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In the yeere .1228. after the death of Loundo|ris Archbiſhop of Dublin,1228 that was Lord chiefe Iuſtice, King Henry the third vnderſtanding the good ſeruice done by the Giraldines euer ſith their firſt comming into Irelande,The Geral|dines. though by wrong reportes the ſame had bin to their preiudice for a time ſiniſterly miſconſtrued, ſo as the Gentlemẽ had ſtill bin kept backe, and not rewarded accor|ding to their good deſertes: The King nowe en|formed of the troth, made Morice Fitz Geralde,Morice Fitz Geralde. the ſonne of Morice aforeſaid, Lord chiefe iuſtice of Ireland. Lucas ſucceeded Loundoris in the Archbiſhops See,Lucas Arch|biſhop. and was cõſecrated in the yere 1230.

Richarde Marſhall was taken priſoner in battell at Kildare. Some write,1230 yt he was woun|ded there,1234 and within fewe dayes after died of the hurt at Kilkenny, and was buried there in the quier of the Churche of the Friars Preachers, neere to the place where his brother William was enterred, who departed this life in the yeere 1231.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere .1241.1241 Walter Lacy Lorde of Meth departed this life in Englande, he left two daughters behinde hym that were hys heires, Margaret maried to the Lord Verdon,The Lorde Verdon. Geffrey Gẽne|uille. and Ma|thild wife to Geffrey Genneuille. King Henry in the .xxxvj. yeere of his raigne, gaue to Edward his eldeſt ſonne, Gaſcoigne, Irelande,1252 and the county of Cheſter.

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