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Compare 1587 edition: 1 All Methe and Leyniſter were ſpeedyly got together,The perſuaſion of Omalagli|len. reſortyng vnto Omalaglilen the au|thour of this practiſe, who lyghtly lept to horſſe, and commending their forwarde readyneſſe in ſo naturall a quarrell, ſayd: My lordes and frends, this caſe neyther admitteth delaye, nor requireth a policie, Harte and haſte is all in all, whyleſt the matter is freſhe and greene, and that ſome of oure enimies lye ſtill and ſleepe, ſome lamente, ſome curſe, ſome are togither in counſell, and all the whole number diſmayed, lette vs preuente theyr furye, diſmember theyr force, cut off their flyght, ſeyſe vppon theyr places of refuge and ſuccoure. It is no victorie to plucke their fea|thers, but to break their neckes: not to chaſe them in, but to rouſe them out: to weede them, not to rake them: not to treade them downe, but to roote them vp. This leſſon the tyraunt himſelfe did teache me: I once demaunded of him as it were in a parable, by what good huſbandrie the lande might be ridde of certayne rauening fowles that anoyed it. He aduyſed vs to watch, where they bredde, and to fyre their neſts aboute their eares. Goe wee then vpon theſe Cormorantes whyche ſhrowde themſelues in [...] poſſeſſions, and let vs ſo deſtroye them [...] neyther neſt nor roote, neyther ſeede [...], neyther braunche nor ſtumpe ſhall [...]tayne of this vngratious gene|ration.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Scared hadde he ended his tale, but that wyth greate ſhoutes and clamoures they extolled the Kyng, as defendoure of theyr lyues and liber|tyes, aſſuring hym both of theyr bolde and har|dye ſtomackes and ſpeedfull expedition ioyned with theyr confederates, and with a runnyng Campe ſwepte euerye corner of the lande ra|ſed the Caſtelles to the grounde, chaſed away the ſtraungers, ſlewe all that aboade battayle, eche man recoueryng hys owne, wyth the ſtate of gouernement.

[figure appears here on page 15]

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