1.3. Of the eſt [...] g [...]nd wonderfull places in Irelande. Cap. 4.
Of the eſt [...] g [...]nd wonderfull places in Irelande. Cap. 4.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 I Thinke it good to beg [...]ne with S. Patrike his Purgatorie,S. Patrike his Pur|gatorie. partly bycauſe it is moſt notoriouſly knowen, & partly the more, that ſome wryters, as the auctor of Polichro [...]i|con, and others that were miſcaryed by [...] ſéeme to make great doubt, where they néede not. For they aſcribe the finding out of the place not to Patrike that couerted the coun|trey but to another Patricke a [...] Abbat, wh [...]n likewiſe they affirme to haue done employed in conuerting the Iſlande [...] heathe [...]rie to Chriſtianitie.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But the auctor, that broacheth this opinion, is not founde to carie any ſuch credi [...]e wyth him, as that a man may certainly affirme it, or probably coniecture it, vnleſſe we relye to the olde wythered woorme eaten Legend, lo|ded with as many lowde lyes, as lewde lines. The better and the more certaine opinion is, that the other Patricke founde it out, in ſuch wiſe as Cambriẽſe reporteth.Camb. lib. [...] Topog. diſt. 2. rub. 6. There is a poole as lake, ſayeth he, in the partes of Vlſter that enuironneth an Iſland, in the one part where|of there ſtandeth a Churche much lightned with the brightſome recourſe of A [...]gelles & the other part is onely and gaſtly, as it were a bedlem allotted to the viſible aſſemblies of horrible and griſly bugges. This part of the Iſlande contayneth nyne caues. And if any dare be ſo hardye; as to take one night his lodging in any of theſe Innes, which hath béene experimented by ſome raſhe and hare|brayne aduenturers, ſtraight theſe ſpirites claw him by the back, and tugge him ſo rug|gedly, and toſſe him ſo crabbedly, that nowe and then they make him more francke of his bumme then of his tongue, a payment cor|reſpondent to his intertaynemẽt. This place is called S. Patricke his purgatorie of the inhabitours. For when S. Patrike laboured the conuerſion of the people of Vlſter by ſet|ting EEBO page image 16 before their eyes in great heate of ſpi|rite, the creation of the worlde, the fall of our progenitours, the redemption of man by the bleſſed and precious bloude of our Sauiour Ieſus Chriſt, the certayntie of death, the im|mortalitie of the ſoule, the generall reſurrec|tion, our latter dumbe, the ioyes of heauen, the paynes of hell, howe that at length euery man, ſmall and great, young and olde, riche and poore, king and keaſer, potentate & pea|ſaunt muſt eyther through God his gracious mercy be exalted to the one, to flooriſh in per|petuall felicitie, or through his vnſearcheable iuſtice tumbled downe to the other, to be tor|mented in eternall miſerie: theſe and the like graue and weightie ſentences, wherewith he was aboundantly ſtored ſo farre funcke into their heartes, as they ſéemed very flexible in condeſcending to hys beheſt, ſo that ſome proofe of his eſtraunge preaching coulde haue béene veryfied. Wherevpon, wythout further delay, they ſpake to the prelate in this wyſe.
Compare 1587 edition: 1
Syr, as we like of your preaching, ſo we diſlyke not of our libertie. You tell vs of ma|ny gye gawes and eſtraunge dreames. You woulde haue vs to abandonne infidelitie, to cage vp our libertie, to bridle our pleaſure: For which you promiſe vs for our toyle and labour a place to vs as vnknowen, ſo as yet vncertayne. You ſermon to vs of a dungeon appointed for offenders and miſcredentes.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 "In deede, if we coulde finde that to be true, we woulde the ſooner be weaned from the ſwéete napple of our libertie, and frame our ſelues plyaunt to the will of that God, that you reueale vnto vs. ſ. Patricke cõſidering, that theſe ſealy ſoules were (as all dulcarna|nes for ye more part are) more to be terryfied from infidelitie through the paynes of hell, then allured to Chriſtianitie by the ioyes of heauen, moſt heartily beſought God, ſort ſtoode wyth his gracious pleaſure, for the ho|nour and glorie of his diuine name, to giue out ſome euident or glimſing token of the matter they importunatly requyred. Finally by the eſpeciall direction of God, he founde in the North edge of Vlſter a deſolate corner, hemmed in rounde, and in the middle thereof a pit, where he reared a Church, called Reglis or Reglas, Reglaſſe. at the Eaſt end of the Churchyarde a doore leadeth into a cloſet of ſtone lyke a long ouen, which they call S. Patricke hys purgatorie, for that the people reſorte thither euen at this day for pennaunce, and haue re|ported at their returne eſtraunge viſions of paine and bliſſe appearing vnto them.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Polichr. lib. [...].36.1138.The auctor of Polichronicon wryteth that in the reigne of king Stephane a knight na|med Owen, pilgrimaged to this purgatorie, being ſo appalled at the ſtraunge viſions that there he ſawe, as that vpon his returne from thence, he was wholly mortyfied, and ſeque|ſtring himſelfe from the worlde, he ſpent the remnaunt of his lyfe in an Abbay of Luden|ſis. Dyon. Cart. in lib. de quatu. nor|ciſſ. art. 48. Alſo Dioniſius a Charterhouſe Muncke recordeth a viſion ſéene in that place by one Agneius, or Egneius, wherof who ſo is inqui|ſitiue, may reſorte to his Treatiſe written De quatuor nouiſsimis. Iohan Ca|mert. in lib. Solini. cap. 35. Iohannes Camertes holdeth opinion, which he ſurmiſeth vpon the gueſhe of other, that Claudius wryteth of this Purgatorie. Which if it be true, the place muſt haue béene extant before S. Patricke, but not ſo famouſly knowen. The Poet his verſes are theſe.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2Eſt locus, extremũ, pandit, qua Gallia littus.Claud. lib. 1. in Raffin.Oceani praetentus aquis, quo fertur VliſſesSanguine libato populum mouiſſe ſilentum.Flebilis auditur queſtus, ſimulachra coloniPallida, defunctaſ vident migrare figuras.There is a place towarde Ocean ſea [...]from brimme of Galliſh ſhoare,Wherein Vlyſſes pilgrime ſtraungewyth offred bloude ygoare,The people there dyd mooue,A skritching ſhrill from dungeon luggeThe dwellers all appalewyth gaſtly galpe of griſly bugge.The [...]onely ſhapes are ſeene to ſtarewith viſage wanne and ſad,From nouke to nouke, from place to place,in elfiſhe skippes to gad.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 They that repayre to this place for deuo|tion his take vſe to continue therin foure and twenty houres, which doing otherwhyle with ghoſtly meditacions, and otherwhyle a dread for the conſcience of their deſertes, they ſays they ſée a playne reſemblaunce of their owne faultes and vertues, with the horrour & com|fort therevnto belonging, the one [...]o terrible, the other ſo ioyous, that they veryly déeme themſelues for the time to haue ſight of hell & heauen. The reuelatiõs of men that went thither (S. Patricke yet lyuing) are kept wrytten within the Abbeye there adioyning: When any perſonne is diſpoſed to enter (for the doore is euer ſparde) he repayreth firſt for deuiſe to the Archebiſhop,The cere|monies v|ſed in en|tering S. Patricke his Pur|gatorie. who caſteth all pe|ricles, and diſwadeth the pylgrime from the attempt, bicauſe it is knowen, that diuers en|tering into that caue, neuer were ſéene to turne backe againe. But if the partie be fully reſolued, he recommendeth him to the Prior, who in like maner fauourably exhorteth him to chooſe ſome other kinde of pennaunce, and EEBO page image 589 not to hazard ſuch a daunger. If notwithſtan|ding he finde the partie fully bent, he conduc|teth him to the Church, enioyneth him to be|ginne with prayer, and faſt of fiftéene dayes, ſo long togither as in diſcretion can be endu|red. This tyme expyred, if yet he perſeuer in his former purpoſe, the whole conuent accõ|panyeth him with ſollem proceſſion and bene|diction to the mouth of the caue, where they let him in, and ſo barre vp the doore vntill the next morning. And then wyth lyke ceremo|nies they awayte his returne and reduce him to the Churche. If he be ſéene no more, they faſt and pray, fiftéene dayes after. Touching the credite of theſe matters, I ſée no cauſe, but a Chriſtian being perſwaded, that there is both hell and heauen may without vanitie vppon ſufficient information be perſwaded, that it might pleaſe God, at ſometyme, for conſiderations to his wiſedome knowen, to reueale by myracle the viſion of ioyes and paynes eternall. But that altogither in ſuch ſorte, and by ſuch maner, and ſo ordinarily, and to ſuch perſons, as the common fame doth vtter, I neyther beléeue, nor wiſhe to be regarded. I haue conferde with diuers, that had gone this pilgrimage, who affirmed the order of the premiſſes to be true, but that they ſaw no ſight, ſaue onely fearefull dreames, when they chaunced to nodde, and thoſe they ſayde, were excéeding horrible. Further they added, that the faſt is rated more or leſſe ac|cording to the qualitie of the penitent.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Camb. lib. 1. topog. di|ſtinct .2. rub .5. Cambrienſe affirmeth, that in the North of Mounſter there be two Iſlandes, the greater and the leſſe. In the greater there neuer en|tereth womã or any liuing female, but foorth|with it dyeth. This haue béene often prooued by bytches and cattes, which were brought thither to trie this concluſion, and preſently they dyed. In this Iſland the cocke or maſcle byrdes are ſéene to chirppe, and pearche vp & downe the twigs, but ye hẽne or female by in|ſtinct of nature abãdoneth it, as a place vtter|ly poyſoned. This Iſlande were a place alone for one that were vexed with a ſhrewd wyfe. The leſſe Iſlande is called Inſula viuentium, Inſula vi|uentium. bicauſe none died there, ne may dye by courſe of nature, as Giraldus Cambrienſe ſayeth.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Howbeit the dwellers, when they are ſore fruſht with ſickeneſſe, or ſo farre wythered with age as there is no hope of life, they re|queſt to be cõueighed by boate to ye greater I|ſland, where they are not ſooner inſhored, then they yéelde vp their ghoſtes. For my part, I haue béene very inquiſitiue of this Iſland, but I coulde neuer finde this eſtraunge propertie ſoothed by any man of credite in the whole country. Neither truely would I wiſh any to be ſo light, as to lende his credite to any ſuch fayned gloſes, as are neyther veryfied by ex|perience nor warranted by any coulourable reaſon. Wherefore I ſee not why it ſhoulde be termed Inſula viuentium, vnleſſe it be that none dyeth there, as long as the liueth.Cambrie [...] codẽ loc [...] Cam|brienſe telleth further, that there is a Church|yarde in Vlſter, which no female kinde may enter. If the Cocke be there, the Henrie da|reth not followe. There is alſo in ye weſt part of Connaght an Iſlande, placed in the ſea,Arenne. called Aren, to which S. Brendan had often recourſe. The dead bodies néede not in that Iſland to be graueled. For the ayre is ſo pure that the contagiõ of any carryen may not in|fect it. There, as Cambrienſe ſayeth, may the ſonne ſée his father, his graundefather, hys great graundefather. &c. This Iſland is ene|mie to Mize. For none is brought thither, but eyther it leapeth into the ſea, or elſe being ſtayed, it dyeth preſently.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was in Kyldare an auncient monu|ment named the Fyrehouſe, wherein,The fyre|houſe of Kyldare. Cam|brienſe ſayeth, was there continuall fire kept day and night, & yet the aſhes neuer encrea|ſed. I traueyled of ſet purpoſe to the towne of Kyldare to ſée this place, where I dyd ſée ſuch a monument lyke a vaute, which to this day they call the firehouſe.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Touching the heath of Kyldare Cambrienſe wryteth that it maye not be tylde,The heat of Kildare. and of a certayntie within theſe fewe yeares it was tryed, and founde, that the corne, which was ſowed, dyd not prooue. In this playne, ſayth Cambrienſe, ſtoode the ſtones that now ſtande in Saliſbury playne,The ſtones of Saliſbury playne. which were conueyed from thence by the ſleight of Merlyne the Welſhe prophete, at the requeſt of Aurelius Ambroſius king of the Britons.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 There is alſo in the countye of Kyldare a goodly fielde called Moollcaghmaſt betwéene the Norrough and Kylka.Mollcagh maſt. Diuers blinde pro|pheſies runne of this place, that there ſhall be a bloudie fielde fought there betwene ye Enge|liſhe inhabitantes of Irelande and the Iriſh, and ſo bloudy forſooth it ſhall be, that a myll in a vale harde by it ſhall run foure & twentie houres with the ſtreame of bloude that ſhall powre downe from the hill. The Iriſh doubt|leſſe repoſe a great affiaunce in this baldock|tom dreame. In the top of this height ſtande motes or roundels very formally faſhioned, where the ſtrength of the Engliſh armie, as they ſay, ſhall be encamped.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Suſſex being Lorde Liuete|naunt of the Irelande was accuſtomed to wiſhe,The Erle of Suſſex. that if any ſuch propheſie were to be fulfilled, it ſhoulde happen in his gouernement, to the ende he might be generall of the fielde.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 EEBO page image 17 Not farre from Moolleagh mast, within a myle of Castledermot, or Thistledermot, is there a place markt with two hillockes whiche is named the Giraldine his throw, or cast. The length of which in very deed is woonderfull. The occasion proceeded of this. One of Giraldines, who was auncestour to those, that now are Lordes of Lackagh preded an enemie of his. The Earle of Kyldare hauing intelligence thereof, surpressing affection of kinred, and moued by zeale of iustice, pursued him with a greate troupe of horsemen, as the other was bringing of the prede homewarde. The Giraldine hauing notice giuen him, that the Earle was in hoate pursute, and therfore being warned by the messenger to hye hym with all speede possible, the gentleman being netled, that his kinsman would seeme to rescue the prede of his deadly foe, and as he was in such fretting wyse frying in his grease, he brake out in these colericke wordes. And doth my cosin Kyldare pursue me in deede? Now in good fayth, wheras he seemeth to be a suppressour of his kinred, and an vpholder of my mortal enemie, I woulde wish him no more harme, then that this dart were as farre in his bodie, as it shall sticke foorthwith in the grounde: and therwithall, giuing the spurres to his horse, he hurlde his dart so farre, as he abasht with the length thereof aswell his co(m)panye, as his posteritie. The Giraldine was not very farre from thence, when the Earle with his bande made hote foote after, & dogging still the track of the predours, he came to the place, where the dart was hurld, where one pyckthanck or other lette the Earle to vnderstande of the Giraldine his wilde speaches there deliuered. And to inhaunce the haynousnesse of the offence, he shewed howe farre he hurled his dart, when he wisht it to be pitcht in his Lordship his body. The Earle astonyed, at the length thereof, sayde: Nowe in good sooth my cosin in behauing himself to couragiously is woorthie to haue the prede shotte free. And for my parte, I purpose not so much to stomacke his colericke wishe, as to imbrace his valiaunt prowesse. And therewithall com(m)aunded the retraite to be blowen and reculed backe. There is in Meeth an hill called the hill of Taragh, wherin is a playne twelue score lo(n)g, which was named the kemp his hall. There the countrey had their meetinges and folckmoates, as a place that was accompted the high pallace of the Monarch. The Irish hystorians ha(m)mer many fables in this forge of Finne macke Coyle & his champions, as the French hystorie doth of king Arthur and the knightes of the rounde table. But doubtlesse the place seemeth to beare the show of an auncient and famous monument.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 There is in Castlenock, a villedge not far from Dublyne, a windowe not glazed not latized, but open, & let the weather be stormie, the winde bluster bousterously of euer side of the house, yet place a candle there, and it will burne as quietly, as if no puffe of wind blew. This may tryed at this day, who so shall be willing to put it in practise. Touching the estraunge Wolles that be in Ireland, I purpose to speake little more than that which I finde in Cambriense, whose wordes I wyll Englishe, as they are latined in his booke. There is, sayth he, a Well in Mounster, with the water of which is any be washt, he becommeth forthwith hoare. I haue seene a man that had one halfe of his bearde, being dyed with that water, hoare, that other halfe vnwasht was brown, remayning still in his naturall coulour.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Contrarywyse there is a fountayne in the further edge of Vlster, and if one be bathed therewith, he shal not become hoare, in which Well such as loath grey heares are accustomed to diue. There is in Connaght a Well that springeth on the top of an hill farre and distaunt from any sea, ebbing and flowing in foure and twentie houres, as the sea doth, and yet the place is vplandishe, & the water freshe. There is an other spring in the same countrey the water of which is very wholesome to men and women, but poyson to beastes, & if a man put the grauell of this Well into his mouth, it quencheth presently his thirst.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 There is in Vlster a standing poole thirtye thousand paces long, and fifteene thousande paces broade, out of which sprinketh the noble Northre(n) riuer, called the Ba(n)ne. The fishers complayne more often for brusting of their nettes with the ouer great lake of fishe, then for any want. In our time vpon the conquest a fine swamme from this poole to the shore, in shape resembling a Salmon, but it was in quantitye so huge, that it coulde not be drawen or caryed wholly togyther, but the fishmo(n)gers were forced to hack it in gobbets, and so to cary it in peecemeale throughout the countrey, making thereof a generall dole. And if the report be true, the beginning of this poole was estraunge. There were in old time wher the poole now sta(n)deth vicious & beastly inhabitants. At which time was there an olde sayde saw in euery man hys mouth, that as soone as a Well there springing (whiche for the supersticious reuerence they bare it, was continually couered and signed) were left open & vnsigned, so soone woulde much water gush out of that Well, as would forthwith ouerwhelme the whole territorie. It hap EEBO page image 18 happened at length, that an olde trot came thither, to fetche water, and hearing hir childe whine, she ranne wyth might and mayne to dandle hir babie forgetting the obseruaunce of the superstitious order to fore vsed. But as she was returning backe to haue couered the spring, the lande was so farre ouerflowen, as that it past hir helpe, and shortly after she, hir suckling and all those that were within the whole territorie were drowned. And this seemeth to cary more likelyhoode with it, bicause the fishers in a cleare sunny daye see the steeples and other pyles playnly and distinctly in the water. And here woulde be noted, that the ryuer of the Bane flowed from this headspring before this floude, but farre in lesse quantitie, then it doth in our tyme. Hitherto Giraldus Cambriense. Hector Boethius recordeth an estraunge propertie of a poole in Irelande, and for that he maketh himselfe an eye witnesse of the matter, he shall tell his owne tale. Ac quoniam Hibernae incidit mentio, praeter infinita in ea rerum miracula haud importunum fore existimem, si vnum, quod ob portentuosam nouitate(m) fidem omnium excedere videatur, nos tamen veru(m) experti sumus, adiunxerimus. Lacus in ea est, circa quem amplisimo circunquaq(ue); spatio nec herba, nec arbor vlla nascitur. &c. in quem si lignum infigas anni circiter vnius curriculo id quod in terra fixum erit, in lapidem conuertetur, quod deinceps aqua extans ligni formam naturamq(ue); seruabit. Ita coniuncta, lapis, ferrum & lignum eodem in stipite inaudita nouitate conspectatur.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 But for that mention is made of Irelande ouer and aboue the infinite number of woonders in that lande, it will not be wholly beside the purpose, to insert one marueylous thing, which although it may seeme to some, to haue no colour of truth, yet bycause it hath beene experimented, and found out to be true, we maye the better aduouche it. There is a standing poole in that Islande, neere which of all sydes groweth neyther herbe, shrubbe, nor bushe. If you sticke a rod or peece of tymber in this poole, that which sticketh in the earth within the space of one yeare turneth to a stone, asmuch as is dipt in the water, is conuerted to yron, all that is aboue the water remayneth stil in the pristinate and former wodden shape. So that you may see, that which is estrange, in one stock, or sticke, stone, yron and woodde linckt and knit togither. This much Hector Boethius. In the countrey of Kylkenny and in the borders thereto confining, they vse a sollem tryall by a water they cal Melashee, the propertie of this water is, as they say, that if a periurde person drinke thereof, the water will gush out at his belly, as though the drincker his nauill were borde with an augur. The riuer, that runneth by Dubline named the Liffye hathe this propertie for certayne, and I haue obserued it at sundry times. As long as it rayneth, yea if it stoode powring sixe dayes, you shal finde diuers shallow brookes, and the riuer will be nothing thereby encreased, but within foure and twentie houres after the showres are ceast, you shall perceyue such a sodayne spring flowe, as if the former rayne were very great: a very few places or none at all will be founde passable. Cambriense writeth that in the south part of Mounster betweene the mayne sea coasting on Hispanie, and S.Brendane his hilles, there is an Islande of the one side encompassed with a riuer abundantly stored with fish, and on the other part inclosed with a little brooke. In which place S.Brendane was very much resiaunt. This plotte is taken to be such a Sanctuary for beastes as if any hare, foxe, stagge, or other wylde beast, be chased neere that Islande by dogges, it maketh straight vppon the brooke, & assoone as it passeth the streame, it is so cocksure, as the hunter may perceyue the beast resting on the one bancke, and the dogs questing on the other brimme, being as it were by some inuisible rayles imbarde from diping their feete in the shallowe foorde to pursue the beast chased. On the other side of this Island their runneth a ryuer stored aboue measure with freshe water fishe, and in especiall with Salmon. Which abundaunce, as Cambriense wryteth, proceeded of God, to maintayne the great hospitalitie, that was kept there. Any bycause the dwellers thereabout shall not, like pinching coystrels make any sale of the fishe, let it be poudered as artificially as may be, yet it will not keepe as though it were Manna, aboue the first night or day that it be taken. So that you must eate it wythin that shorte compasse, otherwyse it putrifyeth and standeth to no steede. This ryuer ouerfloweth a great rocke, vsually called the Salmon leape, for as it is commonly the property of all fish to swim against the tyde, as for byrdes to flutter against the winde, so it is naturally giuen to Salmon to struggle agaynst the streame, and when it approacheth neere this high rocke, it bendeth his tayle to his heade, and sometimes take it in his mouth, and therewithall beareth it selfe ouer the water, and sodaynly it fetcheth such a rounde Whiske, that at a trice it skippeth to the top of the rocke. The lyke Salmon leape is neere Leyslippe, but not so high as this. There be also, as witnesseth Cambriense, in the [page ] the further parte of Vlster, certayne hilles neere to S.Bean his Church, where cranes yearely breede. And when they haue layed their egges, if any purpose to ransacke their nestes, let him but attempt, to touch the egs, they will shew like young skrawling pullets without fether or doune, as though they were newe hatched, and presently brought out of their shels. But if the partie plucke his hand from the nest foorth with they shew (whether is be by any Metamorphosis, or some iugling legyer de mayne by dazeling the eyes) as though they were transformed into egges. And further, sayeth Cambriense, let two at one instaunce be at the nest, and let the one of them onely giue the gaze, and the other atte(m)pt to take away the egges, they will seeme to the looker on as egges, and to the taker as yong red little cranettes, being as barre as a byrde his arse.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The towne of Armach is sayde to be enemy to rattes, and if any be brought thither, presently it dyeth. Which the inhabintauntes impute to the prayers of S.Patricke.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But to omitte the estraunge places, that eyther by false reportes are surmised, or by proofe and experience dayly veryfied: there are in this Islande such notable quaries of grey marble and touch, such store of pearle & other riche stones, such aboundaunce of cole, such plenty of leade, yron, latten and tinne, so many rich mynes furnished withall kinde of metals, as nature seemed, to haue framed this cou(n)trey, for the storehouse or iewelhouse of hir chiefest thesaure. Howbeit she has not shewed hirself so bountifull a mother in powering foorth such riches, as she prooueth hir self an enuious stepdame, in that she has instilleth in the inhabitants a drousie lythernesse to withdraw them from the ensearching of hir hourded and hidden iewelles, Wherein the fareth lyke one, that, to purchase ye name of a sumtuous francklene or good viander, woulde bidde diuers guestes to a costly and daintie dinner, and withall for sauing his meate wt some secret inchauntment would benumme them of their limmes, or with some hidden loth someness would dull their stomackes, as his guestes by reason of the one are not able, or for the other not willing, by taking theyr repast, to refresh themselues, in so much as in my phastasie it is harde to decide whether estate is the better: eyther for a dilgent labourer to be planted in a barrayne or stony soyle, or for a luskishe loyterer to be setled in a fertill grounde, bycause the one will & may not, the other may and will not through hys paynfull traueyle reape the fruite and commoditie, that the earth yeeldeth.