You are here: 1577 > Volume 2 >
Back Matter: Section 1 of
1: A Table of the principall matters touched in the Hiſtorie of Scotland, where
note that the firſt number ſignifieth the page, the ſecond the line, not
accounting aboue 58. line in the firſt Colume at the moſt.
Snippet: 22 of 22 (1577, Volume 2, p. 571) Y.
- YEvves a vvhole yeare beyng foorth no lambes. 355.59
- Yorke yeeldeth vnto Odo|uius. 25.74
- Yorke commeth into poſſeſsion of Hengiſt .117.79. beſieged by Ar|thure. 127.45. alſo taken and ſacked by the Danes. [...]93.34
- Yorkeſvvolde ſpoyled by the Scottes. 324.69
- Youth to eate but one meale a day. [...]87. [...]
- Youth to bee trayned vp in hard|neſſe. 187. [...]
- Yule, that is, the tvvelfth days in Chriſtmaſſe. 285.32
You are here: 1577 > Volume 3 >
Front Matter: Section 2 of
3: ¶ The Authors out of whome this Hiſtorie of Irelande hath bene
Snippet: 1 of 2 (1577, Volume 3, p. 572) ¶ The Authors out of whome this Hiſtorie of Irelande hath bene gathered.
- Compare 1587 edition:
- Edmond Campion.
- Giraldus Cambrenſis.
- Flatsburie.
- Henricus Marleburgenſis.
- Saxo Grammaticus.
- Albertus Crantz.
- Rogerus Houeden.
- Guilielmus Paruus Nouoburgenſis.
- Polichronicon, ſiue Ranulfus Higeden.
- Iohannes Bale.
- Recordes and Rolles diuers.