Compare 1587 edition: 1 At theſe gyrdes the Counſayle woulde haue ſmyled, if they durſt, but eche man bit his lippe, and held his countenaunce: for howſoeuer ſome of them inclined to the Erle of Oſſorie,The Cardinall not beloued. they ha|ted all the Cardinall, who perceyuing that Kil|dare was no babe, roſe in a fume from the Coun|ſayle table, commytted the Earle, and deferred the matter, till more direct probations came out of Irelande.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Norffolke who was late Lieu|tenant in Ireland,The Duke of Norffolke bounde for Kildare. perceyuing the Cardinal to be+fore bent agaynſt the noble man, rather for the deadly hatred hee bare his houſe, than for anye great matter he had wherwith to charge his per|ſon, ſtept to the king, & craued Kildare to be his priſoner, offring to be bound for his forth cõming, ouer and aboue all his landes, bodie for bodie. Wherevpon to the Cardinall his great griefe, the priſoner was bayled, and honourably by the duke enterteyned.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 During his abode in the duke
his houſe, O|neyle, and Oconor,
1528 The Iriſh in rebellion.