Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Dublinians hauing notice, that the e|nimie made hauocke of their neighbors of Fin|gal, iſſued out of the Citie, meaning to haue in|tercepted them at the bridge of Kilmaynan,The Dublini|ans diſcom|fited. and hauing encountred wyth the Iriſhe, neere the woodde of Salcock, what for the number of the Rebelles, and the lacke of an experte Captayne to leade the army of Dublin in battayle araye, there were foureſcore of the Citizens ſlayne, [figure appears here on page 91] and the prede not reſcued.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Patrike Fitz [...]ons ſlaine.In this conflicte, Patricke Fitz Simons, wyth dyuers other good houſholders miſca|ried.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 This victory bred ſo greate an inſolencye in Thomas Fitz Giralde,Meſſengers ſente from Thomas to Dublin. as hee ſente his meſſen|gers to the Citie, declaring, that albeit they of|fered him that iniurie, as that he could not haue EEBO page image 92 free paſſage with hys companye too and fro in the pale, and therefore would he vſe the benefyte of his late ſkirmiſhe, or bee aunſwerable in iuſt reuenge to their due deſerte, he mought by lawe of armes put their Citie to fire and ſword: yet this notwithſtanding, if they would but permit his men to lay ſiege to the Caſtell of Dublin, he would enter in league with them, and would vndertake to backe them in ſuch fauorable wiſe, as the ſtouteſt Champion in his army ſhoulde not be ſo hardy, as to offer the baſeſt in their Ci|tie ſo much as a fillip.