Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The En|gliſh pale.There is alſo an other diuiſion of Irelande, into the Engliſh pale and Iriſhry. For when Ireland was ſubdued by the Engliſh, diuers of the conquerors planted themſelues néere to Dublyn and the confines thereto adioy|ning, and ſo as it were encloſing and empa|lyng themſelues within certayne liſtes and territories, they ſeazed away the Iriſh, in ſo much as that countrey became méere En|gliſh. And therof it was termed, the Engliſh pale: which in auncient tyme ſtretched from Doondalke to Catherlogh or [...]ke [...]y. But now, what for the [...]ackneſſe of marthou [...]es, and the ener [...]hyng of the Iriſh enemy, the ſcope of the Engliſh pale is greatly empay|red, and is cramprened and [...]ht into an odde corner of the countrey named Fingall, with a parcell of the king his land, Méeth the countries of Kyld [...]re & Louth, which partes are applied chiefly with good huſbandry, and takẽ for the richeſt and cicule [...] ſoyles in Ire|land.Fing [...] excelleth or haſbandry. But Fingall eſpecially from tyme to tyme hath bene ſo addicted to all the poyntes of Huſbandry, as that they are nicknamed by their neighbors, for their continuall drud|gery, Collonnes of the latin worde Coloni, Collonnes of Fingal Clowne. Fingall why ſo na|med. wherunto the clipt Engliſh worde, Clowne, ſéemeth to be aunſwerable. The worde Fin|gall, counter [...] yleth in engliſhe, the race or ſept of the engliſhe or eſtraungers, for that they were ſoly ſeized of that part of ye Iſland, gripyng with their callantes ſo firmely that warme neaſt, that from the conqueſt to this day, the Iriſh enimy could neuer rouſe them from thence. The inhabitantes of the engliſh pale haue bene in olde tyme ſo much addicted to all ciuilitie, and ſo farre ſequeſtred from barbarous ſauageneſſe, as their only mother tongue was Engliſh.The ciui|litie of Ireland in auncient tyme. And truely as long as theſe empaled dwellers did ſunder thẽſelues as wel in land as in language, frõ the Iriſhe: rudenes was day by day in the countrey ſup|planted, ciuilitie engraffed, good lawes eſta|bliſhed, loyaltie obſerued, rebellion ſuppreſ|ſed, and in fine the cyone of a yong England, was lyke to ſhoote in Ireland. But whẽ their poſteritie became not all togither ſo wary in kéeping, as their aunceſtors were valiant in conquering, and the Iriſh language was frée dennized in ye Engliſh pale: this canker tooke ſuch déepe roote, as the body that before was whole and ſounde, was by little and little fe|ſtered, and in maner wholy putrified. And not onely this parcel of Ireland grew to that ciuilitie, but alſo Vlſter and the greater part of Mounſter, as by the ſequele of the Iriſhe hiſtory ſhall plainely appeare. But of all o|ther places,Weiſforde wholy Engliſh. The Pill Weiſeforde with the territorye bayed, and percloſed within the riuer called the Pill, was ſo quite eſtranged from Iriſh|ry, as if a trauailer of the Iriſh (which was rare in thoſe dayes) had picht his foote within the pile and ſpoken Iriſhe, the Weiſefordiãs would commaunde hym forthwith to turne the other ende of his tongue, and ſpeake En|gliſhe, or elſe bring his trouchman with him. But in our dayes they haue ſo aquainted thẽ|ſelues with the Iriſhe, as they haue made a mingle mangle, or gallamaulfrey of both the languages, and haue in ſuch medley or chec|kerwyſe EEBO page image 3 ſo crabbedly iumbled them both to|gyther, as commonly the inhabitants of the meaner ſort ſpeake neyther good Engliſh nor good Iriſhe.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was of late dayes one of the Péeres of England ſent to Weiſeford as Commiſſi|oner, [...]he ſay| [...] of a no [...] man [...]ching [...] Eng| [...]he of [...]ſforde. to decide the controuerſies of that coũ|trey, and earing in affable wiſe the rude com|plaintes of the countrey clownes, he concey|ued here and there, ſometyme a worde, other whyles a ſentence. The noble man beyng ve|ry glad that vpon hys firſt commyng to Ire|land, he vnderſtood ſo many wordes, told one of hys familiar frends, that he ſtoode in very great hope, to become ſhortly a well ſpoken man in the Iriſhe, ſuppoſing that the blunte people had pratled Iriſhe, all the while they iangled Engliſhe. Howbeit to this day, the dregs of the olde auncient Chaucer Engliſh, are kept as well there as in Fingall. [...] Eng|liſhe in [...]ſford [...] Fingall. As they terme a ſpider, an attercop, a wiſpe, a wad, a lumpe of bread, a pocket or a pucket, a Sil|libuck, a copprouſe, a faggot, a bleaſe, or a blaze, for the ſhort burning of it, as I iudge, a Phiſition, a leache, a gappe, a ſharde, a baſe court or quadrangle, a bawen, or rather, as I ſuppoſe, a barton: ye houſehold or folkes, meany: Sharppe, kéene, eſtraunge, vncouth, eaſie, éeth or éefe, a dunghill, a mizen, as for the worde bater, that in Engliſh purporteth a lane, [...]er. bearing to an high way, I take it for a méere Iriſhe worde, that crepte vnawares into the Engliſh, thorough the daily enter|courſe of the Engliſh and Iriſh inhabitants. And where as commonly in all countreys, the women ſpeake moſt neately and pertely, whiche Tully in hys thirde booke de Oratore, ſpeakyng in the perſon of Graſſus, ſéemed to haue obſerued,The pro|nunciation [...] Iriſhe [...]men. yet notwithſtandyng in Ire|land it falloth out contrary. For the women haue in theyr Engliſh tongue an harriſh and broade kynd of pronunciation, with vtteryng their wordes ſo péeuiſhly & faintly, as though they were halfe ſicke, and ready to call for a poſſette. And moſt commonly in wordes of two ſillables, they giue the laſt the accent. As they ſay, Markeate, Baſkeate, Goſſoupe, Puſſoate, Robart, Niclaſe, &c. which doubt|leſſe doth diſbeautifie their Engliſhe aboue meaſure. And if they could be weaned from that corrupt cuſtom, there is none that could diſlyke of their Engliſh.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Here percaſe ſome ſnappiſh carper will take mée at rebounde, and ſnuffingly ſnibbe me, for debacing the Iriſh language. But truely whoſoeuer ſhall be founde ſo ouerthwarlly bent, he takes the matter far awrie. For as my ſkill is very ſimple there in, ſo I woulde be loath, to diſueyle my raſhneſſe, in giuing light verdict in any thing to me vnknowen: But onely my ſhort diſcourſe tendeth to this drift, that it is not expedient, that the Iriſhe tongue ſhoulde be ſo vniuerſally gagled in in the Engliſh pale, bycauſe that by proofe & experience we ſee, that the pale was in neuer more floriſhing eſtate, thẽ when it was whol|ly Engliſh, & neuer in woorſe plight, thẽ ſince it hath enfraunchyſed the Iriſhe.The ſu|perſtition of Game|ſters. But ſome will ſay, that I ſhewe my ſelfe herein as fri|uoulous, as ſome looſing gameſters ſéeme ſu|perſtitious, when they play themſelfes drye, they gogle wyth their eyes hither and thy|ther, and if they can pyre out any one, that gi|ueth, them the gaze, they ſtande lumping and lowring, fretting and fuming, for that they imagine, that all theyr euill lucke procéeded of hym. And yet if the ſtander by departe, the looſer may be founde as dryſhauen, as he was before. And euen ſo it fareth wyth you, bycauſe you ſée all things runne to ruine in the Engliſhe pale, by reaſon of great enor|mities in the countrey, eyther openly praui|ſed, or couertlye wyncked at, you glaunce your eye on that, which ſtandeth next you, & by beating Iacke for Iyll, you impute the fault to that, which perhappes woulde little further the wealepublicke, if it were exiled. Now truely you ſhoote very néere the mark. But it I may craue your patience, to tyme you ſée me ſhoote my bolt, I hope you will not deny, but that as néere the pricke as you are, & as very an hagler as I am, yet the ſcant|ling ſhall be myne. Firſt therefore take this wyth you, that a conqueſt draweth,A conqueſt implyeth 3. thinges. or at the leaſt wyſe ought to drawe to it, thrée things, to witte, law, apparayle, and languague. For where the countrey is ſubdued, there the in|habitants ought to be ruled by the ſame law that the cõquerour is gouerned, to weare the ſame faſhion of attyre, wherewith the vic|tour is veſted, & ſpeake the ſame language, that the vanquiſher parleth. And if anye of theſe thrée lacke, doubtleſſe the conqueſt liue|peth. Now whereas Irelande hath béene, by lawfull conqueſt, brought vnder the ſubiectiõ of Englande, not onelye in king Henry the ſecond his reigne, but alſo as well before, as after (as by the courſe of the Iriſh hyſtorye ſhal euidently be deciphered) & the conqueſt hath béene ſo abſolute and perfect, that all Leinſter, Méeth, Vlſter, the more parte of Connaght, and Mounſter, all the Ciuities & Burronghes in Irelande, haue béene wholly Engliſhed, and with Engliſhe conquerours inhabited, is it decent, thinke you, that theyr owne auncient natiue tongue ſhal be ſhrow|ded in obliuion, and ſuffer the enemies lan|guage, as it were a tettarre, or ringwoorme, EEBO page image 576 to herborow it ſelf within the iawes of Eng|liſhe conquerours? no truely. And nowe that I haue fallen vnawares into this diſcourſe, it will not be far amiſſe to ſtande ſomewhat roundly vpon this poynt. It is knowen, and by the hyſtorie, you maye in part perceyue, how brauely Vlſter Whillon flooriſhed. The Engliſhe families were there implanted, the Iriſh, eyther vtterly expelled, or wholly ſub|dued, the lawes duely executed, the reuenue great, and onely Engliſh ſpoken. But what brought it to this preſent ruine and decaye? I doubt not, but you geſſe, before I tell you. They were enuironned & cõpaſſed with euill neighbours. Neighbourhoode bredde acquain|tance, acquaintance wafted in ye Iriſh tõgue, the Iriſhe hooked with it attyre, attyre haled rudenes, rudeneſſe engendred ignorãce, igno|raunce brought contempt of lawes, the con|tempt of lawes bred rebelliõ, rebellion raked thereto warres, and ſo cõſequently the vtter decay and deſolatiõ of that worthy countrey.