You are here: 1577 > Volume 1 >
Front Matter: Section 5 of
5: ¶The names of the Authours from whome this Historie of England is
Snippet: 5 of 20 (1577, Volume 1, p. 6) E.
- Compare 1587 edition:
- EDmerus.
- Euſebius.
- Eutropius.
- Encomium Emmae, an old Pamphlet written to hir conteyning much good matter for the vnder|ſtanding of the ſtate of this realme in hir time, wherein hir prayſe is not pretermitted, and ſo hath obteyned by reaſon thereof that title.
- Enguerant de Monſtrellet.
- Eulogium.
- Edmond Campion.
You are here: 1577 > Volume 1 >
Front Matter: Section 5 of
5: ¶The names of the Authours from whome this Historie of England is
Snippet: 6 of 20 (1577, Volume 1, p. 6) F.
- Compare 1587 edition:
- FAbian.
- Froiſſart.
- Franciſcus Tarapha.
- Franciſcus Petrarcha.
- Flauius Vopiſcus Siracuſanus.
- Floriacenſis Vigorinenſis.
You are here: 1577 > Volume 1 >
Front Matter: Section 5 of
5: ¶The names of the Authours from whome this Historie of England is
Snippet: 7 of 20 (1577, Volume 1, p. 6) G.
- Compare 1587 edition:
- GViciardini Franciſco. Guiciardini Ludouico.
- Gildas Sapiens.
- Galfridus Monemutenſis, aliàs Geffrey of Mon|mouth.
- Giraldus Cambrenſis.
- Guilielmus Malmeſburienſis.
- Galfridus Vinſauf.
- Guilielmus Nouoburgenſis.
- Guilielmus Thorne.
- Gualterus Hemmingford, aliàs Giſburnenſis.
- Geruaſius Dorobernenſis.
- Geruaſius Tilberienſis.
- Guilielmus Gemeticenſis de ducibus Normaniae.
- Guilielmus Riſhanger.
- Guilielmus Lambert.
- Georgius Lillie.
- EEBO page image 7Guilamme Paradin.