Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thomas with theſe tidings amazed, made ſpeedy repaire to Dublin, ſending his Purſenãts before hym, to commaunde the Gentlemen of the Engliſhe pale to meete hym with all theyr power neere Dublin. And in his way towards the Citie,The youth of Dublin taken priſoners. hys company tooke diuers children of the Dublinians, that kepte in the Countrey, (by reaſon of the contagion that then was in the Towne) namely Michaell Fitz Simons, Patricke Fitz Simons, William Fitz Simõs, all ſonnes to Walter Fitz Simons late Maior, at whiche tyme was alſo taken Iames Stan|hurſt, with diuers other yonglings of the Ci|tie.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hauing marched neere Dublin,Meſsengers ſent to Dublin Trauerſe. Lince. Grace. hee ſente Doctor Trauerſe, Peter Lince of the knocke, and Oliuer Grace, as meſſengers (for I maye not rightly tearme them Ambaſſadors) to the Citizẽs, who croſſing the Liffy from the blacke Friers to the key, explayned to the Maior and Aldermen theyr errand, the effect whereof was, eyther to ſtand to their former promiſe, or elſe to reſtore to their Captayne his menne, that they wrongfully deteyned in goale.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The firſt and laſt poynt of this requeſt flatly by the Citizẽs denyed, the meſſengers returned, declaring what colde enterteynement they had in Dublin.