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Compare 1587 edition: 1 For the Hiſtorie of Scotlande, I haue for the more parte follovved Hector Boete, Iohannes Maior, and Iouan, Ferreri Piemonteſe, ſo farre as they haue continued it, interlaced ſometimes vvith other Authours, as Houeden, Fourdon and ſuch like, al|though not often, bicauſe I meante rather to deliuer vvhat I founde in their ovvne Hiſtories extant, than to correct them by others, leauing that enterprice to their ovvne countrey men: ſo that vvhat ſoeuer ye reade in the ſame, conſider that a Scot|tiſhman vvritte it, and an Engliſh man hath but onely tranſlated it into our language, referring the Reader to the Engliſh Hiſtorie, in all maters betvvixte vs and them, to be confronted therevvith as he ſeeth cauſe. For the continuation thereof I vſed the like order, in ſuche copies and notes as Maiſter VVolfe in his life time procured me, ſauing that in theſe laſte yeares I haue inſerted ſome notes, as concerned matters of vvarre betvvixte vs and the Scottes, bicauſe I gotte them not till that parte of the En|gliſh Hiſtorie vvas paſte the preſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 For Irelande I haue ſhevved in mine Epiſtle Dedicatorie in vvhat ſorte, and by vvhat helpes I haue proceeded therein, onely this I forgotte, to ſignifie that Giraldus Cambrenſis, and Flatsbury, I had not till that parte of the Booke vvas vnder the preſſe, and ſo being conſtreyned to make poſte haſte, coulde not exemplifie out of them all that I vviſhed, neither yet diſpoſe it ſo orderly as had bene conuenient, nor penne it vvith ſo apte vvordes as might ſatisfie either my ſelfe, or thoſe to vvhoſe vevve it is novv like to come. And by reaſon of the like haſte made in the Impreſ|ſion, vvhere I vvas determined to haue tranſpoſed the moſte parte of that vvhiche in the Engliſhe Hiſtorie I had noted, concerning the Conqueſte of Irelande by Henry the ſeconde out of Houeden and others, I had not time thereto, and ſo haue lefte it there remayning, vvhere I firſte noted it, before I determined to make any particular collection of the Iriſhe Hiſtories, bicauſe the ſame commeth there vvell inough in place, as to thoſe that ſhall vouchſafe to turne the Booke it may appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 For the computation of the yeares of the vvorlde, I hadde by Maiſter VVoulfes aduiſe follovved Functius, but after his deceaſſe Maiſter VVilliam Hariſon made mee partaker of a Chronologie, vvhiche hee had gathered and compiled vvith moſte exquiſite diligence, follovvyng Gerardus Mercator, and other late Chronologers, and his ovvne obſeruations, according to the vvhiche I haue reformed the ſame. As for the yeares of our Lorde, and the Kings, I haue ſette them dovvne accordyng to ſuche Authours as ſeeme to bee of beſte EEBO page image 6 credite in that behalfe, as I doubte not but to the learned and skilfull in Hiſtories, it ſhal appeare Moreouer, this the Reader hath to conſider, that I do beginne the yeare at the natiuitie of our Lorde, vvhiche is the ſureſt order in my fantaſie that can bee follovved.

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