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Front Matter: Section 3 of
5: TO THE RIGHT Honorable and his ſingular good Lorde, Sir VVilliam Cecill,
Baron of Burghleygh, Knight of the most noble order of the Garter, Lord
high Treaſou|rer of England, Maiſter of the Courtes of Wardes and
Lyueries, and one of the Queenes Maieſties priuie Counſell.
Snippet: 1 of 4 (1577, Volume 1, p. 2) TO THE RIGHT Honorable and his ſingular good Lorde, Sir VVilliam Cecill, Baron of Burghleygh, Knight of the most noble order of the Garter, Lord high Treaſou|rer of England, Maiſter of the Courtes of Wardes and Lyueries, and one of the Queenes Maieſties priuie Counſell.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 _COnſidering with my ſelfe, right Honorable and my ſin|gular good Lorde, how ready (no doubt) many wil be to ac|cuſe me of vayne preſumptiõ, for enterpriſing to deale in this ſo weighty a worke, and ſo farre aboue my reache to ac|compliſh: I haue thought good to aduertiſe your Honour, by what occaſion I was first induced to vndertake the ſame, al|though the cauſe that moued mee thereto, hath (in parte) ere this, bene ſignified vnto your good Lordſhippe.