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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lord Deputie hauing intelligence of his approch,Brereton left to defende Dublin. left Sir William Brereton at Dublin to defende the Citie, and marched with the ar|my to the Naas,Galloglaſſes taken and ſlayne. where he tooke ſeauen ſcore of Thomas his galloglaſſes, and led them all vn|armed toward Ioneſtowne. The ſkoutewatch eſpying Thomas to march neere, imparted it to the gouernour, who incontinently commaun|ded eache man to kyll hys priſoner before the charge, whyche was diſpatcht, only Edmond EEBO page image 99 Oleyn eſcaping mother naked by flight to Tho|mas his companie,Edmõd Oleyn [...]apeth. leauing his ſhyrt in his kee|pers hande. Both the armies aduaunced them|ſelues one agaynſt the other, but the horſemen of eyther ſyde coulde not charge, by reaſon of a mariſh or quakemyre that parted thẽ. Wher|fore the Deputie cauſed two or three field pee|ces to be diſcharged,Thomas and [...]s companie [...]eth which ſkattered Thomas and his rablement, inſomuch as he neuer in ſuch open wiſe durſt after beare vp head in the Eng|liſh pale,Fitz Girald his [...]ratagems. but rather by ſtartes and ſodaine ſtra|tagemes, would now and then gal the Engliſh. As when the Caſtell of Rathimgan was woon, whiche was ſoone after the ſurrender of May|noth, hee cauſed a droue of Cattell to appeare timely in the morning hard by the towne. Such as kept the Fort ſuſpecting it to be a bootie, were trayned for the more part out of the Caſtel, who were ſurpriſed by Thomas, that lay hard by in Ambuſhe, and the greater number of them ſlaine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An other tyme bee fired a Village harde by Trim, and deuiſed ſuch of his horſemen that coulde ſpeake Engliſh, beeing clad and horſed like Northerne men, to ryde to Trim, where a garniſon lay, with hue and crie, ſaying that they were Captaine Saliſburie his ſouldiours, and that the traytour Thomas Fitz Giralde was burning a village harde by. The ſouldiours ſuſ|pecting no coſinage, iſſued out of the towne, who were by his men charged, and a great number of them ſlaine, ſome chaſed to the towne, and forced to take Sanctuarie in the Church yarde, which thoſe dayes was highly reuerenced.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe and the like knackes vſed Thomas, bring for his owne perſon ſo well garded, and for defect of a maine armie ſo naked, as neyther he was occaſioned to feare the Engliſh, nor the Engliſh forced to weigh him.

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