. toke a rich prize. li. 22 came from Calais with a po|wer. pag. 1296. co. 1. lin. 27. ſailed into Ireland. pa. 1298 co. 1. lin. 30. came to Lon|don with a power. pag. 1299. co. 1. lin. 2. ſent into Fraunce. pag. 1316. co. 1. lin. 26. offended with Ed|ward the fourth. pag. 1316. co. 2. lin. 38. tooke the Sea. pag. 1322. co. 2. lin. 46. was kept out of Calais. lin. 52. landed at Deepe. pag. 1323. co. 1. lin. 41. at Dart|mouth. pag. 1324. co. 1. lin. 37. gouernour of the Realme. pag. 1325. co. 2. lin. 50. ſlayne. pag. 1334. co. 2. lin. 51.
  • Richard Neuel Earle of Sa|liſburie. pag. 1286. co. 2. lin. 12. Lord Chancellor. pag. 1289. co. 1. lin. 28. came to London. pag. 1292. co. 1. lin 4. pag. 1294. co. 2. lin. 47. taken priſoner. pa. 1304. co. 1. lin. 13. beheaded. co. 2. lin. 12.
  • Riſeley Iohn knight ſent Am|baſſadour vnto Maximi|lian Duke of Burgoine. 1439.18. hardly eſcapeth death at Boloigne. 1440.40.
  • Richard the ſecond borne. 971.26. b. created Prince of Wales. 997.40. b. be|ginneth his reigne. 1004.12. a. is crowned. 1005.30 a. marryeth Anne ſiſter to the Emperour. 1038.10. a. rydeth poſt. 1045.30. a. goeth with an armie againſt the Scots. 1048.42. b. bur|neth Edenburgh. 1049.30 a. his anſwere to the Parli|ament. 1055.51. a. his affec|tion towardes Delapole. 1057.10. a. at variance with the Nobilitie. 1060.10. a. his wordes to them. 1065.52. b. cauſeth the Nobilitie to be indicted. 1062 27. a. he keepeth the Towre agaynſt them. 1069.33. a. his inconſtancie. 1070 1. a. taketh an othe. 1073.16. b. he demaundeth a que|ſtion of his Nobles. 1075.1. a. remoueth his Nobilitie and officers from him. 1075 40. a. agreed with his No|bilitie. 1075.32. b. offen|ded with the Londoners. 1080.30. b. taketh their liberties from them. 1081.10. b. commeth through London. 1082.36. a. goeth into Ireland. 1085.16. b. returneth into England. 1086.1. b. marryeth the French kings daughter by a Deputie. 1088.3. b. mee|teth the French k. 1089.1. his expences at that enter|vewe. 1090.1. a. beareth the armes of Saint Edward. 1097.55. b. his ſentence a|gaynſt the two Dukes at Couentrie. 1101.5. b. paſ|ſeth into Ireland. 1103.50. a. returneth into England. 1107.47. a. ſtealeth from his ſouldiers. 1107.33. b. betaketh himſelfe to his ene|mies. 1109.31. a. commeth to Flint. 1109.2. b. com|mitted to the Towre. 1111.1. a. reſigneth his [...]yght to ye crowne. 1113.42. b. the ſame confirmed by Parlia|ment. 1114.25. b. publicati|on of his depoſing. 1115.5. a. his deſcription. 1116.40. b.
  • Rebellion in Somerſetſhyre, but ſone quieted. 1570.51.
  • The Regent burnt. 1476.36.
  • Rebellion intended in Nor|folke, bewrayed. 1040.37 a.
  • Rebellion begun at Dertſord. 1024.33. a.
  • Rockeſburgh brent by the Scottes. 1010.40. a.
  • Rebellion in Ireland. pag. 1275. col. 2. lin. 1. by Iacke Cade. pag. 1279. col. 1 lin. 53.
  • Redvers Baldwin, keepeth Ex|eter agaynſt King Stephan. 367.44.
  • Redvers Baldwine, expulſed out of Exeter, and exiled out of the Realme. 367.87.
  • Redwals, king of Eaſtangles. 155.5.
  • Redwald ſetteth vppon Ethel|ferd ſuddeinly with an armie and ſlayeth him. 155.22.
  • Rebellion moued in Britayne by Valentinus. 105.17.
  • Reuenewes of the Churche how they ought to be deui|ded. EEBO page image 1479 149.8
  • Reſtitutus, Biſhop of London, goeth ouer to the Synode at [...]les. 94.55.
  • Rebellion mooued by Aureli|us C [...]na [...]us agaynſt Con|ſtantinus. 138.32.
  • Rebellion mooued by Mordred agaynſt King Arthur. 133.73.
  • Reſtitution appoynted to be made by king Iohn to the Byſhoppes. 583.26.
  • Rebellion of the Britiſh Com|mons againſt the Nobilitie. 101.20.
  • Reading Caſtle deliuered to Duke Henry Fitzempreſſe. 387.116.
  • Rebellion in Eſſex. 1024.54. b.
  • Regrating of Wine forbidden. 548.11.
  • Rebels execute the Lord Chan|celor and Treaſurer. 1027.30. a.
  • Rebellions Britaynes ſubdued by King Henry the ſecond. 410.35.
  • Reynold ſonne to Gurmo, ſub|mitteth himſelfe to king Ed|mond. 227.84.
  • Reynold receyueth the Chriſti|an fayth, and is baptiſed. 227.94.
  • Reynold, and Aulafe, driuen out of their countreis. 227.104.
  • Reginald, Archbyſhop of Co|leyn, rayſer of a ſchiſme in Al|mayne. 409.76.
  • Redfrid ſent to conduct Archbi|ſhop Theodore into Eng|land. 178.43.
  • Reaſon nor law, permit the ſonne to iudge or condemne the father. 405.93.
  • Religious houſes ranſacked by ſouldiours. 612.35.
  • Reading Abbey founded, and by whom. 363.47.
  • Reginald Biſhop of Bath, elec|ted Archbiſhop of Cantorbu|ry, and dieth fiftene daies af|ter. 501.62.
  • Rebellion moued by the Nor|thumbers, agaynſt Toſ [...]ie their Earle. 278.97.
  • Reſtitution made to king Iohn. 548.38.
  • Remclid or Remeline, ordeined Biſhop of Hereford. 341.76
  • Remclid reſtoreth his Biſho|pricke to king Henry the firſt. 341.84.
  • Rebellion moued by Earle Oſwin, agaynſt king Molle. 195.113.
  • Rebellion moued by Duke Wade, againſt king Ardulfe. 201.61.
  • Rebellion of Bernred agaynſt king Ethelbaldus. 189.70.
  • Rebellion moued by Oſwald agaynſt king Ethelard. 192.44.
  • Rebellion moued agaynſt Cu|thred, king of Weſt Saxons 193.71.
  • Regiſter of al Cities, Townes, Villages, and Hamlets, Ab|beyes, Monaſteries, and Priories, throughout Eng|lande gathered. 312.80.
  • Rigmere battayle, looke Wig| [...]rere.
  • Rebels handes chopped of, in token of their rebellious dea|ling. 300.3.
  • Rebellion anew begun by the Earles Edwin and Mar|charus, agaynſt king Willi|am. 306.18.
  • Rebellion moued by the Dukes of Mercia agaynſt Oſwy. 176.46.
  • Regent Maiſters of Oxford go barefoote to the Legate. 652 50.
  • Rebellion moued by certayne of the Engliſh Nobilitie, a|gaynſt king William. 308.20.
  • Religion not to be enforced, but to come of goodwil. 148.57.
  • Reding battayle, fought by the Danes agaynſt the Engliſh men. 210.6.
  • Remigius Priour of Saint Albons. 480.69.
  • Renues beſieged by Henry Duke of Lancaſter. 962.46. a.
  • Rebellion moued by Foukes de Brent and others of the com|mons. 616.85.
  • Rebellion moued by dieurs of the nobilitie. 616.100.
  • Remigius dieth. 323.103.
  • Reginald Earle of Cornwal. 405.71.
  • Remigius Biſhop of Dorche|ſtex, depriued. 305.30.
  • Remigius reſtored to his Bi|ſhopricke. 305.46.
  • Rebellion moued by Edrike Siluaticus agaynſt king William. 297.14.
  • Religious perſons, or Prieſtes not to paſſe the Seas without letters of ſafecon|duct. 408.95.
  • Remorintin Caſtle won by the blacke Prince. 956.40. b.
  • Rebellion moued by Robert el|deſt ſonne to Kyng Willi|am, agaynſt his father. 310.11.
  • Reguli, or litle kings in Bry|tayne, and why ſo called. 119 14.
  • Reginald Peacoke Byſhoppe of Chicheſter abiured. pag. 1291. col. 2. lin. 1.
  • Ranulfe Earle of Cheſter. 372 92.
  • Ranulfe Erle of Cheſter his o|ration to his ſouldiers. 374.29.
  • Ramſey abbey ſpoyled. 380.47
  • Rayneth bloud. 21.57
  • Raulfe conſtrayned to fle [...] into Britaine. 308.40
  • Raufe Earle of Cambridge cõ|ſpireth againſt king William 308.19.
  • Raufe Byſhop of Durham, Ge|neral of an army agaynſt the Scots. 369.71
  • Rameſes, one of the names of Egyptus. 7.23
  • Ranulfe Hygden Policronicon cited. 18.80. and. 58.20. & 122.55.
  • Raufe Ferrers knight. 1125 co. 1. lin. 6.
  • Rauenſpurre. 1327. co. 1. li. 52
  • Raufe B. of Chicheſter. 328.38.
  • Ratclife Thom. L. Fitzwaters vnhorſed at Muſkleborough field. 1625.27. knight of ye garter, & Earle of Suſſex, ca|ried the Garter vnto Maxi|milian the Emperour. 1837 42. is Lieutenant general in the North, and leuied a pow|er againſt the rebels. 1840 54. entreth Scotland with an army. 1842.10. ordeineth ſir Wil. Drury General of a power ſent into Scotlande. 1845.58. maketh an Oratiõ vnto the ſouldiers. 1846.26 eftſoones inuadeth Scotland with a power. 1853.11
  • Randal Edward Serieant ma|ior in ye iourney to S. Quin|tines. 1767.43. Serieant maior in the iourney of Lith. 1804.45. is knight marſhal in the iourney to Newhauen 1838.14. his paſſing pitye ſhewed vnto the impotent ſouldiours at Newhauen. 1833. conducteth a thou|ſand footmen into Ireland. 1836.44. diſcomfited in fight Shane Oneile, and is hymſelf ſlayne through ouer much proweſſe. 1837.1
  • Requeſtes made by the lords of England, to K. Iohn. 587.45. he promiſeth to conſider of their requeſtes. 587.65. & findeth ſureties for perfour|mance of the ſame. eadem. 69.
  • Rebellion in Norfolke preten|ded, but preuented. 1852.40.
  • Rebellion in Deuonſhyre and Cornwal, vnder Humfrey A|rundel, & others. 1649. their articles. 1650.10. the kings anſweare vnto them. 1651.58. are diſcomfited in fight. 1655.
  • Rebellion in Norfolk vnder Ro|bert Ret. 1656.10. is ſup|preſſed and quieted, 1673.30.
  • Reuel Richard of Derb [...]ſhyre a [...]ded. 1425.50
  • Rebellion in the North. 1839 40. the rebelles executed. 1841.21. and. ead. 38. and 1852.34.
  • Reynolds a brother of Syon ex|ecuted. 1563.38
  • Requeſt of the Cõmons againſt king Richard the ſecond. pa. 1123. co. 1. lin. 39.
  • Requeſt of the Earle of Saliſ|bury. 1124. co. 2. lin. 48
  • Rebellion in Weſtmerland rai|ſed by Nicholas Muſgraue and Thomas Tilby. 1569.10.
  • Rebellion moued by Mordreds two ſonnes againſt Conſtan|tinus. 138.17
  • The Rebellion called the com|mon wealth. 1648.20
  • Rebellion in Yorkſhyre vnder William Ombler and Dale 1675.30.
  • Rebellion in Yorkſhyre, & thoſe partes. 1567.14. is quieted 1568.47.
  • Rebellion in Yorkſhyre. 1581 51.
  • Raleg William Biſhop of Nor|wich. 705.77. he is remo|ued to Wincheſter by the Pope. 705.81. he is kept out of the Citie. eadem. 89. he accurſeth the Citie and Cathedral Church. eadem. 90. he ſtealeth out of the realme into Fraunce. eadem. 100.
  • Raymond Earle of Barzelone, meeteth with kyng Henry at Blayme. 398
  • Raymond Earle of Barzelone his daughter offred and affi|anced to Richard, ſonne to kyng Henry the ſecond. 398 59.
  • Ranulfe Earle of Cheſter de|parteth this lyfe. 387.102
  • Raufe accurſed by the Pope. 358.35.
  • Raufe departeth this life. 359 35.
  • Raufe Archdeacon of Landaffe 420.99.
  • Ranulfe Biſhop of Chicheſter, taketh part with Archbiſhop Anſelme agaynſt king Wil|liam Rufus. 333.38.
  • Ranulfe of Cheſter cited. 333 88.
  • Ranulphe Earle of Cheſter ta|keth his wyfe the Ducheſſe of Britaine priſoner. 531.15.
  • Raynulphe Earle of Cheſter & Lincolne dyeth. 640
  • Ratcliffe Iohn Lord Fitzwater fauoureth Perkin Warbeck 1443.31. is pardoned, but EEBO page image 1480 afterward beheaded. eadem. 50.
  • Ratcliffe Robert fauoreth Per|kin Warbecke, and leeſeth his head. 1443.38
  • Ranulphe Earle of Cheſter, is ſent with an armye into the Holy land, to ayd the Chriſti|ans. 617.2
  • Raucin Geffrey owner of Tail|bourgh fortreſſe. 453.103
  • Raufe Poole Iuſtice. pa. 1292 co. 2. lin. 28.
  • Raufe Verney Sheriffe of Lon|don. pag. 1292. col. 2. lin. 43.
  • Raufe Byſhop of Saliſburye murdred. pag. 1281. co. 1. lin. 16.
  • Raufe Stanley. pa. 1304. co. 1. lin. 14. beheaded. co. 2. lin. 13.
  • Rad Pont beſieged, and wonne 557.9.
  • Rayneth not in Suſſex, ye ſpace of three yeeres. 182
  • Raufe Willoughby Eſquyre ſlayne. pag. 1288. co. 1. lin. 16.
  • Raufe tranſlated from the By|ſhoprick of Rocheſter, to Can+torbury. 351.96
  • Raufe goeth to Rome, about the controuerſie betweene hym and Th [...]uſtaine. 355.43.
  • Raymond Earle of Tholouſe, marryeth Conſtance Siſter to kyng Lewes of Fraunce. 372.66.
  • Raucin Geffrey dyeth. 521.64.
  • Raueſteine Lord Raueſteine re|uolteth. 1435.54. Taketh the townes of Ipre and Scluſe. ibidem. ſpoyleth al ſhyppes paſſyng to Antwerp. 1438.1. is forced to yeelde the towne & caſtle of Scluſe. eadem. 15.
  • Ramſey Abbey buylded. 234 24.
  • Rafe Earle of Hereford. 271.32.
  • Rayer founder of Saint Bar|tholomewes by Smythfield, and firſt Priour therof. 341 54.
  • Raufe Biſhop of Durham com|mytted to the Towre. 337 52.
  • Raymond Earle of Prouance dyeth. 714.20
  • Ranulphe Earle of Cheſter re|turneth from the Holy lande. 617.60.
  • Rat Andrew. 1425.55
  • Raucin Geffrey ſtyrreth a rebel|lion in Guien. 521.54
  • Raufe Percie knight ſubmytted to Edward the fourth. pag. 1313. co. 2. lin. 10. fledde to Henry the ſixt. pa. 1314. col. 1. lin. 12. ſlayne. pag. 1314. co. 2. lin. 1.
  • Raufe Gray Captayne of Ban|borough Caſtle. pag. 1314 co. 1. lin. 8. pag. 1315. co. 1. lin. 7. beheaded. pa. 1315 co. 1. lin. 42.
  • Ratcliffe Iohn knight. 1448.50.
  • Raufe Collector to king Wylli|am Rufus, both malicious and couetous. 330.19
  • Raufe breaketh priſon, and eſca|peth out of the Towre. 3 [...]8.99.
  • Raymond Earle of Tholouſe, maryeth with Ioan Queene of Sicil, ſiſter to Richarde the firſt. 532.102
  • Ratcliffe Richarde attaynted. 1425.43.
  • Ratcliffe Viſcount Fitzwater, created Earle of Suſſex. 1553.11.
  • Ratcliffe Robert Lord Fitzwa|ter, created Viſcount Fitz|water. 1536.18
  • Raufe Ioſſeline Alderman of London. pag. 1343. co. 1. lin. 32.
  • Ragman Rowle. 891.57 a.
  • Raufe Earle of Weſtmerland. pag. 1119. co. 2. lin. 28.
  • Randol a Fryer priſoner in the Towre of London. pa, 1198. co. 1. lin. 51.
  • Rayne. 943.30. b. and. 971 10 b.
  • Rayneth bloud. 786.6. b
  • Rayne. 854.9. a. and. 893.10. b. and. 903.50. b
  • Rayne exceedyng great, & high floudes. 324.18
  • Ragged Staffe. pa. 1326. co. 1 lin. 57.
  • Rokeſburgh yeelded to the En|gliſh men. 820.42. b
  • Raufes wyfe beſieged in the ci|tie of Norwich, yeeldeth the ſame vpon conditions. 309.12.
  • Rome taken by Brennus and Belinus. 25.74.
  • Romanes encounter. with the Gaules, and are vanquiſhed. 26.18.
  • Rome ſacked by the Gaules. 26.59.
  • Romanes compound wyth the Gaules for their libertie, with money. 27.6.
  • Romanes paſſe ouer into Bri|taine. 35.72.
  • Romanes diſtreſſed by the Bri|taynes in the water. 36.3.
  • Romanes recouer land, and put the Britaines to flyght. 36.78.
  • Romane ſhyppes ſore diſtreſſed and diſperſed by a tempeſt. 37.29.
  • Romanes put to the worſt by the Britaines, are ſuccoured by Ceſar. 38.16.
  • Romanes ouerthrowne, and chaſed by the Britaines. 39.60.
  • Romanes flee to ſea, leauing the ſpoyle and cariage be|hinde them. 40.9.
  • Romanes hindered by reaſon of their heauie armour. 41.74.
  • Romanes paſſe ouer the Tha|mes on foote. 42.24
  • Romane ſouldiers vnwilling to go into Britaine. 48.69.
  • Romanes put to the woorſe by the Britaines, at Porcheſter. 50.60.
  • Romanes put to flight by Arui|ragus. 50.72.
  • Romanes fal to intreatie of Concord, and compoſition with the Britaines. 51.39.
  • Robert Archbyſhop of Cantor|burie, baniſhed the realme. 274.27.
  • Robert Archbyſhop of Cantor|burie, comming from Rome, dyeth by the way. 274.30.
  • Robert Earle of Northumber|land, conſpireth againſt King William Rufus. 325.104.
  • Robert, with his wife and chil|dren, fleeth into Banbourgh Caſtle. 326.7.
  • Robert taken, and committed to priſon. 326.22.
  • Robert arriueth at Porteſ|mouth wyth an armie. 339.
  • Robertes gentlenes wynneth the peoples heartes. 339.9.
  • Robert returneth with content|ment into Normandie. 339.49.
  • Roger Archbyſhop of Yorke, forbydden the vſe of the Sa|cramentes. 412.37.
  • Roger Archbyſhop of Yoke, reſtored to the adminiſtrati|on of hys office agayne. 414.85.
  • Roger Archbyſhop of Yorke, ſent Ambaſſadour to ye Pope. 406.57.
  • Roger Byſhop of Worceſter, ſent Ambaſſadour to the Pope. 406.59.
  • Rockeſborough fortifyed by the Duke of Somerſet. 1631.20.
  • Robert Brakenbery Knyght, Conſtable of the Towre. pag. 1390. col. 1. lin. 20. pa. 1415. col. 2. lin. 36. pag. 1416. col. 1. lin. 28. ſlayne. pag. 1422. col. 1. lin. 17.
  • Robert Hilliard. pag. 1321. co. 1. lin. 1.
  • Robyn of Riddeſdale pa. 1321. col. 1. lin. 2.
  • Lord Wells ſlayne. pag. 1312. co. 1. lin. 38.
  • Robert Horne. pag. 1298. co. 2. lin. 38.
  • Rochfort fortreſſe delyuered to the Engliſhmen. 399.62.
  • Robert Earle of Leiceſter, made Lieutenaunt of Nor|mandie. 481.115. taken priſoner by the Frenchmen. 521.17.
  • Roger apprehended and behea|ded. 308.50.
  • Robert Earle of Glouceſter craftily taken at Northamp|ton. 381.36.
  • Robert Earle of Glouceſter, departeth this lyfe. 381.57.
  • Robert Earle of Glouceſter, his Oration to hys ſouldi|ours. 374.51.
  • Robert Earle of Glouceſter hys armye vanquiſhed, and hymſelfe taken priſoner. 377 85.
  • Robert Earle of Glouceſter, exchaunged priſoner for king Stephan. 378.15.
  • Robert Earle of Glouceſter, maketh a conſpiracie a|gainſt king Stephan, with the Nobilitie and commons. 368.47.
  • Roufe Iohn of Warwike cy|ted. 7.3.
  • Roe Thomas maketh a newe place of Buriall. 1839.51.
  • Robert Earle of Mellent, entreth Normandie wyth fire and ſword. 359.65.
  • Robert Earle of Mellent, taken priſoner in an ambuſh. 359.72.
  • Roderike King of Pictes ro|ueth with a fleete vpon the Oceane, and arriueth in Irelande to ſeeke ſeates. 67.23.
  • Roderike King of Pictes ſlayne, and his armie van|quiſhed. 67.45.
  • Romane power ſent to ſubdue Ireland. 51.115.
  • Romanes receyue a great o|ouerthrowe in Britaine, in the raygne of Domicia|nus Nero the Emperour. 59.50.
  • Romanes vanquiſhed and ſlaine at Camulodunum by the Britaines. 63.91.
  • Romanes driuen out of Spaine by barbarous Nations. 98.65.
  • Romanes mynding to ayde the Britaines no more, byd them farewel. 100.69.
  • Romanes ſouldiours fall at variance among themſelues. 76.23. and. 77.18.
  • Romane ſouldiours go to Rome to complaine on Per|hennis. 77.20.
  • EEBO page image 1480Romane ſouldiours ſlaye theyr owne weake fellows 80.9.
  • Romanes chaſed by the Bri|taines to the citie of Lon|don. 82.13.
  • Rocheſter beſieged, and de|liuered to king William Rufus. 320.21.
  • Rocheſter Churche aduan|ced from foure ſecular Clerkes, to fiftie Mon|kes. 320.65.
  • Robert Duke of Normandy, returneth out of the holy Land into his owne coun|trey 338.34.
  • Robert choſen king of Hie|ruſalem, refuſeth it. 338.47.
  • Robert ſollicited to come into Englande, to clayme the Crowne from his bro|ther, Henrye the firſt. 338.76.
  • Robert landeth at Southãp|ton with an armie, a|gaynſt his brother Kyng William Rufus. 319.61.
  • Robert ſollicited to come into England with an ar|mie, to obteyne the Cro|wne from his brother king William Rufus. 318 29.
  • Roberts power diſcomfited by Kyng William Rufus. 319.69.
  • Robert leeſeth England by lingring the time. 319.73.
  • Robert engnageth his Du|chie of Normandie, to his brother Kyng Willyam Rufus of England, for money. 327.22. and. 327 63.
  • Robert Byſhop of Cheſter. 336.5.
  • Roſamonde, Concubine to Kyng Henrye the ſecond, her paſſing beautie, death and buryal. 472.97
  • Robert commeth ouer into Englande, with his bro|ther Kyng William Ru|fus. 321.110
  • Robert returneth into Nor|mandie in great diſplea|ſure. 322.66.
  • Rouland Lord of Galloway, ſubmitteth himſelfe to king Henry the ſecond and is receyued into fauour. 462.58.
  • Roderike King of Connagh in Ireland, refuſeth to ſubmit himſelfe to king Henrye the ſecond. 420.31.
  • Roch Laberie caſtle deliue|red to king Henry the ſe|cond. 410.6.
  • Robert gatheryng of an ar|mie, to diſpoſſeſſe his fa|ther of Normandie. 317.75.
  • Robert returneth into Nor|mandie, and is made Duke thereof after hys Fathers deceaſe. 317.81.
  • Robert, why diſinheirited of the Crowne of Eng|land. 317.91.
  • Redwald king of Eaſtangles departeth this life. 159.7.
  • Redwald baptiſed, but re|turneth to Idolatry. 162.26.
  • Redwald at one time, would ſerue both God and the diuel. 162.32.
  • Roan Caſtle fortified. 359.56.
  • Robert Earle of Glouceſter fleeth into Fraunce. 371.22.
  • Roger Byſhop of Saliſbury ſuſpected by king Ste|phan, and impriſoned. 371.63
  • Roger Byſhoppe of Sa|liſburie, pyneth awaye and dieth for ſorrow. 372.5.
  • Roger Byſhoppe of Saliſ|burie his firſt begynning and riſing to eſtimation. 372.18.
  • Rollo arriueth in England with a great armie. 213.51.
  • Rollo and his armie diſtreſ|ſed by the Engliſh men. 213.61.
  • Rollo leaueth Englande, and ſayleth ouer into Fraunce. 213.66.
  • Rollo or Rou, ſonne to Guy|on, a Lorde of Denmarke. 288.87.
  • Rollo fleing out of Den|marke, is made Duke of Normandie. 288.99.
  • Rollo marieth Gilla, daugh|ter to Charles Le Sym|ple, king of France. 218.105.
  • Rollo, after the deceaſe of Gilla, marryeth Popea, daughter to the Earle of Bayeulx. 288.107.
  • Roches Peter Byſhoppe of Wincheſter dieth. 654.11. his worthy commen|dation. 654.14.
  • Robert baſe ſonne to Kyng Henrye the firſt marry|eth Maude, daughter and Heire vnto Ro|bert Fytz Ham. 451.50.
  • Robert baſe ſonne to Kyng Henrye the firſt. made Earle of Glouceſter. 351.53.
  • Romanus drowned, in traueiling towards Rome 164.31.
  • Robert eldeſt ſonne to king William, inuadeth Nor|mandie with an armie, as a rebel agaynſt his father. 310.11.
  • Roger Archedeacon of Can|terbury, conſecrated Arch|byſhop of Yorke. 393.
  • Romanus ordeyned By|ſhoppe of Rocheſter. 158.80.
  • Roberts vndiſcreete libera|litie miſlyked of his ſub|iects. 344.1.
  • Robert commeth ouer into England, to intreat for peace of his brother king Henry. 344.24.
  • Robert taken priſoner, and his armie ouerthrowen and chaſed. 345.24.
  • Robert committed to priſon within the Caſtle of Car|diffe in Wales. 346.14.
  • Robert departeth this life. 346.19.
  • Robert ſet at libertie, and bound to forſweare the Realme of England and Normandie. 346.30.
  • Robert aſſaying to eſcape out of priſon, is taken, and his eies put out. 346.57.
  • Robert marieth Sibel, ſiſter to the Erle of conuerſans in Puglia. 346.71.
  • Rockingham in Rutland|ſhyre. 331.42.
  • Rockingham Caſtle. 331 43.
  • Ronir or Rowen, daughter to Hengiſt. 112.73.
  • Rowen drinketh waſſail to Kyng Vortigernus. 113.75.
  • Rowen married to Kyng Vortigernus. 113.94.
  • Romane Empire inua|ded on eche ſyde, by the Barbarous Na|tions. 103.65.
  • Robert Earle of Leyce|ſters armie discomfy|ted, and him ſelfe taken priſoner. 431.93.
  • Robert and his Father Kyng William made friendes. 310.69.
  • Robert ſent with an army agaynſt Malcolme king of Scots. 310.75.
  • Riuall and Blengente. Sonnes to Griffyn, made Gouernours of Wales. 277.76.
  • Rocheſter Caſtle whereof William de Albeney was Captaine, beſieged by Kyng Iohn. 592.95. yeelded to the Kyng. 593.19.
  • Robert commeth ouer in|to England to viſite his brother Kyng Henrye. 342.26.
  • Roger Byſhop of Saliſ|burie a politike Prelate. 364.39.
  • Robert Earle of Leyce|ſter taketh part with Henrye the ſonne, agaynſt King Henrye the ſecond, and is put to flyght. 430.1.
  • Robert Earle of Leyce|ſter layeth his hande on his Swoorde, to ſtryke Kyng Henrye the ſecond. 431.18.
  • Robert Earle of Leyce|ſter returneth into Eng|land with an armie of Flemings. 431.32.
  • Rocheſter Caſtle wonne by Lewes the Frenche Kyngs Sonne. 600.12.
  • Rocheſter Caſtle confyr|med to Philip Earle of Flaunders. 427.13.
  • Robert Duke of Norman|die, looke Rollo.
  • Roger Earle of Clare, de|nyeth to doo Homage to the Archbyſhoppe of Canterburie for the Caſtle of Tunbridge. 401.103.
  • Roxborowe Caſtle beſie|ged. pag. 1302. col. 2. lin. 40.
  • Roderike King of Vlneſter, ouerthrowen in the field. 448.13.
  • Robert Vmfreuel knyght, agaynſt the Scottes. pag. 1172. co. 1. lin. 49.
  • Robert Earle of Leyce|ſter reſtored to his landes. 444.7.
  • Robert repenteth him of the releaſying of the tri|bute to his brother king Henry. 342.40.
  • Rocheſter ſpoyled and ſacked by Ethelred. 181.68.
  • Rowen beſieged by the French Kyng. 558.55.
  • Robert Knoles knight. pag. 1152. co. 2. lin. 23.
  • Rocheſter Bridge buyl|ded. pag. 1152. co. 2. lin. 47.
  • Robert Vmfreuel. knight Vyce Admyrall. pag. 1156. co. 2. lin. 7. mend Market. pag. 1156. co. 2. lin. 25.
  • Roger Acton rayſed a com|motiõ. pa. 1166. co. 2. li. 34. was condemned EEBO page image 1481 and executed. pag. 1167. co. 2. lin. 24.
  • Robert Earle Ferrers, reſtored to his landes. 774.39.
  • Rouen beſieged by the French men, but in vayne. 436.55.
  • Roger Abbot of Bechellouin choſen Archbyſhoppe of Canterburie, refuſeth it. 424.68.
  • Rocheſter Caſtle, reſtored to the Archbyſhoppe of Canterburie. 590.100.
  • Robert Earle of Leyce|ſter, taken priſoner by the French men. 524.50. ſet at libertie. 524.61.
  • Robert Byſhoppe of Lin|colne, departeth this lyfe. 410.72.
  • Roger Earle of Hereford, conſpireth agaynſt king William. 308.17.
  • Roſcarocke Nicholas. 235.78.
  • Robert ſendeth to the Frenche king for ayde, agaynſt his brother king William Rufus. 321.61.
  • Rome Scot graunted to the Pope. 195.63.
  • Robert Earle of Leyce|ſter elected Byſhoppe of Saint Andrewes in Scotlande, receyueth orders of prieſthood. 534.50.
  • Rollo King. 559.47.
  • Roges appoynted to be burnt thorough the eare. 1862.2.
  • Rochfort Lord Rochfort executed. 1561.8.
  • Rothes William general to Arthur of Britayne. 547.14.
  • Rome buylded. 21.64.
  • Roger ſonne to Miles, made Earle of Here|foord. 380.21.
  • Roger Archbiſhop of Yorke, goeth to Rome for his Pal. 393.68.
  • Archbyſhop of Roan ſlayne comming to Creſſey. 935.10. b.
  • A Roſe of golde ſent from the Pope. 1532.10.
  • Robert, Abbot of Mol|menſe. 333.82.
  • Robert Earle of Mellent, rebelleth agaynſt king Henry the firſt. 359.50.
  • Roger Archbiſhop of Yorke dyeth. 456.5.
  • Rocheſter beſieged by king Egelredus. 238.56.
  • Roger Chancellour to king Henry the firſt, conſecra|ted byſhop of Saliſburie. [...]47.10.
  • Rood or blacke croſſe. 891.47. b.
  • Rotrode, Archbyſhop of Ro|uen, crowneth Henry, ſon to king Henry the ſecond, Margaret his wyfe. 421.77.
  • Roũd table chãber at Wind|ſore built. 922.52. b.
  • Robert Welles knight. pag. 1321. co. 2. lin. 49. taken and beheaded. pag. 1322. co. 1. lin. 34.
  • Rocheſter Caſtle fortified by biſhop Odo. 318.44.
  • Robert releaſeth the tribute due vnto him out of Eng|land. 342.29.
  • Iohn Romaine made Arch|byſhop of Yorke. 794.48. a. dyeth. 815.32. a.
  • Roxbourgh caſtle guaged to the King of England. 439.40.
  • Roſſe Lord Roſſe his roade into Scotland. 1522.41.
  • Rouſſe Iohn. 1462.14.
  • Roch Guion yeelded to the Engliſh. pag. 1198. col. 2. lin. 39.
  • Roger Claringdon knight executed. pag. 1134. col. 1. lin. 54.
  • Rouen alwayes faythful to their Prince. 559.21.
  • Rome taken and ſacked. 1539.10.
  • Robert Earle of Leyceſter, releaſed out of priſon. 439.21.
  • Robert, Archbyſhop of Can|terburie, fleeth into Nor|mandie. 269.94.
  • Romanes vanquiſhed by K. Arthur about Paris. 133 67.
  • The Romiſh religion reſto|red. 1722.55.
  • Rous Iohn cited. 316.50.
  • The Rhodes won. 1524.8.
  • Rochel won from the Eng|liſh men. 626.23.
  • Robert Whitingham knight ſlain. pa. 1339. co. 2. li. 56
  • Robert Baſſet Alderman of London. pag. 1342. co. 2. lin. 37.
  • Robert Huldorne beheaded. pag. 1319. col. 1. lin. 50.
  • Robert Willoughby knight. pag. 1402. co. 2. lin. 21.
  • Roan beſieged by the Eng|liſhe. pag. 1194. co. 1. lin. 19. yeelded to the Eng|liſhe. pag. 1197. co. 1. lin. 57. yeelded to the French pag. 1275. co. 2. lin. 30.
  • Roches William. 560.13.
  • Roger Clifford knight execu|ted. pag. 1405. co. 2. lin. 4.
  • Robert Bapthorpe Eſquire, ſlaine. pag. 1288. co. 1. li. 12.
  • Roger Vaughan beheaded. pag. 1345. co. 1. lin. 1.
  • Thomas Roſſelin knight ſlayne. 499.51. a.
  • Anthonie Earle Riuers. pa. 1351. co. 1. lin. 6.
  • Robert Chamberlain knight pa. 1327. co. 1. lin. 16.
  • Rouen through famyn is ſur|rendred to the French K. 559.33.
  • Roger Byſhoppe of Worce|ter. 421.78.
  • Rocheſter beſieged by the Danes. 215.47.
  • Rollo Chriſtined, and called Robert. 288.86.
  • Robert Horne. pag. 1311. co. 1. lin. 25. ſlayne. pag. 1312. co. 1. lin. 38.
  • Runingſmede or Rimemede betwixt Stanes & Win|ſore, wher king Iohn toke peace with his Barons. 590.107.
  • Rufus William, renounceth Archbiſhop Anſelme for his ſubiect. 332.38.
  • Rufus William his wrath towardes the Byſhoppes which held with An|ſelme, pacified with mo|nie. 332.97.
  • Rufus William reconciled to the Pope. 333.6.
  • Ruthlan Caſtle builded. 789 6. a. beſieged. 790.52. b
  • Round Table. 790.18. b.
  • Rufus William, ſucceedeth his father king William, in the kingdome of Eng|land. 317.1.
  • Rufus William proclamed king, and Crowned at Weſtminſter. 317.45.
  • Rufus Williams liberalitie after his Coronation. 317.48.
  • Rufus William, cannot a|bide to heare the Pope named. 330.91.
  • Rutter, what it ſignfieth. 446.10.
  • Rufus Williams great cur|teſie, ſhewed to the Eng|liſhmen. 319.37.
  • Rufus William, leadeth a mighty army into Kent, a|gaynſt the rebels there. 319.49.
  • Rufus William inuadeth Wales with an armye. 326.47.
  • Rufus William, returneth out of Wales with diſho|nour. 326.69
  • Edward Earle of Rutland, created Duke of Aube|marle. 1097.30. b.
  • Rufus William wounded at Archenbray battayle. 310 60.
  • Rumor, but falſe, of ye Danes comming into England. 313.111.
  • Ruſſel Iohn Lorde Ruſſell knight of the order, & Lord Priuie ſeale, is made one of ye kings executors. 1611 34. diſcomfiteth in fight the rebels in Deuonſhire. 1655.7. his anſwer to the protectors letter. 1689.10
  • Riual abbey foũded. 333.96
  • Rutlãd caſtle builded. 398.2
  • Rufus William paſſeth ouer with an armie, againſt his brother Robert, Duke of Normandie. 325.46.
  • Rud, or Ludhurdibras, ſonne to Leil, beginneth to reign ouer Britaine. 18.109.
  • Rud, or Ludhurdibras dieth. 19.10.
  • Rumor of the princes death, giueth occaſion of manye conſpiracies & rebellions. 367.32
  • Rufus William, ſlayne with an arrowe. 334.40.
  • Rufus William his nature and diſpoſition deſcribed. 334.74.
  • Rufus William ſuſpected of infidelitie. 335.77.
  • Rufus William, why to ſur|named. 335.95.
  • Ruſſel Iohn knight Contro|ler of his Maieſties houſ|hold, is created Lord Ruſ|ſel. 1572.53.
  • Rufus William, returneth in to England with his bro|ther Robert. 321.109.
  • Rufus William his rathe & fooliſh haſtineſſe. 329.56
  • Rufus William paſſeth ouer into Normandie in haſt, without al company. 329.77.
  • Rotheram Thomas Arch|byſhop of Yorke, dyeth. 1455.37.
  • Rufus William glueth him|ſelf to al ſenſual luſt, and couetouſnes. 320.103.
  • Rufus William leadeth an armie into Normandye a|gainſt his brother Duke
  • Robert. 321.55.
  • Ruthal Thomas Doctor one of the kings counſel. 1464 54. named byſhop of Dur|rham. eadem. 22.
  • Ruſtein a ringleader of re|bels taken. 729.42.
  • Rufus Williams couetouſ|nes, and ſhameful meanes to get money. 323.107.
  • Rufus William, inuadeth Wales with an armie, & returneth without any ex|ployt atchieued. 328.48.
  • Rufinianus ſent into Bry|taine. 149.98.
  • Rudacus, king of Wales. 22 88.

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