Compare 1587 edition: 1 The fourth that was ſuſpected to make vp the muſter,Robert Cow|ly. was Robert Cowly, firſt Baylife in Dublin, after ſeruaunt to the Ladie Margaret Fitz Giralde Counteſſe of Ormond and Oſſo|rie, laſtly maiſter of the Rolles in Ireland, and finally hee deceaſſed at London.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Gentleman for his wiſedome and po|licy was very inwarde with the Lady Marga|ret Counteſſe of Oſſory, as one by whoſe ad|uiſe ſhee was in all hir affayres directed. Wher|vpon ſome ſuſpicious perſones were perſwaded and brought in mynde, that hee was the ſower of all the diſcorde that reſted betweene the twoo bretherne Kyldare and Oſſory, as though her coulde not hee rooted in the fauour of the one, but that hee muſt haue profeſſed open hatred to the other.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe foure as byrdes of one feather, were ſuppoſed to bee open enimies to the houſe of Kyldare, bearyng that ſway in the common wealth as they were not occaſioned, as they thought, eyther to craue the friendſhippe of the Giraldines, or greatly to feare theyr hatred and enmitie.