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  • Lacy Roger ſent into Norman|die with men of armes. 551.107.
  • Lanfranke ſickneth and dyeth. 320.46.
  • Lanfranke a good huſband to the See of Canterburie. 320.74.
  • Lawes ordeyned by king Willi|am nothing ſo equal nor eaſie to be kept, as the old lawes of England. 303.58.
  • Lammeth Church fyrſt founded by Baldwyn Archbyſhop of of Canterburie. 537.1. ra|ſed by the commaundement of the Pope. 577.27. and. 539.30.
  • Laurence made Archbyſhop of Canterburie. 152.61.
  • Laurence reproued for that he went about to forſake his flocke. 158.42.
  • Laurence ſcourged in a viſion. 158.40.
  • Lacy Hugh conformed in al the landes of Meeth. 421.35.
  • Lacye Hugh made keeper of Dublin citie, and Lord chiefe Iuſtice of Ireland. 421.40.
  • Lauerdyn Buchard expelleth his father out of the Earle|dome of Vandoſme. 432.47
  • Lawes of king Henry the firſt commaunded by king Iohn to be obſerued in England. 582.5.
  • Lambert William, tranſlatour of the Saxon lawes into La|tine. 188.14.
  • Lambert elected Archbyſhop of Canterburie. 199.23.
  • Lago or Iago couſin to Gurgu|ſtius, taketh vpon him the Gouernment of Britayn. 21.104.
  • Lacy Walter goeth about to take the Lord Curcie priſo|ner. 552.53.
  • Lacy Roger Conſtable of Che|ſter taken priſoner. 556.67.
  • Lawes of the Realme peruſed and amended. 395, 44.
  • Blanche Duches of Lancaſter dyeth. 981.28. a Lawes and officers after the Engliſhe manner appoyn|ted to be vſed in Ireland by King Iohn. 570.4.
  • Langton Stephen choſen Arch|byſhop of Cantorbury by the Popes appoyntment. 564.48.
  • Iohn Duke of Lancaſtar paſ|ſeth with an armie through Fraunce. 994.2. a. returneth into England. 995.12. a
  • Latter thoughtes, better adui|ſed than the firſt. 438.26.
  • Lacy Roger, Conſtable of Che|ſter ſworne to King Iohn. 542.85.
  • Lacy Roger made gouernour of Pomfret Caſtle. 546.13.
  • Lacy Roger delyuereth hys ſonne and heyre to K. Iohn as an hoſtage of his loyaltie & faithful obediẽce. 546.14.
  • Laurence Archbyſhop of Dub|lin, ſent Ambaſſadour to K. Henry the ſecond. 441.95.
  • Labienus, one of the Romane Tribunes ſlayne. 39.23.
  • Thomas Earle of Lancaſtar taken. 866.32. b. executed 867.24. a.
  • Iohn Duke of Lancaſtar paſ|ſeth into Fraunce with an armie. 979.48. a. ſpoyleth many countryes in France. 980.32. a.
  • Langton Thomas Byſhop of Wincheſter dyeth. 1455.36.
  • Lanfranke prayſed, for mayn|tayning Monkes in Cathe|dral Churches. 320.98.
  • Laton Richard knight ſent in|to Britaine. 1434.10.
  • Law nor reaſon permit the ſonne to iudge or condemne the father. 405.93.
  • Earles of Lancaſtar and Lin|colne diſcõfited. 810.27. b.
  • Earle of Lancaſtar ſent into Gaſcoine. 815.31. b. putteth the French men to flyght. 815.50. b. dyeth at Bayon. 816.27. a.
  • Landed men charged with fur|niture of warre. 925.30. b.
  • Iohn Duke of Lancaſtar goeth into Scotland. 1075.22. b.
  • Iohn Duke of Lancaſtar goeth into Spaine with an armye. 1051.34. a. returneth a|gain. 1052.40. b. his daugh+ter promiſed to the Prince of Spaine. 1053.1. a.
  • Duke of Lancaſter created Duke of Aquitane. 1076.58. a. his creation reuoked. 1087.1. b.
  • Duke of Lancaſter accuſed of treaſon. 1004.55. a
  • Iohn Duke of Lancaſter made Lieutenant of Aquitain. 991.36. a. maryeth the el|deſt daughter of Peter King of Spaine. 991.55. b.
  • Laford Caſtle. 605.30.
  • Duke of Lancaſtar goeth into Aquitaine. 1085.24. a. the Gaſcoynes denye to obey him. 1085.5. b.
  • Lambert, alias Iohn Nichol|ſon, appealeth, and is heard, condemned and burnt, 1571 50.
  • Edmund of Langley created duke of Yorke. 1050.58. a Simon Langham Archbiſhop of Canterbury, made Car|dinal. 975.32. b
  • Lambert William tranſlated king Edmondes lawes into latine. 228.51
  • Duke of Lancaſter gouernor of England. 997.44. b
  • Laughing heard in the Romane Courtes & Theater, no man being there. 60.116
  • Lancaſter Caſtle deliuered to the Biſhop of Durham. 516 46.
  • Lancaſter ſword. 1119. co. 2 lin. 26.
  • Latimer burned. 1764.54
  • Henry ſonne to the earle of Lan|caſter, created Earle of Der|by. 900.13. b
  • Laabin, one of the names of Her+cules. 5.103
  • Henrye Earle of Lancaſter a|gainſt the Queene. 892.37 a.
  • Duke of Lancaſter goeth to Scotland to treate of peace 1023.55. b.
  • Duke of Lancaſter goeth to ſea with a Nauie. 949.40. b
  • Lanpeder vaur caſtle buylt. 788 13. b. taken by the Welch men. 791.1. a
  • Duke of Lancaſter ſent to ayde the king of Nauerre. 955.7. b.
  • Lawe ſalike. pa. 1168. co. 2. lin. 30.
  • Henry Duke of Lancaſter and others, ambaſſadours to the Pope. 948.29. b
  • Laurance Bothe Archbiſhop of Canterbury. 1345. co. 1. lin 93.
  • William lorde Latimer dyeth. 840.42. a
  • Lambert William cited. 215.4 and. 312.9.
  • Langley Geffrey Collector in Wales, to Henry the thyrd. 744.32.
  • Simon Langham made Arch|biſhop of Canterbury. 971.24. b.
  • Henry Lacy Earle of Lincolne dyeth. 850.5. a
  • Henry Duke of Lancaſter clay|meth the Crown. 1115.7. b
  • Lady Spencer committed to warde pa. 1145. col. 2. lin. 4.
  • Lacie Roger. 318.68.
  • Henry Duke of Lancaſtar and Here [...], ſolicited to be king. 1104.50. b. landeth in Yorkeſhyre. 1105.22. b. ma|keth an othe to the Lordes. 1106. a. [...]. cõmeth to K. Ri|chard at Flint 1110.40. a.
  • Edmund of Langley ſon to Ed|ward the thyrd borne. 916.54. b.
  • Duke of Lancaſtar marrieth Katherin Swinford. 1088.1. a. their children made le|gitimate by Parliament. 1090.42. a.
  • Thomas Earle of Lancaſter canonized. 1076.13. a.
  • Henry Earle of Lancaſtar crea|ted Duke of Lancaſtar. 947.36. b.
  • Lambert, Earle of Leus. 308.73.
  • Lambert Archbiſhop, defendeth his ryght agaynſt Offa. 195.21.
  • Iohn Duke of Lancaſtar dieth. 1102.39. a.
  • Lawe pleaded in Engliſh. 969 34. a.
  • Lanfrank Abbot of Caen, con|ſecrated Archbiſhop of Can|terbury. 305.14
  • Lanfranke in great credite and fauour with the Pope. 305 28.
  • Lazius Wolfgangus cited. 2.41. and. 3.79.
  • Lacyes original that were erles of Lincolne. 323.55
  • Laurence Archbiſhop of Dub|lin dyeth. 454.27.
  • Lambheth. 267.112
  • Ladyes put out of the Court. 1070.15. b.
  • Lambert William cited. 246.32. and. 263.21.
  • Lacy Iohn Conſtable of Che|ſter. 454.32
  • Duke of Lancaſter geueth ouer the Court. 1009.27. a. goeth into Britaine with an army. 1010.1. b.
  • Lambert Archbiſhop departeth this lyfe. 202.75
  • Lacy Walter. 308.33.
  • Lacy walter & Gilbert. 369.63
  • Lame man reſtored to his lyms 121.35
  • Lacy Walter ſlayne. 371.7
  • Lady de Breuſe and her ſonne taken by king Iohn. 570.15
  • Laurence a prieſt, felowe with Auguſtine. 148.70
  • Langualeè William. 408.51
  • Lacy Walter. 570.12
  • Langton. 271.72
  • Legates to haue nothing to do in England, but required. 356.57.
  • Lernyng remayngng amongſt the inhabitantes of the weſt EEBO page image 1469 partes of Europe. 362.50
  • Leyceſter and caſtle wals raſed to the ground. 445.13
  • Leir demaundeth of his daugh|ters, how wel they loue hym. 19.65.
  • Leir rated of his maintenance, by his two ſonnes in law. 20 8.
  • Leir depoſed from the Crowne by his two ſonnes in law. 20 7.
  • Leir paſſeth ouer into Fraun|ce for ſuccour, and is there moſt honorably enterteyned. 20.24.
  • Leir reſtored to his kingdome 20.56.
  • Leir dieth, and is buried at Lei|ceſter. 20.58
  • Leoun and his Welchmen be|gyn to ſturre. 619.10
  • Leoun prince of Northwales conſpireth againſt the kyng. 622.83.
  • Legantine power annexed to the Archbiſhopricke of Can+terbury. 401.34
  • Leiceſter towne in old tyme cal|led Caerleir, builded. 19.57.
  • Leir ſonne to Baldud, admyt|ted ruler ouer Britaine. 19 45.
  • Letters out of Scotland inter|cepted. 864.36. a.
  • Leill ſonne of Brute Greene|ſheild beginneth to rule in Britayne. 18.63.
  • Leland cited. 4.49. and. 55.11.
  • Leyland Iohn cited. 301.41. and 301.71.
  • Leiceſter towne, with the coun|trey adioyning wa [...]ed and ſpoyled by Hugh de Gran|meſnil. 318.61.
  • Lindeſtarne Ile, geuen vnto Aydan, for the See of his Biſhopricke. 168.27.
  • Lent firſt ordeyned to be kept in England. 169.49.
  • Lewes his fayre ſo called in de|riſion, of the diſcomfiture he had at Lincolne. 614.9.
  • Lewes ſendeth for ayde into Fraunce. 614.72.
  • Lewes his wyfe ſendeth ayde in|to Englande to her huſband. 615.1.
  • Lewes releaſed the title of the kingdome of Englande. 616.10
  • Lewes aſſoyled by the Popes legate. 616.15.
  • Lewes ſworne to depart the Realme. 616.24.
  • Leil leaueth hatred and malice among his ſubiectes. 18.102.
  • Leil dieth, and is buried at Carleil. 18.105.
  • Leirs three daughters names. 19.60.
  • Lewis king of Fraunce, ſoweth ſedition betweene king Hen|ry the ſecond and his ſonne Henry. 423.23.
  • Lewis king of Faunce fleeth ſe|cretly by night from the bur|ning of veruneil. 428.72.
  • Leofwyne Chaplayne to Wal|cher byſhop of Durham. 311.31.
  • Leofricke made Earle of Mer|cia or of Cheſter. 260.47.
  • Leofrike beareth great rule vnder king Cnute. 263.2.
  • Lewis king of Fraunce, com|meth ouer into England, to offer to Saint Thomas of Canterburie. 452.68.
  • Legates from the Pope to king Iohn. 571.46.
  • Leighton battel, fought by Engliſh men agaynſt the Danes. 221.10.
  • Lewis king of Aquitayne ma|rieth Edgina, daugter to king Edward. 223.29.
  • Leofrike departeth this life. 277.11.
  • Lewes and al his partakers curſed by the Popes Legate. 610.70.
  • Lewes ſaileth ouer into France and returneth ſhortly agayne into England. 611.45.
  • Leyland Iohn, curyous ſear|cher of olde antyquities. 34.64.
  • Leſtrigo, ſonne to Neptune, king of Italy. 5.82.
  • Leofwin and Harold, inuade the ſhyres of Somerſet, and Dorcet and ſlay the inhabi|tantes. 272.68.
  • Leape of Gogmagog, or leape of Douer. 15.94.
  • Leopold Duke of Auſtrich, cat|cheth a fal beſides his horſe and dieth of the hurt. 525.74.
  • Legates exactions much miſly|ked. 656.82.
  • Lewes king of Fraunce, de|ceaſeth. 781.14.
  • Learned men in king Edward the ſeconds dayes. 884.51. a
  • Ledes Caſtle beſieged by Ed|ward the ſecond. 861.33. b.
  • Lenox Earle fleeing into Eng|land marrieth the Lady Margret Dowglas 1594.41.
  • Leiceſter towne. pag. 1416. col. 1. lin. 18. col. 2. lin. 56. pag. 1423. col. 2. lin. 1. lin. 7.
  • Leſtinghem Monaſterie foun|ded. 175.2.
  • League concluded betweene king Arthur of Britaine, and Loth of the Pictes with con|dition. 132.32.
  • Lee Riuer deuided into three Chanels. 216.69.
  • Leightou Thomas knight ſent into Britayne. 1434.10.
  • Learned men flowriſhing in the dayes of Richard the firſt 541.25.
  • Learned men in the time of king Henry the eight. 1612.14.
  • Letters nor commaundements to be brought into ye Realme from the Pope, or Thomas Becket Archbyſhop of Can|terburye. 408.89.
  • Legate from the Pope into England. 563.64.
  • Leutherius Biſhop of the Weſt Saxons. 179.93.
  • Legate Otho his Cooke ſlayne. 652.27.
  • Leof Monaſterie builded. 277.32.
  • Lec Alane, hanged vppon deſ|pite. 502.45.
  • Leopold Duke of Auſtrich, ta|keth Richard the ſecond pri|ſoner. 506.66.
  • Legate ſent for into England, to enquire of Archbyſhoppe Thomas Beckets death. 417.69.
  • Learned men in the time of Henry the ſeuenth. 1462.1.
  • Lenox Erle inuadeth Scotland 1633.7.
  • Leonore Queene of Portingal dieth. 1786.7.
  • Learned men in the time of king Edward the ſixt. 1719.10.
  • Leofwin ſlayne, and cut in pee|ces. 311.79.
  • Llewellin Prince of Wales in|uadeth the Engliſh borders. 638.7.
  • Lewes battel, fought by the Barons, againſt king Henry the third. 768.36.
  • Legate Pandulph commeth in|to England to king Iohn. 575.12. he ſpeaketh to the king. 575.18.
  • Legate of Rome taketh the Crowne from king Iohn. 575.69. he deliuereth it to the king agayne. 575.81.
  • Legate Pandolph ſayleth backe out of England into France 577.27.
  • Lewes the French kings ſonne taketh ſea with all his proui|ſion to ayde the Barons, and landeth at Sandwich. 599.81. he taketh homage of the Barons. 599.90.600.16.
  • Lewes Clifford knight bewrai|eth his fellownes of wikclifs doctrine. pa. 1135. col. 2. lin. 6.
  • Letters to the Pope agaynſt preferring ſtrangers to bene|fices. 921.25. b.
  • League concluded between the Engliſhmen, and the Danes. 214.106.
  • Lee riuer. 214.113.
  • Earle of Leiceſer aydeth the Queene. 877.55 b.
  • Lewes commeth to London 600.15. he is excommunica|ted by Cardinal Gualo. 600 61.
  • League of agreemẽt concluded betweene the Britaines and Saxons vpon conditions. 128.19.
  • Lewes the Emperour offereth to be a meane for peace. 914.40. b.
  • Learned men in king Richard ye ſeconds dayes. 1117.20. b
  • Lewes the Emperour wonne from the king of England. 914.52. a.
  • Learned men flouriſhing in k. Edward the thirdes dayes 1001.23. b.
  • Lewes Phiſition to Queene Elizabeth. pag. 1400. col. 1. lin. 28. col. 2. lin. 5.
  • League renued betwixt Eng|land and Flanders. 546.33
  • Lewes the French king dyeth. 629.29.
  • Leofrike, brother to king Ha|rold, ſlayne. 288.3.
  • Learned writers in the tyme Henry the fifth. pag. 1218. col. 2. lin. 32.
  • Learned mens names, that flou|riſhed in the dayes of king Henrie the ſecond. 473.41.
  • Leoline Prince of Wales. 786.32. a. requireth hoſtages. ibi|dem. raiſeth warre agaynſt the king. 786.32. b. maketh ſute for peace. 787.17. a. marryeth the Earle of Ley|ceſters daughter. 788.17. b. rebelleth. 789.10. a. accur|ſed. 791.12. a. ſlayne. 792.20. b. his head preſented to the king crowned with Iuie, caryed through Cheapſide, and ſet on the toppe of the Towre at London. 792.50. a
  • Legate ſent from the Pope in|to England and not receiued 338.13.
  • Leyceſter towne and Caſtle ta|ken and burnt. 430.10.
  • Layborne Robert. 1443.42.
  • Lewes Letzenbrough Earle of S. Paule. pag. 1346. col. 1. lin. 27.
  • Learned men in the tyme of Henry the ſixt. pag. 1307. col. 2. lin. 6.
  • Leporius Agricola, Pela|gian byſhop in Britaine. 119 36.
  • Lewes holdeth a counſel at Cambridge. 610.26.
  • League renued betwixt king Iohn and the French king. 552.39.
  • Leon Ganer, a Giaunt in Bry|tayne. 18.78.
  • Leonel Byſhop of Concordia the Popes Ambaſſadour. 1437.36.
  • Leogitia called alſo Lergetia. 12.31.
  • Letters from the kyng to the Pope. pag. 1155. col. 1. lin. 23.
  • Learned men in the tyme of EEBO page image 1469 Queene Mary of whom many ſuffered for Religion. 1782.20.
  • Learned men in the tyme of Richard the thyrd. pa. 1424
  • Learned writers in the tyme of Edward the fourth. pag. 1355. col. 1. lin. 7.
  • Leſſey Richard. 1443.42.
  • Lefwyn Abbot, taken by the Danes. 246.16
  • Leo Iſaurus Emperour. 191.39.
  • Leides Caſtle taken by king Stephan. 371.33.
  • League betweene England and Flaunders. 902.50. b.
  • Learned men in king Edward the firſts dayes. 846 30. a.
  • Leyceſter. pag. 1329. col. 2. lin. 2.
  • Lergetia, called alſo Leogitia. 12.31.
  • Leoffe Monaſterie. 270.13.
  • Leyland Iohn cited. 134.48.
  • Lewes Duke of Orleans taken priſoner. 1434.1.
  • Lewes the ſecond Emperour. 208.39.
  • Lewes Emperour. 219.81.
  • Leo the fifth Emperor. 115 60
  • League concluded betweene king Alured, and king Gur|thrun. 214.106.
  • Legate from Rome. pag. 1249. col. 1. lin. 11.
  • Leofwin baniſhed the land. 272 13.
  • Llhuyd Humfrey cited. 30.12. and. 33.69. and. 68.19.
  • Llhuyd Humfrey cited. 87.104
  • Llhuyd Humfrey cited. 55.5.
  • Llhuyd Humfrey cited. 3.56. and. 4.50. and. 5.43. and. 27.57.
  • Lindſey inuaded by the Danes 212.13.
  • Lindeſferne Abbey ſpoyled by the Danes. 202.26.
  • Line of the Norman heyres Male in the Crowne of England endeth. 364.45.
  • Lincolne towne beſieged by K. Stephan and deliuered. 380 80.
  • Liberties graunted to Church|men by king Henry ye ſecond 446.35.
  • Liulfus withdraweth himſelfe vnto Durham, and there ly|ueth. 311.25.
  • Licenced to depart into Nor|mandie. 499.80. complay|neth to the Pope in vayne. 500.10. returneth into England with commiſſion from king Richard the firſt. 512.80.
  • Liberties of Norwich ſeaſed. pag. 1272. col. 1. lin. 46.
  • Liſieux, won by the French. pa. 1276. col. 2. lin 53.
  • Litle Britaine, which is Armo|rica in Fraunce. 95.75.
  • Liberties of London ſeyſed. 1081.10. b. reſtored. 1082.8. b.
  • Lilly George cyted. 2.98.
  • Liberties of Magna Charta, confirmed by Parliament. 779.92.
  • Liberties of the Citie of Lon|don reſtored againe. 739.67.
  • Lincolne battaile, fought by Maude the Empreſſe a|gainſt king Stephan. 373.70.
  • Librarie in Yorke Minſter, conſumed wyth fyre. 300.52.
  • Lynceus ſlayeth his vncle Da|naus. 8.26.
  • Lynceus bringeth the Kingdom of Argiues vnder his ſubiec|tion. 8.28.
  • Light ſhippes firſt inuented in the Britiſh ſeas. 5.28.
  • Lincolne made a Biſhops See. 309.65.
  • Liulfus, murthered in hys houſe. 311.36.
  • Lincolne wonne. 602.29.
  • Lydford waſted and burnt by the Danes. 241.42
  • Lilius Giraldus cyted. 6.46.
  • Liberties of the Citie of Lon|don ſeiſed into Henrye the thyrds handes. 738.37.
  • Licence graunted to al men, to build Caſtles, Towers, or holdes. 366.11
  • Licinius maryeth Conſtantia, ſiſter to Conſtantinus. 91.62.
  • Lynceus ſaued by his wyfe Hypermneſtra, fleeth into E|gypt. 7.78.
  • Limezun Citie in Cypres, wonne by king Richard the firſt. 492.11.
  • Lincolne Caſtle builded. 299.1.
  • Lionel the kings ſonne Garden of Englande. 926.23. a.
  • Lieutenantes appoynted ouer euery ſhyre in England. 775 9.
  • Lincolne Citie taken and ſpoy|led by certaine outlawes. 776.61.
  • Lieth beſieged by the Lorde Gray. 1804.2. the ſundrye exploytes done thereat. ibi|dem. and many leaues folow|ing. 1813. where the towne is ſurrendered and peace made.
  • Liſtes in Smithfield pa. 1317 col. 2. lin. 50.
  • Lincolne Iohn author of the inſurrection on yll May day. 1499.50. is hanged. 1503.30.
  • Lyndſey burned, and the peo|ple ſlayne, by king Egelre|dus. 250.67.
  • Liens Caſtle wonne by kyng Iohns ſouldiours. 584.12.
  • Iohn Litteſter Captaine of the Norfolke rebels. 1031.22. a. executed. 1032.34. a
  • Limoges taken by the blacke Prince. 991.10. a.
  • Lith burnt· 1593.20.
  • Lionel the kings ſonne created Duke of Clarence. 968.47. b.
  • Licinius choſen fellowe wyth Maximianus in the Em|pire. 91.51.
  • Licinius ſent wyth an armie a|gainſt Maximinus, ouer|throweth him. 91.64.
  • Lychfield, whereof it tooke name. 88.38.
  • Lyſieux taken by Engliſh. pag. 1189. col. 2. lin. 21.
  • Lincolne Church rent from the top downewardes, with an earthquake. 461.84.
  • Liberalitie, one of the greateſt ornamentes of a Prince. 317.62.
  • Lincolne Church builded. 162 70.
  • Earle of Lile taken priſoner. 927.7. b.
  • Line and names of the kynges of the ſeuen kingdomes of England. 281.1.
  • Lylla, ſeruant to king Edwyne, ſlayne. 159.71.
  • Liuius Gallus, a Romane cap|taine. 82.23.
  • Litchfield See, to the Biſhops of Mercia. 179.
  • Librarie in Yorke erected. 192.84.
  • Line and original of the Earles of Richmond. 301.69.
  • Limeryke kingdome in Ire|land, geuen to Philip de Breuſe. 450.40.
  • Liuius Gallus ſlayne in Lon|don. 82.44.
  • Henry Byſhop of Lincolne dy|eth. 915.11. b.
  • Liberties of London ſeyſed. 794.56. a.
  • Licinius vanquiſhed and put to death by Conſtantinus. 91.81.
  • Lincolne ſpoyled, ryfled, and ſacked. 614.6.
  • Lionel ſonne to King Edward the thyrd borne. 903.20. b.
  • Lyke mayſter, lyke ſeruaunt. 375.10.
  • Lyndſey, waſted by the Danes. 240.48.
  • Linne wonne by Lewes power. 602.8.
  • Lymene riuer in Eaſt Kent. 215.76.
  • Lynne. pag. 1324. col. 2. lin. 28.
  • Lichfielde a towne. pag. 1415. col. 1.28. col. 2. lin. 57.
  • Earle of Lile put to flight. 925 7. b.
  • Liberalitie of the Frenche. King. pag. 1349. col. 1. lin. 30.
  • Lyndſey ſpoyled by Earle To|ſtie. 284.22.
  • Lyncea, whereof ſo called. 8.14.
  • Lindeſferne Monaſterie. 196.16.
  • Londoners diſcourteſie tow|ardes the king. 1080.30. b. commyt a riot in Fleet|ſtreat 1081.10. a. pre|ſent the king and queene with rich preſents. 1082.36 a.
  • Lovel William holdeth the ca|ſtle of Cary, in the right of Maude the Empreſſe. 368.75.
  • Londoners, pardoned for recei|uing the Barones, againſt king Henrie the third. 779.32.
  • London kept by the Romanes againſt the Britaines. 82.13.
  • London recouered from the Romanes by the Britaines. 82.44.
  • London beſieged, and ſurren|dred to the Danes. 253.57.
  • London beſieged by the Danes, and reſcued. 238.42.
  • London receiued into the obey|ſance of the Danes. 256.12.
  • London a great part burnt, by caſualtie of fire. 238.12.
  • Londoners ſlayne in great number by the Danes. 240.20.
  • Loydes countrey. 176.7.
  • Loegria bounded. 16.66
  • Longchampe William his am|bition and traine. 494.73 playeth the partes of a right tyrant. 495.18. leeſeth his power Legantine. 496.9. refuſeth to make anſwere to his doings before the Ba|rons, at Reading. 498.23. fleeth into the Towre of Lõ|don with his army, and is there beſieged. 498.36. de|poſed. 499.7. ſeeketh mea|nes to flee ouer ſea, and is ta|ken in womãs apparel. 499 60.
  • Londoners chaſed and ſlaine at the battaile of Lewes by prince Edward. 768.71. chaſed and ſpoyled at Croy|don. 770.92.
  • Loches caſtle beſieged & wonne by king Richard the firſt. 520 85.
  • Loches wonne by the French king. 562.12
  • Longeſpee William Earle of Saliſburye, goeth into the holy land. 729.11. is ſlayne by the Saraſins. 723.30.
  • Louel Fraunces Viſcont Louel 1425.40. departeth out of the Sanctuary at Colcheſter and moued an inſurrection. 1427.10. miſtruſting his ſoldiers, priuily fleeth into Lancaſhyre, and lurketh there 1428.2. and. 14. fleeth into Flaunders. 1429. ſayleth into Ireland 1430.35. lan|deth in Lancaſhyre. eadem. 50. is ſlaine at Stoke. 1431 44.
  • EEBO page image 1470Locrinus falleth in loue with Eſtrild. 17.14
  • Locrinus marieth Guendoloe|na, daughter to Corineus. 17.21.
  • Locrinus refuſeth Guendoloe|na, and marieth Eſtrild. 17 25.
  • Locrinus ſlaine. 17.30
  • Locrinus buryed in Troynouãt 17.33.
  • Lothore king of Kent departeth this life. 186.19
  • Lothore plagued for conſenting to murder. 186.30
  • Londoners receiue honorably Henry Earle of Richmond. 142.50. lend ſi [...]e thouſand markes to king Henry the ſe|uenth. 1427.40. lende the king foure thouſand pounde 1434.54. lend the king mo|ney. 1435.33.
  • Londoners offer the Citie of London, and their ayde to the Barons, againſt king Iohn. 589.2.
  • Londoners courage againſt K. Iohn. 598.49
  • Longchampe William made gouernour of the Towre of London, and of thoſe partes. 481.22. inſtituted the popes Legate in England. 494.71.
  • Longchampe Oſbert made go|uernour of Yorkſhyre. 483.115.
  • Londoners put to flight by the Danes. 216 63
  • Loſaunge Robert Byſhop of
  • Lherfoord, goeth to Rome to do penance. 333.70
  • London to be gouerned by two Bayliffes. 479.15. diuided into Craftes and felowſhips 479.42. diuided into Wardes. 479.56
  • Loyre a Ryuer in Fraunce. 13 84.
  • Lordane, whereof the worde came, and what it ſignifieth. 243.18.
  • London encloſed with a wal. 33.92.
  • Loth king of Pictes, marrieth Anne ſiſter to Vter Pendra|gon. 132.16
  • Loth king of Pictes aydeth the Saxons againſt Arthur. 132.27.
  • London chiefe citie and Metro|politane of al England. 247 105.
  • Londoners valiancie in defen|ding their citie agaynſte the Danes. 247.100
  • Londoners ſubmyt them ſelu [...]s to the Danes. 248.39
  • Londoners through familiari|tie with the Danes, become like vnto them. 263.28
  • Lollius Vrbicus, ſent Lieute|nant into Britaine. 76.57
  • Lollius appeaſeth the vnquiet|neſſe of the Britaines. 76.60
  • Lordes Temporal refuſe to ayd the Pope with money. 632 65.
  • Longchampe William made biſhop of Ely. 478.13
  • Lorde Chauncelor of England Prolocutor of the vpper houſe. 354.64
  • Londoners conſpire to take Maude Empreſſe priſoner. 377.28.
  • London walled by Helene the Empreſſe. 94.9
  • Louthian in Scotland waſted by the Engliſh men. 430.36.
  • London when, and whence ſo named. 33.115
  • Lord la Vaal ſlaine at Roche Darien. 941.47. a
  • London the kings ſpecial cham|ber. pa. 1381. co. 2. lin. 57
  • Londoners lend the king mony 1585.40.
  • L. Lomley Williã put to death. 1570.12.
  • Lord Maior of London ſerueth Wine to the King, and hath the cup gyuen him. pag. 1120. col. 1. lin. 38.
  • Lord fits Water appealeth the Duke of Aumerle of treaſon pag. 1122. col. 2. lin. 53.
  • Lord Morley appealeth the Earle of Sariſbury. pag. 1124. col. 1. lin. 33.
  • Lordes conſpired againſt king Henry the fourth. pag. 1126 col. 1. lin. 30.
  • Lorde Cromwel ſlaine. pag. 1335. col. 1. lin. 10.
  • Lord Say ſlayne. pa. 1335. co. 1. lin. 11.
  • Lord Wenlooke. pag. 1335. col. 2. lin. 13. ſlayne. pag. 1339. col. 1. lin. 48.
  • Lord Clifford ſlayne. pag. 1311. col 1. lin. 38.
  • Lord Dakers ſlayne. pag. 1312 col. 1. lin 38.
  • Loncaſter William. 475.55.
  • Locrinus eldeſt ſonne to Brute. 16.32.
  • Lou, or Lupus Hugh, depar|teth this life. 323.51.
  • Londoners refuſe to go with king Edward the ſecond. 878.18. a.
  • London called firſt Troyno|u [...]nt builded. 16.18.
  • Lord Audeley. pag. 1313. col. 2. lin. 1.
  • Lord Clinton. pag. 1313. col. 2. lin 1.
  • Lyuel [...] playne. pag. 1314. col. 2. lin. 12.
  • Lord Roos. pag. 1314. col. 2. lin. 23. beheaded. pag. 1315. col. 1. lin. 1.
  • Lord Molins. pag. 1314. col. 2. lin. 23. beheaded. pag. 1315. col. 1. lin. 1.
  • Lord Hungerford. pag. 1314. col. 2. lin. 24. beheaded. pa. 1315. col. 1. lin. 1.
  • Lord Scrope. pag. 1315. col. 1. lin. 20.
  • London chiefe Cytie of the kingdome of the Eaſt Sax|ons. 131.33.
  • Lincolne beſieged by Chel|drike. 132.69.
  • London lendeth money to king Edward the third. 907.5. b.
  • Lord Scales. pa. 1346. col. 2. lin. 32.
  • Lewlin Prince of Wales dieth. 656.44.
  • Londoners of right called Bar|rons. 731.54.
  • Londoners fauourers of Wic|clifs doctrine. 1039.50. a.
  • London a great part conſumed with fire. 199.66.
  • Londoners encline to the No|bilitie. 1069.16. a.
  • London ſharply beſieged by the Danes. 240.64.
  • Lorde Haſtings. pag. 1321. col. 2. lin. 13.
  • Lome Geffrey abiured. 1541.36.
  • Londoners muſter before the king. 1573.40.
  • Lord Bonuille. pag. 1305. col. 2. lin. 7. beheaded. lin. 10.
  • Lordes deuiſe newe orders of gouerning. 707.60.
  • London ſometime called Augu|ſte. 104.32.
  • Lord Cobham. pag. 1298. col. 2. lin 38.
  • Lord Louel. pag. 1298. col. 2. lin 47.
  • Iohn Neuil Lord montacute, Marques mountacute. pag. 1315. col. 2. lin. 1.
  • Londoners diſquieted for the e|lection of the Maior. 1046.30. a.
  • Louiers beſiged by Engliſhe men. pag. 1193. col. 1. lin. 25. yelded. lin. 38.
  • Londõ appoynted byſhops See of the eaſt Saxons. 181.15
  • League betweene Henry the fift, and the Duke of Bur|goigne. pag. 1209. col. 2. lin. 3.
  • Loſecote field. pag. 1322. col. 1. lin. 44.
  • Lord Duras. pa. 1323. col. 1. lin. 34.
  • Longeſpee William ſore broo|ſed with iuſting 742.72.
  • Locrinus taketh vppon him the gouernment of Loegria. or England. 16.61.
  • Longipee William Earle of Saliſburye baſe brother to king Iohn. 578.14.
  • Longland Henry byſhop of Lin|colne and the Kinges confeſ|ſor putteth a ſcruple into hys conſcience touching hys mariage. 1550.56.
  • Louel Thomas Knight one of the Priuie counſel to Henry the eyght. 1464.53
  • London Maior & Sherifes reduce their tables to a ſober dyet. 1589.40.
  • Lordes Talbot, Scales, & Hun|gerford taken by the French. pag. 1242. co. 2. lin. 30.
  • lord Talbot releaſed by ex|chaunge. pag. 1247. co. 2. lin. 54. tooke the Caſtle of Soing pa. 1251. co. 2. li. 31
  • Saint Loe yeeldeth to Chaſtil|lion. 1824.40.
  • Londoners deny to fight againſt the nobilitie. 1064.20. a.
  • London and Kent aſſigned to Androgeus. 34.41.
  • London deſtroyed by ye Danes 206.112.
  • Lother, a Captaine of the Danes. 270.31
  • The Londoners doe banquet the King and Queene of Hungarie. 1525.12
  • The Londoners ſend a thou|ſand ſouldiours into France 1602.48.
  • The Londoners do muſter and traine ſouldiours. 1862.10.
  • Londoners glad to agree wyth Richard Earle of Cornwal. 736.50.
  • Lou, or Lupus Hugh, Earle of Cheſter. 323.26.
  • Londoricke, looke Roderike, K. of Pictes.
  • London recouered cut of the handes of the Danes. 215.59.
  • London the chiefe Citie of Mercia. 215.66.
  • Lothore ſucceedeth his brother Egbert in the kingdome of Kent. 180.100.
  • London ſendeth men to the warres. 951.11. a
  • Logria, alotted to Locrinus, now called England. 16 37
  • Long ſufferance of euyl, increa|ſeth boldnes in the auctors. 84.1.
  • The Londoners cut down and caſt in the encloſures of the common fieldes about the Citie. 1494.50.
  • Lord Stanley. pa. 1415. col. 1. lin. 32. pag. 1417. col. 2. lin. 30. ioyned with the Earle of Richmond. pag. 1421. col 1. lin. 1. pag. 1423. co. 1. lin. 8.
  • London great part conſumed with fire. 314.35
  • Londoners lende the King twentie thouſande pounde. 1521.35.
  • Long bowes and the vſe of them, firſt brought into En|gland. 316.50.
  • Raufe Duke of Loraine ſlayne at Creſſy. 934.32. b.
  • Londoners ſet forthe a muſter. 1802.17.
  • Londoners take part with God|wyn, agaynſt king Edward. 273.75.
  • London mutch harmed by an outragious winde. 322.9.
  • Lucius the Romane Captayne ouerthrowen by Arthur EEBO page image 1470 133.68.
  • Lollius buildeth another wall beyonde Adrians. 76 63.
  • Lochdore Caſtle taken. 842.44. b.
  • Loughleuen riuer. 70.1.
  • Lord Fitz Walter. pag. 1310. co. 2. lin. 26 ſlaine. lin. 55.
  • Lucius, ſonne to Coilus, begin|neth his reygne ouer Britain 74.25.
  • Lucius the firſt king that recey|ued the faith of Ieſus Chriſt into Britayne. 74.47.
  • Lucius with all his Familie and people baptiſed. 74.78.
  • Lucius departeth this lyfe. 75.113.
  • Lud dyeth and is buryed nygh Ludgate. 34.9.
  • Ludhurdibras or Rud, ſonne to Leill beginneth to reygne o|uer Britayne. 18.109.
  • Lupicinus put from the office of the maſter of the Armory. 103.44.
  • Lupicimus returneth ouer into Fraunce. 103.54.
  • Lucy Richard accurſed by Arch|byſhop Thomas Becket. 409.61.
  • Lucy Richard lord gouernour of England. 410.59.
  • Lucygny Aymerike, and his ſonnes, ſubdued. 411.7.
  • Ludicenus king of Mercia ſlayne in battaile by the Eaſt Angles. 203.77. and. 205.78.
  • Lodouicus Pius, Emperour, and king of Fraunce. 205.104.
  • Lupus Byſhop of Troyes ſent to preach in Britaine. 119.62.
  • Lupus returneth agayne into Fraunce. 120.75.
  • Lugge riuer, where Ethelber|tes body was buried. 197.28.
  • Ludhurdibras, or Rud dieth. 19 10.
  • Ludlow Caſtle wonne by the Earle of Leyceſter. 771.24.
  • Lucie Richard lord. 391.14.
  • Luydhard byſhop ſent into England with the lady Ber|tha. 145.106
  • Lud ſonne to Hely beginneth to reygne ouer Britaine 33.77
  • Lucy Herebert gouernour of Warrham Caſtle. 378.101.
  • Luſignaue Guy halfe brother to Henry the thyrd commeth into England. 724.40.
  • Ludlow towne wonne by kyng Stephan. 371.51.
  • Lutterell Hugh knight. 1450.18.
  • Lupicinus ſent into Britayne with an armie. 103.21.
  • Luye riuer. now Lee.. 216.52.
  • Lucan cited 4.23. and. 40.20.
  • Ludlow Caſtle. 368.76.
  • Ludgate builded. 33.97.
  • Ludlow ſpoyled. pag. 1297. col. 2. lin. 26.

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