Compare 1587 edition: 1 She was there delyuered of thys Bridget, whome the Peet trayned vp in learning, and vertuous education,An. do. 439. and at length broughte hir home to hir father.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The damoſell alſo was inſtructed in the faith by ſaynte Patrike, that preached then in thoſe quarters, whervpon ſhe became ſo religious and ripe in iudgement, that not only the multitude of people, but alſo a whole Synode of Biſhops aſ|ſembled neere to Diuelyn to heare hir aduiſe in weightye cauſes.The eſtimation vvherin she vvas had. Suche eſtymation they had of hir. One fact of hir beyng yet a childe, made hir famous.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king of Leyniſter had giuen to hir father Dubtactius as a tokẽ of his good liking towar|des him for his valiant ſeruice a riche ſworde,The king of Leyniſter. the furniture wherof was garniſhed with many coſt+ly iewels. And as it chaunced, the Damoſel vi|ſiting the ſicke neighbours, diuerſly diſtreſſed for wante of neceſſarie reliefe (hir father beeing a ſterne man and his ladie a cruell ſhrew) ſhe could deuiſe no other ſhift to helpe to relieue the wante of thoſe poore and needye people, but to im|parte the ſame iewelles of that ydle ſwoorde a|mong them.