Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ormond was nothing inferioure to the o|ther in ſtomacke,The deſcripti|on of Ormond and in reach of policy, farre be|yond him.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The deſcripti|on of Kildare.Kildare was in gouernemente milde, to hys enimies ſterne, to the Iriſhe ſuch a ſcourge, that rather for deſpite of him, than for fauoure of a|nye parte, they relyed for a tyme to Ormond, came vnder hys protection, ſerued at hys call, performed by ſtartes (as theyr manner is) the duetie of good ſubiects.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ormonde was ſecrete, and of great forecaſt, very ſtayed in ſpeech, daungerous of euery trifle that touched his reputation.