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Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now concerning the Pights, whether that thoſe that eſcaped with lyfe, got ſeates by EEBO page image 7 king Meurigs graunte (as aboue is ſpecified,) or that getting to their ſhippes, they withdrew into the Iles of Orkeney, and there remayned. Wy|ues they wanted alſo to increaſe their iſſue:Picts mariyng vvith the Irish, [...] couenaunte the ſucceſsion of their kings. and bycauſe the Britons thoughte ſkorne to matche their daughters with ſuch an vnknown and new comen nation, the Pictes continued theyr firſte acquaintaunce with the Iriſhe, and by entreatie obteyned wyues from them, with condition, that if the crowne ſhould happe to fall in contention, they ſhoulde yelde thus muche to the prerogatiue of the woman, that the Prince ſhoulde be elected rather of the bloud royall of the female kind than of the male. Which order (ſayth Beda) the Picts were well knowne to keepe vnto his tyme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But howe ſoeuer wee ſhall giue credit to this hiſtorie of the firſt comming of Pictes into this lande, if we grant that to be true which Ge [...]rey of Monmouth reporteth of this victorie obteyned by Marius agaynſt the Pictes, yet haue I thou|ght good to aduertiſe the Reader, that the Bry|tons of this Ile were diſquieted by ye nation long before the ſuppoſed tyme of the ſayde king Ma|rius. For Mamertinus in his Oration entitled Panaegiricus, Max. Dictus hathe theſe woordes, (ſpeakyng of the conqueſt whiche Iulius Ceſar had heere agaynſt the Brytons) but in that age (ſayeth he) Brytayn was neyther furniſhed with anye ſhippes of warre for battayle on the Sea, and the Romaynes after the warres of Affrike and Aſia, were well practiſed wyth the late war|res agaynſte Pyrates, and after that agaynſte Mithridates, in whiche they were exerciſed as well by ſea as lande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, the Brytiſhe Nation was then vnſkilfull, and not trayned to feates of warre, for the Brytons then beeyng onely vſed to the Pictes and Iriſhe enimyes, people halfe naked throughe lacke of ſkill, eaſily gaue place to the Romayns force, ſo that Ceſar myght onely as it were glorie in this, to haue paſſed in that iour|ney ouer the Ocean ſea.

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