Compare 1587 edition: 1 The tyraunt as it were rauiſhed, and doting in loue of thoſe Peereleſſe peeces before hee ſawe them, by reaſon of ſuch exceeding prayſes as hee thus heard of them, doubted yet leaſt Omalagh|lilen extolled them to preſerue his daughter out of hys handes,The policie of Omalagh|lilen. and the ſubtile father cloked his drift with modeſt behauiour, lyngering tyme to en|flame the Leachers folly, as he that wiſhed anye thing more to bee ſuſpected than that which hee ment moſt earneſtly to bring to paſſe.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 At length when Turgeſius ſeemed to take his delaying thus of tyme ſomewhat dyſplea|ſantly, he vſed thys or the like ſpeech.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 If I ſhoulde ſaye (quoth hee) that I gaue you my ſole daughter wyth good wyll to be de|flowred, your highe wiſedome woulde ſoone geſſe that I didde but flatter you, and yet if tenne Daughters were dearer to mee than your good pleaſure and contentation, by whoſe boun|tifull goodneſſe both ſhee and I, and wee all are EEBO page image 15 ſupported, I were vnworthie that ſecrete and neare frendſhip wherin it lyketh you to vſe me. As for the wenche it will be in parte honourable to hir to be required to the bedde of ſuch a prince, ſith Queenes haue not ſticked to come from far and yelde the vſe of their bodyes to noble con|querors, in hope by them to haue iſſue: and how ſoeuer it be taken, tyme will weare it out, and re|deeme it: but ſuche a friende as you are to mee and myne, neyther I nor myne ſhall lyue to ſee. And verily I mean not to hazard your diſpleſure if it were for a greater matter than the value of twentie maydenheads, ſeeyng fathers haue not ſticked to giue vp their own wiues to quench the luſtes of their ſonnes. Therefore am I thus a|greed, name the daye and place, ſeparate youre ſelfe from the viewe of your court, confeere with thoſe that haue a deyntie inſight and ſkilfull eyes in diſcerning beauties, I wil ſend you my daugh+ter, and with hir the choyce of .xij. or .xvj. gentle|womẽ, the meaneſt of the which may be an Em|preſſe in compariſon: when they are before you, make youre game as you lyke. And then if my chylde pleaſe your fantaſy, ſhe is not too good to be at your cõmaundement. Only my requeſt is, that if any other ſhall preſume vpon youre lea|uings, your maieſtie will remember whoſe chyld ſhe is. This liberal proſfer was of Turgeſius ac|cepted (whoſe deſire was inſactable) with many good wordes, thankes and faire promiſes.