Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the yeere .1268.1268 Conhur Obren was ſlaine by Dermote Mack Monerd, and
Morice Fitz Gerald Earle of Deſmond, was drowned in the Sea,Robert Vffert betwixt Wales and Ireland. And Roberte Vffort was
ſente ouer to remayne Lord Iuſtice of Ireland, and Barry was diſcharged, who
cõ|tinued till the yeere .1269.
Richard de Exceter. 1270 1271
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yere .1272. the Lorde Iames Audley was ſlayne by a fal from his horſe in Thomoũd, and then was Morice Fitz Morice made Lorde Iuſtice of Irelande,Randon. and the Caſtell of Randon was deſtroyed.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the yeere .1272.The deceſſe of king Hen|ry the thirde. King Henry the
thirde de|parted this life, and the Lorde Walter. Genuille lately returned home
from his iourney into the holy land, was ſent into Ireland,
1272 Walter Gen| [...]ille.