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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The chiefe occaſion of their mutuall grudge, proceeded of certaine newe and extraordinarie impoſitions, wherewith the Deputie woulde haue charged the Subiectes. Whereat the Erle of Ormonde as a zealous defender of his coun|trey, beganne to kicke, and in no ſort coulde bee woonne to agree to any ſuch vnreaſonable de|maunde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon Ormonde perceyuing, that the Gouernour perſiſted in his purpoſe, addreſſed Letters of complaynte to ſuche as were of the priuie Counſayle in Englande,Ormonde his [...]ters inter|cepted. whiche letters were by one of Sir Anthonie his friendes inter|cepted at Sea, and preſented to him to bee per|vſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sir Anthonie hauing ouerread the wry|tings, ſent Maiſter Baſnet in poſt haſt with the packet to Kylkenny, where the Earle of Or|monde kept his Chriſtmaſſe, requeſting hys Lordſhippe to take in good parte the opening of hys Letters, which was done rather to learne the effect of his complaynte, than in any ſort to invar his writings from comming to the coun|ſaile his handes.

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