Compare 1587 edition: 1 Lacie came ſundry tymes thither to further the worke, full glad to ſee them fall in vre with any ſuch exerciſe wherein might they once begin to haue a delight, and taſt the ſweeteneſſe of a true mans life, he thought it no ſmall token of re|formation: for whiche cauſe hee viſited them the oftner, and merily would commaund his gentle|men (to giue the labourers example) to take theyr tooles in hande, and to worke a ſeaſon, whyle the poore ſoules looking on might reſt them. But this paſtime grewe to a tragicall end: for on a time as each man was buſily occupied, ſome lading, ſome heauing, ſome plaſtring, ſome grauing, the gene|rall alſo himſelfe digging with a pickare, a deſpe|rate villayne among them, whoſe toole the noble man vſed, eſpying both his hands occupyed, and his body enclining downewards, ſtill as he ſtroke watched when hee ſo ſtouped,
Lacy is tray|terouſly ſlayne
and with an axe cleft his head in ſunder, little eſteeming the tor|ments EEBO page image 42 that for this trayterous acte enſued. This Lacie was reputed to be the conqueror of Meth, for that hee was the firſte that broughte it to any due order of obedience to the Engliſhe power. His body the two Archbiſhops, Iohn of Dublin, and Mathew of Caſſeill buried in the Monaſte|rie of Bectie, and his head in Sainte Thomas Abbey at Dublin.Compare 1587 edition: 1 By occaſion of this murder committed on the perſon of Hugh Lacie, Iohn Curcy and Hugh Lacie the yõger, with their aſſiſtants, did ſtraight execution vpon the Rebels,
Curcy and Hugh Lacy the yonger keepe the Realme in quiet.
and preuenting eue|ry miſchiefe ere it fell, ſtayed the Realm from vp|rores. Thus they knitting themſelues togither in friendſhip, continued in wealth and honor vntill the firſt yeere of King Iohns raigne, who ſuccee|ding his brother King Richard, tooke his nephew Arthur,King Iohn ſlayeth his ne|phew Arthur. ſonne to his brother Geffrey Earle of Britaine, and diſpatched him, ſome ſayde with his owne handes, bycauſe he knew what clayme he made to the Crowne, as diſcended of the elder brother, and therefore not only the French King, but alſo certayne Lordes of Englande and Ire|land fauored his title, and when they vnderſtoode that he was made away, they tooke it in maruel|lous euil part. And Curcy either of zeale to the truth, or parcialitie,Curcy vttreth diſpleaſant words againſt King Iohn. abhorring ſuch barbarous cru+eltie, whereof al mens eares were full, ſpake blou|dy words againſt K. Iohn, whiche his lurking aduerſaries (yt lay ready to vndermine him) caught by ye end, & vſed ye ſame as a mean to lift him out of credit, which they did not only bring to paſſe,He is accuſed. but alſo procured a commiſſion to attach his bo|dy, & to ſend him ouer into England. Erle Curcy miſtruſting his part, & by like getting ſome inck|ling of their drift, kepte himſelfe aloofe, till Hugh Lacy lorde Iuſtice was fayne to leuie an army & to inuade Vlſter, from whence he was oftẽtimes put backe:He is proclay|med traytor. wherevpõ he proclaimed Curcy tray|tor & hired ſundry gẽtlemẽ with promiſe of great recõpence, to bring him in, eyther quicke or dead. They fought once at Doune, in whiche battell, [figure appears here on page 42] there dyed no ſmall number on both partes, but Curcy gote the vpper hand, and ſo was the Lord Iuſtice foyled at Curcies hands, but yet ſo long hee continued in practiſing to haue him, that at length Curcies owne Captaynes were in [...]y|ghed to betray their maiſter, inſomuche, yt vppon good Friday, whileſt the Earle out of his armour viſited darefooted certayne Religious houſes for deuotion ſake, they leyde for him, tooke him as a Rebell,He is taken. and ſhipped him ouer into Englande the next way, where hee was adiudged to perpe|tuall priſon. One Saintleger addeth in his col|lections, as Campion ſaith, that Lacie payed the traytors their money, and forthwith there vppon hanged them.Compare 1587 edition: 1 Tranſlation of Prebenda|ries to Mõks.This Curcy tranſlated the Church and Pre|bendaries of the Trinitie in Doune, to an Abbey of blacke Monkes brought thither from Cheſter, & cauſed the ſame to be conſecrated vnto S. Pa|trick: for which alteration, taking the name from God to a creature, he deemed himſelfe worthily puniſhed. Not long after (as ſay the Iriſh) certain French knightes came to king Iohns court,A chalenge for a combat [...] made by cer|tayne French Knightes. and one among them required the combate for triall of the right to the Duchie of Normandy. It was not thought expedient to ieoperd the title vpõ one mans lucke, yet the chalenge they determined to anſwer. Some friende put them in minde of the Erle impriſoned, a warriour of notable courage, and in pitch of body like a Giant. K. Iohn demã|ded Curcy,Curcies an|ſwer to king Iohn. whether he could be content to fighte in his quarrel, not for thee ſaid ye Erle, whoſe per|ſon I eſteme vnworthy ye aduẽture of my bloud, but for ye crowne and dignitie of the Realme,He taketh vpon him to defende the chalenge. in which many a good man liueth againſt thy will, I ſhall be content to hazard my life.