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Snippet: 73 of 344 (1577, Volume 3, p. 83) Compare 1587 edition:
1 During his abode in the duke
his houſe, O|neyle, and Oconor,
The Iriſh in rebellion.
and all their friendes anda|lyes, watching their time to annoy the
pale, made open inſurrection agaynſt the Earle of Oſſorie then Lord Deputie of
Irelande, inſomuche that the nobleman miſtruſting the ſickleneſſe of Deſ|mond
on the one ſide, and the force of theſe newe ſtart vp Rebels on the other ſide,
ſtood halfe ama|zed, as it were betwene fire and water. For re|medie wherof,
letters thicke and three folde were addreſſed to the Counſaile of Englande,
purpor|ting that all theſe late hurly burlies were of pur|poſe rayſed by the
meanes of Kyldare,Kildare a freſh impeached. to the
ble|miſhing and ſteyning of his brother Oſſorie his gouernment. And to put the
matter out of doubt, it was further added, that Kildare commaunded his daughter
Elice Fitz Gerald, wife to the baron of Slane, to excite in his name the
aforeſaid trai|tours to this open rebellion.
Snippet: 74 of 344 (1577, Volume 3, p. 83) Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Cardinall herevpon
cauſed Kildare to be examined before the counſaile, where he preſſed EEBO page image 84 him ſo deepely with this late diſloyaltie, that the
preſumption being, as the Cardinall did force it, vehement, the treaſon odious,
the king ſuſpicious, the enimie egre,The Barle of Kildare
com|mitted. the friendes faint, (which were ſufficient grounds to
ouerthrow an innocent per|ſon) the Earle was repriued into the tower.
Snippet: 75 of 344 (1577, Volume 3, p. 84) Compare 1587 edition:
1 The noble man betooke
himſelfe to God, and the king, he was heartily beloued of the Lieute|nant,
pitied in all the Court, and ſtanding in ſo harde a caſe, altered little of his
accuſtomed but, comforted other noble men
priſoners with him, diſſembling his owne ſorrow.
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