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Compare 1587 edition: 1 She profeſſed virginitie,She profeſſed, virginitie. and allured other no|ble yong Damoſels vnto hir felowſhip, with whõ ſhe continued in hir owne Monaſterie, where ſhe was firſt profeſſed,Anno 500 Bri|git departed this life. vnto the yere of our lord .500. and then departing this life, ſhee was buryed in Downe in Saint Patrikes tombe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Geraldus Cambrenſis reporteth of his owne knowledge, that among other monumentes of hirs,A concordance of the foure Euangeliſtes. there was founde a Concordaunce of the foure Euangelyſtes, ſeeming to be written with no mortall hande, beautifyed with myſticall pictures in the Margent, the colours and cun|ning workemanſhippe whereof, at the firſt bluſh appeared darke and nothing delectable, but in the heedfull viewe of the diligent beholder, very liue|ly and wonderfull artificiall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Cenanus that was firſt a Souldier,Cenanus firſt a man of war, and after a biſhop. ſuccee|ded Saint Patrike in the Sea of Ardmagh, after he had certaine yeares followed the warres.

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