Compare 1587 edition: 1 But novv after I had continued the Hiſtorie, and enlarged it out of Giraldus Cam|brenſis, Flatsbury, Henry of Marleburgh, and other, till the yeare. 1509 in vvhich that famous Prince Henry the .viij. began his reigne, ſome of thoſe that vvere to be|ſtovv the charges of the Impreſſion, procured a learned Gentleman Maiſter Richard Stanyhurſt, to continue it from thence forvvarde as he ſavv occaſion, being furniſhed vvith mater to enlarge the vvorke, vvhereof for thoſe later times I founde my ſelfe vtterly voyde, more than that vvhiche Campion had deliuered. VVhat I haue done herein, your Honours diſcretion ſhall eaſily cõceyue. For the imperfection ſith it is EEBO page image 573 the firſt that hath bene ſet forth in Printe, I craue moſt humbly pardon of your good Lordſhippe, beſeeching you rather to reſpect my good vvill than the perfectneſſe of the vvorke, vvhiche the vvantes conſidered for the orderly furniſhyng thereof, is not to be looked for in the skilfull, muche leſſe in me the meaneſt of all, and leaſt able to performe it. Hauing preſented the right Honorable the Erle of Leyceſter vvith the Hiſtorie of Scotlande, to vvhome (as I haue hearde) Campion made Dedication of his booke, I coulde not remember me to vvhome I might more conueniently offer this my trauell in this Hiſtorie of Ireland, than to your Lordſhip, being hir Maieſties Lieutenant in that Realme. And therfore in moſt humble vviſe I exhibite the booke to your Honour, beſeeching the ſame to beare vvith my bolde attempt therein, and to receyue it in good parte from him that vviſhed to haue more amplie ſatisfied your good Lordſhippes expectation, if abilitie might haue anſvvered good vvill.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus I beſeech the Lorde to guyde your harte in his holy vvayes, and to furniſh you vvith politike prudence and skilfull knovvledge, to gouerne in your eſtate and office, ſo as your doyngs may redounde to his glorie, the ſuretie of hir Maieſties do|minion there, your ovvne aduancement in Honour, and conſequently to the ſure ſupporte and peaceable quietneſſe of the true and loyall ſubiectes of that Realme.
Your honours moſt humble to commaunde, RAPHAEL HOLINSHED.
¶ A Treatiſe contayning a playne and perfect Deſcription of Irelande, with an Introduction, to the better vnderſtanding of the Hyſtories, appartayning to that Iſlande: compyled by Richard Stanyhurst, and written to the Ryght Honorable, Syr Henry Sydney Knight, Lorde Deputie of Irelande, Lorde preſident of Wales, Knight of the moſt noble order of the Garter, and one of hir Maieſties priuie Counſell with|in hir realme of England.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 _MY VERY good Lorde, there haue beene diuers of late, that with no ſmall [...]oyle, and great commenda [...]ion, haue through|ly imployed themſelues, in [...]l|ling and packing togither the ſcrapings and fr [...]gments of the Hyſtorie of Ireland. Amõg which crow, my faſt friende, & inwarde com|pagnion, M. Edmond Campion, dyd ſo lear|nedly bequite himſelfe, in the penning of cer|tayne briefe notes, cõcerning that countrey, as certes it was greatly to be lamented, that eyther hys, theame had not béene ſhorter, or elſe his leaſure had not beene longer. For if Alexander were ſo ra [...]iſht with Homer hys hyſtorie, that notwithſtãding Therſites were a crabbed and a rugged dwarfe, being in out|warde feature ſo deformed, and in inwarde conditions ſo cr [...]ked, as he ſeemed to ſtande to no better ſtéede, then to leade Apes in h [...]ll, yet the valiaunt capitayne weighing, howe liuely the goldẽ Poet ſet foorth the ougly da [...]|deprat in his coulours, dyd ſooner wyſhe to be Homer his Therſites, then to be the Alexander of that doltiſh rythmour, which vndertooke, with his woodden verſes to blaſe his famous and martiall exploytes: howe much more ought Irelande (being in ſundry ages ſeized of diuers good and couragious Alexanders) ſore to long, & thirſte after ſo rare a clarcke, as M. Campion, who was ſo vpright in con|ſcience, ſo déepe in iudgement, ſo rype in elo|quence, as the countrey might haue bene wel aſſured, to haue had their hyſtorie truely re|ported, pithily handled, and brauely poliſhed.