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Appendix A.1 A.


  • ABbasie of Winchester ob|teined for monie, 21, a 40
  • Abbat Agelnothus, ¶Sée A|gelnothus. O [...] Batte [...]l in re|scuing Winchelseie is put to flight, 427, a 50. Egelsin. ¶Sée Egelsin. Egelwine. ¶Sée Egelwine. Fecknam of Westminster installed, 1132, b 20. Frederike. ¶See Frederike. Ioachim, a man of great fame, 126, a 10. Of Glastenburie an erls son, 42, a 60. Losauage. ¶Sée Lo|sauage. Paule. ¶See Paule. Of saint Augustine cap|teine of an armie, 2 a 10. Of S. Edmundsburie, Robert Lo [...] an earls sonne, 20, a 40. Thurstan, ¶Sée Thurstan. Of Westminster dieth sud|denlie, 516, b 30. ¶Sée Con|spiracie.
  • Abbats ordeined by William Rufus, 20, a 60. They and priors depriued, and whie, 30, b 10. Not to be made knights, &c: note, 30, b 50
  • Abbie of Battell with the roll thereof, 3, 4, 5. The first of white moonks when and by whom founded, 26, a 60. Of S. Albons repared by Lan|franke. 18, a 60
  • Abbies builded thrée by duke William, 15, a 40. Founded in king Stephans time, 64, b 60 Eleuen let out to farme, 26, a 40. Searched and ransac|ked at duke Williams com|mandement, 8, b 50. Suppres|sed, 945, b 50, 946, b 10, 947, b 50. Their lands promised by quéene Marie to be resto|red: note, 1127, b 10, &c. ¶Sée Churches and Nunneries.
  • Ab [...]uration for speking against the popes authoritie, 898, b 30. Of bishop Pecocke, 646, a 60. ¶Sée Bishop Pecocke.
  • Absolution to be purchased from Rome, 214, b 60. Of the clergie sued for from Rome, 201, b 60. Of Oxford by legat Otho, 222, a 50. For vowes & other offenses, 257, b 60. For an oth obteined, 313, b 60. For the offense of di [...]obedience, 201, b 10. Pronounced by car|dinall Poole to the parle|ment house, 1123, b 10
  • Aburgauennie lord arreigned at Westminster, 872, b 10. As|sembleth a power against Wi|at, & putteth them to flight, 1094, a 10, b 20
  • Accusation false for a time pre|uailed but in fine frustrate: note, 223, b 50, 60. Of a iustice for taking of bribes, 243, b 50. Of two noble men that had the custodie of the king and quéene of Scots, 251, a 30. Against prince Henrie to king Henrie the fourth his father, 539, a 10. Uniust re|doundeth to the accusants shame, 937, b 60. Interchang|able and doubtfull tried by combat: note, 992, b 60, 993, a 10. False punished, 968, a 50. By the pillorie: note, 1132, b 30. Of a maister against his seruant whereof followed se|cret vengeance, 1084, b 20, 30
  • Acton knight his rebellion, sur|prised, he and his complices condemned of treason and he|resie, 544, a 60, b 40
  • Adela married to Richard Hen|rie the second his son, 94, a 30
  • Adelicia. ¶Sée Quéene.
  • Admonition. ¶Sée Warning.
  • Adnothus master of the horsse to king Harold slaine in fight 6, a 60
  • Aduenturers, 875, b 10. Soldi|ers and whie so called, 880, b 60, 881, a 10. Their capteine slaine, and they discomfited, 882, b 10. Good seruitors, 882, b 60. Slaine and discomfited, their finall end, 883, b 50. ¶Sée Kréekers.
  • Adulte. ¶Sée Emperour.
  • Adulterie punished with hang|ing, 211, b 60. Seuerelie cor|rected in a maiors time of London, 440, b 10. ¶Sée In|cest and Whoredome.
  • Affinitie ¶Sée Fréendship and Marriage.
  • Agatha the mother of Edgar Etheling driuen by tempest into Scotland, 6, a 30
  • Agelmarus bishop of Theiford deposed and whie, 9, a 20
  • Agelnothus abbat of Glasten|burie, 5, a 10
  • Agincourt battell, 552, b 60. When fought, 618, b 20. The number of the slaine, noble|men prisoners, 555, a 50, 60, b 10, &c.
  • Agréement. ¶Sée Peace.
  • Aire red as though on fier, 38, a 40. Full of clouds, red, yel|low, & gréene, 102, b 60. Rud|die of colour as though it bur|ned and of a sanguine hue, 142, a 10. Séemed to be on a bright fier, 167, a 40. ¶ Sée Sights.
  • Aiske a towne, burned by the English, 810, b 30
  • Alane earle of Britaine aduan|ced by duke William his vn|cle, 7, a 60
  • Alane the blacke earle, issulesse 7, b 20
  • Alane le Rous, issulesse, 7, b 20
  • Alan the son of Stephan, 7, b 30
  • Alanson besieged & yéelded vp, 561, a 40
  • Albemarle besieged by French king, 146, b 30. Woone by the earle of Flanders, 88, b 30
  • Albemarle William, whose son should haue béene made king of England, 22, a 10
  • Alberike ruler of Northum|berland, 13, a 40
  • Albertus de Lasco, &c: his com|ming into England, 1353, b 40. Prepareth for his returne into Poland, 1354, b 60. De|scribed, 1355, a 10. Intertei|ned at Oxford, 50, 60, b 10. His departing thense, 20, ¶Sée Polander.
  • Alderman of London his au|thoritie, 120, a 30. Seuen de|ceased within the space of ten moneths, 1209, b 60, 1132, b 10 ¶Sée Almshouses, Charitie, Londoners, and Schoole.
  • Aldgitha quéene, sister to Ed|win & Mercia sent to Che|ster, 1. a 30
  • Aldred archbishop of Yorke, 1, a 40. Crowneth duke William, 1, b 20. And Mawd quéene, 6, a 60. Dieth for griefe, b 60.
  • Alexander king of Scots de|ceasseth, the manner thereof, 283, a 10
  • Alexander bishop of Lincolne fled into Scotland, 8, a 30
  • Alexander Robert. ¶ Sée Iusts triumphant.
  • Alexander. ¶Sée Pope.
  • Alice the daughter of erle Mo|rieine sold for monie, 84, a 60,
  • Allum déere, 791
  • Almaine great and tall incoun|tred withall by the duke of Suffolke, 833, b 60, 834, a 10
  • Almes. ¶Sée Charitie.
  • Almeshouses for the poore, 1311, b 20. Within Bishopsgate, 1062, b 30. Of Dauid Smith for poore widows, 1375, b 50, 1376. For the reliefe of the poore, 1377, b 30
  • Almiramumoli king of the Sa|racens feineth himselfe dead, 124, a 20
  • Altars taken downe and tables set in their roome, 1062, b 10
  • Ambassadour into Denmarke, 892, b 10. 1348. a 20, 30, &c. Sent into France, 110, b 10, 167, a 50, 205, a 60, 209, a 20, 257, a 20, 336, a 20, 351, a 50, 477, a 30, 485, b 30, 546, b 30, 849, a 10, &c: 1229, EEBO page image 1480 a 10, 20, 1129, a 50, 1380, a 50, 60, 1381, all. 1382, a 10, &c. ¶Sée Sackuill. Sent to the generall councell, they come to the councell, 236, b 60. At Cambreie, 260, b 10. Sent into Germanie, 292, b 20. Sent to the king of Almaigne, 260, b 60. To Philip archduke of Bur|gogne, 777, a 50. To the pope, 242, a 20, 365, a 50, 380, a 20, 535, a 20, 30, 381, b 10, 237, a 60, 205, b 10, 179, b 60, 187, a 50, b 30, 29, a 50, 31, b 10, 20, &c. Sent to the king of Scots, 297, b 20, 162, a 60, 163, b 30, 1402, b 30. Sent into Spaine, 248, b 30. To the emperour Charles, 897, b 60. The answer which they receiue, 899, a 10. Sent from Alfonse king of Castile, &c: 100, b 50. Sent from the king of Connagh in Ire|land, 96, b 40. Sent from the emperour, 1093, a 30, 961, a 50, 894, a 30, 891, a 60, 839, a 60: note, 791, a 30, 35, a 10, 38, a 10, 75, a 60. Out of France into England, 1238, a 20. From the K. of Spaine, 808, b 60, 894, a 60, b 10. From the French king with a traine, 848, a 40, 50, 60, 771, a 50, 546, b 30, 1315, b 60, 1316, a 10, 518, a 30, 474, b 40, 350, b 60, 282, b 50, 334, b 60. From the good townes in Flanders, 368, a 60. From the king of Hunga|rie, 894, b 40. Out of Mus|couie, 1132, b 60, 1211, b 50, 60. From the duke of Bur|gogne, 693, b 30, 60. From the pope, 336, a 10. Out of Scotland, 705, a 30, 518, a 60, 159, b 60, 875, b 40. From Swethen about a marriage, 1185, a 60, b 10
  • Ambassador ligier of Spaine. ¶ Sée Mendoza.
  • Ambassage disdainefull, 545, a 10. Roiall into France, 477, a 60
  • Amberuilliers castell taken, 589, a 60
  • Amphibalus bodie found and buried at saint Albons, 101, b 30
  • Amphibologie of this woord daughter, 156, b 10
  • Ambition was Anselme loth to be suspected of, 28, a 10. Of earle Robert of Nor|thumberland, 22, b 10. Of earle Iohn, 132, b 40. In the French and Spanish kings aspiring to the em|pire. 851, a 40, &c. Of arch|bishop Thurstane notable, 38, b 10. Of bishop Long|champe. 129, a 10. Of an old aged bishop of Durham: note, 119, b 40, 50, 60. Of earles suing to be kings, 1, a 30. Of two archbishops, 39, b 60. Of bishops, 38, b 20. Con|tentious, 121, a 30. Of two moonks labouring for an ab|basie, 18, b 60. Of mans na|ture, 76, a 40, 714, a 30. The working thereof, 739, b 60. And fruits thereof: noted in Robert, 12, a 30. It will haue a fall: note, 734, b 60. Note the whole storie, from page 1083, a 60, b 10, &c. 1084, b 10, &c. ¶ Sée Selim and Turke.
  • Amsterdam a towne of great concourse and commerce, in|expugnable, 1430, b 30, 50
  • Anabaptists doo penance and are burned, 946, a 40, 50. Their heresies, recantation, and penance at Pauls crosse, 1260, b 10, 20, 30, &c. Ba|nished. 1261, b 20. Burned in Smithfield, 1261, b 40. Manie in Amsterdam, 1430, b 40
  • Anger and what the heat there|of driueth a man vnto: note, 211, b 10. ¶ Sée Enuie.
  • Angiers citie taken, 158, b 30. Woone of king Iohn by as|sault, 170, a 30. And by him repared, 170, b 30
  • Angleseie inuironed with the sea, 23, a 40
  • Angolesme recouered by the Frenchmen, 369, a 30
  • Aniou, a rode made thereunto by the duke of Clarence, 579, b 60
  • Anne Askew and others ar|reigned and acquited, 968, b 10, &c.
  • Anne Bullen created marchio|nesse of Penbroke, 928, b 30. ¶ Sée Quéene.
  • Anne of Cléeue, a marriage betwéene hir and king Hen|rie the eight concluded, 947, b 60. She is receiued at Ca|lis, landeth in Kent, the or|der of hir receiuing on Black heath, 948, a 40, b 30, The méeting of hir and the king, hir chariot wherein she rode all hir iournie, hir welcome to Gréenewich, 949,, a 50, b 20, 60. She is married to king Henrie the eight, 950, a 10, &c. At quéene Maries coronation, 1091, a 30. Decea|seth, 1133, b 60
  • Annates forbidden to be paid to the pope, 928, a 40
  • Annuities. ¶Sée Patents.
  • Anselme archbishop of Can|turburie elected, 20, a 60. At strife with William Rufus, and whie, 24, a 10. His shift for his paiment to William Rufus and his honest sa|tisfaction, 22, b 10. ¶ Sée Archbishop. Prepareth to auoid the realme by ship, and complaineth to the pope of William Rufus, 26, a 10. His admonition from Rome to William Rufus, retur|neth into England, 27, b 60. At the instance of Hugh earle of Chester commeth o|uer into England, 28, a 10. Restored home, 28, b 20. Go|eth to Rome, 31, b 20. De|nieth to doo homage to Hen|rie the first: note, 29, a 50. Holdeth a councell at West|minster: note, and what was there decréed, 30, a 60. Re|fuseth to consecrat the bi|shops inuested by the king, 31, a 60. Banished, and his sée seized vpon into the kings hands, 32, a 10. Receiued into Henrie the firsts fauour and returneth home, 33, b 20, 30. Held a synod, and what was there decréed, 34, b 10. Writeth to pope Pas|chall that he would not send archbishop Thomas of Yorke his pall, 35, a 20. His cursse feared of king Henrie the first and his bishops, 36, b 30. He falleth sicke, 35, b 60. His death, and what coun|trie man he was, 36, a 30
  • Antedating of the kings seale tresonable and so executed, 953, a 20
  • Anticipation. ¶Sée Subsidie.
  • Antipape, 421, a 50, b 50, 475. a 10, 535, a 10, 24, b 20. ¶Seé Fitzleo, Pope, and Schisme.
  • Antiquitie reuerenced, note the meaning of the proclama|tion, 1321, b 30. Presented vnto quéene Elisabeth at Norwich, 1293, b 30, 1294, a 60, b 10
  • Antwerpe entred into by the Spaniards who plaied the cruell tyrants, 1263, a 10 In|terteineth the duke of Alan|son right roiallie: note, 1332, 1333, &c: to 1344, a 10. Re|ioiseth at the duke of Alan|sons comming, 1331, a 60, ¶ Sée Duke of Alanson.
  • Apparell of king Henrie the eight at his coronation, 801, a 40. Running at the ring, 805, b 60. Of him and his nobles going to méet Maxi|milian, 820, a 10, 20. After the taking of Tornaie, 822, b 60. Sumptuous at quéene Annes coronation, 931, a 10, &c. b 60. Of the duke of A|lanson whereat the French woondered, 1337, a 10. Of William Rufus counted gor|gious then, but now verie simple, 27, b 40. Of Edward the second gorgious and tri|umphant, 322, a 20. Sump|tuous of Richard the second, 501, b 40. Of sir Iohn A|rundell verie sumptuous, 423, b 50. Strange of prince Henrie, sonne to Henrie the fourth, 539, a 30. Gorgi|ous of Richard the seconds court: note, at the verie end of his storie, 544. Of Ed|ward the fourth at an inter|view with the French king, 699, a 60, b 10, &c. Sump|tuous of the earle of Nor|thumberland, 791, a 60. Sumptuous of the duke of Buckingham, 801, a 10. Of great estates, 825, a 20. Statelie in France at a tilt, 834, a 30. Of the earle of Surie receiuing the French kings ambassadors, 148, a 40. Statelie of the duchie of Brabant, 1336, a 20. Of the monsieur of Brabant, 1333, b 60. Of the king of England and France at an interuiew, 851, a 50, b 60, 859, a 60, 860, a 20, 30, 40. Right gorgious in a shew, 807, b 40. Faire sutes gi|uen by king Iohn and the archbishop of Canturburie to their seruants: note, 163, a 60. Disguised souldiers in womens apparell: note, 1188, b 40. Of women wherein a bishop disguiseth himselfe, 132, a 10. Costlie forbidden, 111, b 40. An act for it, 353, a 40, 396, b 40. Of a knight all not worth foure shillings, 1099, b 20. Changed from robes to rags: note, 460, b 30. ¶ Sée Maske.
  • Apparition. ¶ Sée Uision.
  • Appeales to Rome, 213, a 40, 133, a 60, 98, a 50, 210, a 30. Forbidden, &c, 74, a 30. Of the prince of Wales before the French king, 401, a 20
  • Appletrée. ¶ Sée Gun.
  • Apprentises at what time ad|mitted to fellowships of com|panies, 120, a 20
  • Aques besieged by earle Ri|chard, Henrie the seconds sonne, 99, b 40
  • Aquitane full of warre, [...]03, a 50. The grant thereof to the duke of Lancaster reuo|ked, 485, b 10. Recouere [...] by the French, the dignitie [...]nd state of that dukedome, 641, a 40, 50
  • Arbitrement of certeine graue persons in the strife be|twéene William Rufus and his brother Robert reiected, and whie, 21, a 60
  • Archbishop Aldred submitteth himselfe to duke William, 1, a 50. ¶ Sée Aldred. An|selme, ¶ Sée Anselme. A|rundell of Canturburie his answer for the clergie, he chafeth, the kings answer to him, 526, a 20, 40, 60. Bald|wine of Canturburie decea|seth, 130, b 50. Exhorted men to go to warre against the Saracens, 108, a 40. Boni|face of Canturburie vncle to quéene Elenor, 225, a 60. Described, and how he came to be aduanced, 226, a 60. He deceaseth, 767, a 30. Courtneie of Canturburie his visitation, 483, b 60. He excommunicateth the Wicle|nists: note, 484, a 10. Au|thorised by the pope to leuie foure pence of the pound, &c: note, 485, a 20. Cranmer of Canturburie, 929, b 30. ¶ Sée Cranmer. Edmund of Canturburie getteth him to Pontneie to remaine in voluntarie exile, 224, b 60. What caused him to depart England, his death and sur|name, reputed a saint, 225, a 10, 20. Grindall of Can|turburie elected, 1262, a 30. Deceaseth, 1354, a 20. Heath of Canturburie his words vttered in the parlement house touching the procla|ming of quéene Elisabeth, 1170, a 40. Lord chancel|lor, 1130, b 40. Hubert e|lected of Canturburie, lord chéefe iustice, 140, a 30, 145, b 30. Complained of to the pope, 153, a 20. His words at the coronation of king Iohn, 158, b 60. Lord chan|cellor, to the mislike of some: note, 159, b 30. Deceaseth, 169, a 50. Lanfranke. ¶Sée Lanfranke. Langton of Canturburie elected whiles two others were striuing for it, 171, a 10. Neuill of Can|turburie commended, 213, a 60. His conditions, b 10, &c. Parker of Canturburie de|ceaseth, 1261, a 10. His com|mendation, 20. A benefactor diuerse waies, 40, 50, 60, ¶Sée Parker. Rafe of Can|turburies returne into Eng|land out of Normandie, 41, a 10. Dieth, 42, a 60. Reignolds election of Canturburie bred much discord, 169, a 60. Ri|chard of Canturburie elected receiueth his pall, 37, b 20. His consecration disturbed, 85, b 60. His death, and con|ditions: note, 108, a 40. Ro|bert of Canturburie accused by Edward the first to the pope, suspended, 313, b 50. Ro|ger of Canturburie, 64, b 20. Sauage of Canturburie deceaseth, 795, b 30. Ste|phan of Canturburie decea|seth, 210, a 10. Stigand. ¶Sée Stigand. Stratford of Canturburie in Edward EEBO page image 1481 the thirds displesure, he wri|teth vnto him, refuseth to come to the court, 361, a 10, 30, 60. Sudburie of Can|turburie made lord chancel|lour, 424, b 50. Theobald of Canturburie consecrated, 50, a 60. Deceased, 68, b 60. Tho|mas, 9, a 20. ¶Sée Thomas. Wethersheid elected to Can|turburie, 210, a 10. White|gift doctor of diuinitie, thank|full for his aduancements, the armes of both sées which he inioied blasoned, his po|sie answerable to his proper|tie, 1355, b 30, &c. Made of the priuie councell, 1434, b 60. William of Canturburie, 42, a 60
  • Archbishop of Canturburie primat of Ireland, 22, b 50. Made the popes legat, 147, b 50. Besieged Marleburgh castell, 142, a 40. Flieth out of the realme, 59, a 60. Goeth to Rome, 39, b 60. Hath power legantine, 69, a 10. He and king William at conten|tion and whie, 24, a 20, Cap|teine of an armie, 2 a 10. Put by from crowning the king, 1, b 20. Accused of treason by the speaker in parlement, 490, b 40. Condemned to perpetuall imprisonment, 491 a 50. His words at a parle|ment in the behalfe of the clergie, that would be exemp|ted from paieng of subsidies, &c: 301, b 60. His goods con|fiscat, his obstinacie, 302, a 20, 50. Purchaseth a grant of the pope to leuie monie, 238, a 60. Restored to his sée, 514, a 10, His cursse, 241, a 60. He and Winchester made fréends, 247, b 10. Standeth against Henrie the third in defense of his clergie, at contention with the earle of Kent, appealeth to Rome, dieth in his re|turne from thense, 213, a 30, &c. Readie to broch new contention, 204, b 60, Le|gat and lord chéefe iustice of England, 147, b 60
  • Archbishops at contention for primasie: note, 9, a 30. De|cided by the king and bi|shops of the lands, 9, a 60. Sentenced by decrée of the pope, 9, b 40. Go both to Rome, and whie, 31, b 20. At strife, 35. all. For the pri|masie: note, 37, b 40. Tho|rough ambition, 39, b 60. Sue both personallie for their con|secration to the pope, 40, a 10, &c. At strife for a peece of seruice about king Henrie the first, 43, a 40. At strife for carrieng of their crosses, 142, b 20. At strife in king Henrie the eights time, 919, b 30. Of Canturburies sée void foure yeares, and in Henrie the first hands, 37, a 60
  • Archbishops of Canturburie from the first to the last, their names and liues, &c: set downe in a collection, 1435, a 10, &c.
  • Archbishop Geffreie bastard of Yorke, 119, b 10. Obteineth his pall, 130, b 20, Commit|ted to prison: note, 130, b 60. Depriued and whie, 161, b 60. Restored to all his dignities, 163, b 20 Stealeth out of the realme, 170, b 50. Deceasseth, 176, b 10. Gerard of Yorke consecrateth the bishops of Henrie the firsts inuesting, 31, b 10. Receiueth his pall, 31, b 60. Deceaseth, 35, a 10. Greie of Yorke, 182, a 60. Gréenewich, and what summes of monie the pope had of him, 315, a 20. Neuill, 969, b 10, Roger sent to the pope, 72, a 60. For|bidden the vse of the sacra|ments, 76, b 10. Deceaseth, 105, b 20. Sands, 1145, b 50. ¶ Sée Sands. Thomas sometimes Henrie the firsts chapleine and much a doo a|bout his consecration, 35, a 10. &c. Refuseth to come to Can|turburie to be consecrated, 35 a 50. Suspended, &c. 35, b 60, 36, a 10. Hath his pall sent him from the pope, 36, a 50. Submits himselfe to Can|turburie, note the forme, 36, b 30. Dieth, 37, b 40. Thur|stane of Yorke, 37, b 40. Re|stored vpon condition, 40, b 60. Made lieutenant of the north parts, 49, a 20. In armes against the Scots, 49, a 50. Deceaseth, 1211, a 50
  • Archbishop of Yorke acknow|leged primat of all Scot|land, 9, b 20, His subiection to the archbishop of Cantur|burie: note, 9, b 10. Sent o|uer to Guisnes to be kept in safe custodie, 693, b 10. In|constant and variable: note, 683, a 20, 60, b 10. A conspi|rator, he is in armes, 529, b 10, 20. Forbidden to be at Ri|chard the firsts coronation, 143, b 30. The estimation that was had of him, his protesta|tion whie he put on armes, b. 60. He and others arre|sted, put to death, reputed a martyr, 530, a 30, 60, a 10. Of counsell with the Per|sies conspiracie, 522, a 10, 20. Made cardinall, resig|neth his archbishoprike, 279, b 20. Crowneth Henrie the first, and whie, 28, a 20. De|priued of his crosse, 257, b 50. Accurssed by the pope, his constancie: note, 256, b 40. Gouernour of the realme, 229, b 10. Proud, deposed, and out of fauour with Ri|chard the first, 147, b 40. Ac|cused but to no purpose, 143, a 10. His presumptuous demeanor, 98, a 30. He and Elie reconciled by Richard the firsts means, 144, a 60. He and Durham at strife, 133, a 60. Sicke and his place sup|plied, 49, a 60
  • Archbishop of Cullen visiteth Beckets toome, 107, b 60. Of Rome chéefe gouernour of England, 132, b 30. Of saint Andrews in Scotland re|ceiueth his staffe from an al|tar, 41, a 50. A deadlie eni|mie to Henrie the eight, 959, b 10. Of Uienna the popes legat not receiued as legat, and whie, 29, a 40
  • Archbishops of England are in no respect to deale with the pope: note, 24. Their authoritie notablie exempli|ed in Anselme: note, 24, 25. Their election annulled vp|on good causes: note, 210, a 10. Six at London in time of the parlement, 256, a 10
  • Archbishoprike of Canturbu|rie void more than thrée yeares, 225, a 60. Uoid foure yeares: note, 18, b 10. Let out to farme, 206, a 40
  • Archbishopriks giuen to stran|gers by duke William, 9, a 20
  • Archdecons should be decons, 30, b 30
  • Archdeconries not to be let out to farme, 30, b 30
  • Archer good was Henrie the eight, 806, a 40
  • Archer English of the garri|son of Calis, a notable péece of seruice against the enimie, 380, a 60
  • Archers of England driue the French from their siege, 363, a 10. Notable seruice against the Genowaies: note, 372, a 40, 50, Uictorious a|gainst the French, 373, a 60. Seruice against the Scots, 987, a 60. Fulfill a prophe|sie: note, 388, b 50. Force a|gainst the French, 389, a 40, Worthie actiuitie, 396, b 60. Ualiancie against the Spa|niards, 399, a 30. Good ser|uice vnder sir Hugh Caluer|lie, 422, b 50. Under the conduct of a préest, 443, b 50 Shot killeth in a quarell, 447, a 50. Great seruice a|gainst the Spanish & French 448, a 10. Good seruice a|gainst the Saracens, 473, a 60. In the time of a con|spiracie: note, 516, a 30. The greatest force of the Eng|lish armie: note, 553, a 60. Good seruice at Teukesbu|rie field, 687, b 60. Good ser|uice vnder sir Humfreie Talbot, 770, b 30. Good ser|uice against the enimie, 771, a 10. Of the Cornish re|bels whose arrowes were in length a full cloth yard. 782, b 10. Game made with laieng wast of garden [...] in Moore field, 785, a 20. A shew of two hundred in a mai|game before king Henrie the eight, 836, b 40. Gall the French horssemen, 966, a 60
  • Archers Irish, 986, a 20. Dis|comfited, 984, b 40. ¶Sée In|closures.
  • Ard assaulted by the English|men, 528, b 40
  • Arden murthered by the means of his wife a notable whoore: note, 1062, b 40, &c.
  • Arden. ¶Sée Sumeruill.
  • Arks besieged, 819, a 30
  • Arlet duke William Conqu [...]|rors mother the daughter of a burgesse, 20, a 10
  • Armach in Ireland, where the sée metropolitane is, 100, b 40
  • Armenia, the king thereof com|meth ouer into England for aid against the Turkes, 448, b 50. Sueth for a safe con|duct to come into England, which is denied him, 453, b 30. Would gladlie that a peace betwéene England and France should be concluded, 480. b 30
  • Armetrid [...] the wife of Hugh Lou earle of Chester, 20, a 40
  • Armie called the armie of God and the holie church, 185. a 50
  • Armour, and an ordinance for the same, 105, a 30. ¶ See England.
  • Arnalt knight his valiantnesse, 997, a 10, 40
  • Arrogancie of Becket bla|med, 77, b 10. ¶Sée Ambition and Pride.
  • Arsacid [...]. ¶ Sée Saracens.
  • Arthur made awaie by meanes of his vncle king Iohn, and whie, 7, b 30
  • Arthur the eldest and first son of Henrie the seuenth borne, 769, b 10. Had carnall know|ledge with his wife, he is sent into Wales, 789, a 50, 60, b 20. Deceaseth, 790, b 10
  • Arthur Plantagenet created vicount Lisle, 878, a 50. De|ceaseth in the tower, 955, a 60. ¶ Sée Plantagenet.
  • Arthur of Britaine. ¶ Sée Duke.
  • Arundell castell besieged, 30, a 50
  • Arundell knight drowned, his excesse and sumptuous appa|rell, 423, b 10, 60
  • Aske a notable rebell pardoned: note, 942, b 30. He and o|thers practise to raise a new rebellion, 944, a 10, &c. He with his coparteners is exe|ecuted, 944, b 10
  • Assassini. ¶ Sée Saracens,
  • Assemblies vnlawfull an act there against, 1061, a 30
  • Assise of bread published by proclamation: note, 166, a 20, 30
  • Astronomers deceiued, and how they excused their false predictions, 882, b 20. De|ceiued in their predictions 1356, b 30, &c.
  • Attaindors at parlament, 946, b 20. 995, a 10. ¶Sée Trea|son.
  • Audleie lord chéefe capteine of the Cornish rebels ignomi|niouslie drawne vnto Ti|burne and executed, 782, a 10, b 30. Slaine. 649, b 10
  • Audleie knight lord chancel|lor, 929, b 20. Kéeper of the great seale, 928, b 20
  • Auricular confession. ¶ Sée Confession.
  • Auxerre citie taken by sir Ro|bert Knols 391, b 30

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