Compare 1587 edition: 1 That part where they firſt beganne to [...] themſelues, they named Arguel [...]lia, after the name of their firſt Captain and guide Gathelus, but the Inhabitantes at this day call it Arguyle.They make lawes and or|dinances.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 At their first comming bycause they perceyued they coulde not liue without lawes and ciuil gouernement they seuered themselues into tribes, or as it were into hundreds, or weapentakes, euery of the same hauing a speciall gouernour to see their lawes ministred, Gouernours had in reue|rence. and iustice mainteyned: whiche gouernours were had in suche reuerence, that they were as much afrayde to sweare by the name of any one of them, as they were by the Goddes.