Compare 1587 edition: 1 And thus it maye bee they miſtake, by er|rour of the name, Coilus for Cailus, and the ſecond arriuall of the Picts for the firſt.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now to the courſe of the hiſtorie. Whi|leſt the Picts were ſeated in the north of Bri|taine, and grew to a great multitude, the I|riſh made ſundry errandes ouer, to viſite theyr daughters, nephues and kinſfolk: and by their often comming and going, they were aware of certayn waſte corners, and ſmall Ilandes voyd of inhabitants, as that which ſeemed ra|ther neglected and ſuffred to lye waſte.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hereof they aduertiſed their princes,Reuther, or Reuda. name|ly Reuther or Reuda, who beeing deſcended of Ferguſe, determined to inueſt himſelf in cer+taine portions of lande beſide the Pictes. He therfore wel appointed, paſſed ouer, and part|ly by compoſition, & partely by force, got poſ|ſeſſion of thoſe quarters, whiche were deſo|late, and began to erecte a kingdome there, by little and little encreaſing his limites: and fi|nally got betwixte the Pictes and Britayns, poſſeſſing that countrey which tooke the name of him called Rheuderſdahal, and now Rid|deſdale, (as you would ſay) Rhendas part, for dahal in ye old Scottiſh tong, ſignifieth a part.