Compare 1587 edition: 1 Iriſh men are gently en|treated.Herevpon Hiber with his brother Himecus, went not aboute with force, but by gentleneſſe to wynne thoſe people, mynding to ioyne them in friendſhippe ſo wyth theyr Scottiſhe men, that bothe the people myghte bee made as one.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Neyther was this harde to bee done, ſithence the Inhabitauntes (perceyuing the Scottiſhe men not to goe about to harme them came floc|king in wholy about them, ſubmitting themſel|ues into their handes with gladneſſe.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hiber. [figure appears here on page 4] WHEN thynges were once ſette here in a ſtaye, and that or|ders were gy|uen howe the land ſhoulde be conuerted vnto tillage, and manu [...]d for ye better bringing forth of ſuche things as ſerue for mans ſuſtenance,Hiber retur|ned into Spain Hiber (leauing his brother in charge with the gouernaunce of all thoſe whiche were appoynted to abyde there in Irelande with the moſt part of the ſhips and reſidue of the com|pany, ſayled backe into Spaine, where finding his father Gathelus deade,Hiber ſuccee|ded his [...] hee ſucceeded in hys place of gouernment, to the great reioycing of all the people there.