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The third table for the Chronicles of England from the conquest vntill this present regiment: wherin the reader is to ob|serue these notes for his better direction; namelie, to seeke for the surnames of persons as more commonlie knowne than the proper; and also when the name faileth to looke for the dignitie, title, office and degree of such persons; as Armenia, Cipriots, Spaine, France, Portingall, Nauarre, Denmarke, &c; if they were kings: Archbishop, Bishop, Pope, Car|nall, Legat, &c; if they were Clergiemen: Chancellors, Treasurors, Lord high constables, Lord wardens of the cinque ports, &c; Duke, Earle, Marquesse, Queene, Duchesse, Countesse, &c; if they were great states: Maior, Sargents at law, Officers, &c: if they were of that degree: knights and esquires excepted, who as they were of renowme, are accordinglie noted by their vsuall names. Likewise for such as haue beene executed as notorious offendors against the prince and the state, to come to the knowledge of their names, looke for the qualitie of their offense; as counterfeting, coineclippers, conspiracie and conspirators, murther and murtherers, rebellion and rebels, treason and trai|tors, preests seminarie, &c: of all which this table affoordeth infinit examples. Finallie, wheresoeuer you find this word (Note) there dooth matter of conside|ration come to hand.

If the reader be not satisfied with this table, let him not blame the order, but his owne conceipt. Gathered by Abraham Fleming.

Appendix A.1 A.


  • ABbasie of Winchester ob|teined for monie, 21, a 40
  • Abbat Agelnothus, ¶Sée A|gelnothus. O [...] Batte [...]l in re|scuing Winchelseie is put to flight, 427, a 50. Egelsin. ¶Sée Egelsin. Egelwine. ¶Sée Egelwine. Fecknam of Westminster installed, 1132, b 20. Frederike. ¶See Frederike. Ioachim, a man of great fame, 126, a 10. Of Glastenburie an erls son, 42, a 60. Losauage. ¶Sée Lo|sauage. Paule. ¶See Paule. Of saint Augustine cap|teine of an armie, 2 a 10. Of S. Edmundsburie, Robert Lo [...] an earls sonne, 20, a 40. Thurstan, ¶Sée Thurstan. Of Westminster dieth sud|denlie, 516, b 30. ¶Sée Con|spiracie.
  • Abbats ordeined by William Rufus, 20, a 60. They and priors depriued, and whie, 30, b 10. Not to be made knights, &c: note, 30, b 50
  • Abbie of Battell with the roll thereof, 3, 4, 5. The first of white moonks when and by whom founded, 26, a 60. Of S. Albons repared by Lan|franke. 18, a 60
  • Abbies builded thrée by duke William, 15, a 40. Founded in king Stephans time, 64, b 60 Eleuen let out to farme, 26, a 40. Searched and ransac|ked at duke Williams com|mandement, 8, b 50. Suppres|sed, 945, b 50, 946, b 10, 947, b 50. Their lands promised by quéene Marie to be resto|red: note, 1127, b 10, &c. ¶Sée Churches and Nunneries.
  • Ab [...]uration for speking against the popes authoritie, 898, b 30. Of bishop Pecocke, 646, a 60. ¶Sée Bishop Pecocke.
  • Absolution to be purchased from Rome, 214, b 60. Of the clergie sued for from Rome, 201, b 60. Of Oxford by legat Otho, 222, a 50. For vowes & other offenses, 257, b 60. For an oth obteined, 313, b 60. For the offense of di [...]obedience, 201, b 10. Pronounced by car|dinall Poole to the parle|ment house, 1123, b 10
  • Aburgauennie lord arreigned at Westminster, 872, b 10. As|sembleth a power against Wi|at, & putteth them to flight, 1094, a 10, b 20
  • Accusation false for a time pre|uailed but in fine frustrate: note, 223, b 50, 60. Of a iustice for taking of bribes, 243, b 50. Of two noble men that had the custodie of the king and quéene of Scots, 251, a 30. Against prince Henrie to king Henrie the fourth his father, 539, a 10. Uniust re|doundeth to the accusants shame, 937, b 60. Interchang|able and doubtfull tried by combat: note, 992, b 60, 993, a 10. False punished, 968, a 50. By the pillorie: note, 1132, b 30. Of a maister against his seruant whereof followed se|cret vengeance, 1084, b 20, 30
  • Acton knight his rebellion, sur|prised, he and his complices condemned of treason and he|resie, 544, a 60, b 40
  • Adela married to Richard Hen|rie the second his son, 94, a 30
  • Adelicia. ¶Sée Quéene.
  • Admonition. ¶Sée Warning.
  • Adnothus master of the horsse to king Harold slaine in fight 6, a 60
  • Aduenturers, 875, b 10. Soldi|ers and whie so called, 880, b 60, 881, a 10. Their capteine slaine, and they discomfited, 882, b 10. Good seruitors, 882, b 60. Slaine and discomfited, their finall end, 883, b 50. ¶Sée Kréekers.
  • Adulte. ¶Sée Emperour.
  • Adulterie punished with hang|ing, 211, b 60. Seuerelie cor|rected in a maiors time of London, 440, b 10. ¶Sée In|cest and Whoredome.
  • Affinitie ¶Sée Fréendship and Marriage.
  • Agatha the mother of Edgar Etheling driuen by tempest into Scotland, 6, a 30
  • Agelmarus bishop of Theiford deposed and whie, 9, a 20
  • Agelnothus abbat of Glasten|burie, 5, a 10
  • Agincourt battell, 552, b 60. When fought, 618, b 20. The number of the slaine, noble|men prisoners, 555, a 50, 60, b 10, &c.
  • Agréement. ¶Sée Peace.
  • Aire red as though on fier, 38, a 40. Full of clouds, red, yel|low, & gréene, 102, b 60. Rud|die of colour as though it bur|ned and of a sanguine hue, 142, a 10. Séemed to be on a bright fier, 167, a 40. ¶ Sée Sights.
  • Aiske a towne, burned by the English, 810, b 30
  • Alane earle of Britaine aduan|ced by duke William his vn|cle, 7, a 60
  • Alane the blacke earle, issulesse 7, b 20
  • Alane le Rous, issulesse, 7, b 20
  • Alan the son of Stephan, 7, b 30
  • Alanson besieged & yéelded vp, 561, a 40
  • Albemarle besieged by French king, 146, b 30. Woone by the earle of Flanders, 88, b 30
  • Albemarle William, whose son should haue béene made king of England, 22, a 10
  • Alberike ruler of Northum|berland, 13, a 40
  • Albertus de Lasco, &c: his com|ming into England, 1353, b 40. Prepareth for his returne into Poland, 1354, b 60. De|scribed, 1355, a 10. Intertei|ned at Oxford, 50, 60, b 10. His departing thense, 20, ¶Sée Polander.
  • Alderman of London his au|thoritie, 120, a 30. Seuen de|ceased within the space of ten moneths, 1209, b 60, 1132, b 10 ¶Sée Almshouses, Charitie, Londoners, and Schoole.
  • Aldgitha quéene, sister to Ed|win & Mercia sent to Che|ster, 1. a 30
  • Aldred archbishop of Yorke, 1, a 40. Crowneth duke William, 1, b 20. And Mawd quéene, 6, a 60. Dieth for griefe, b 60.
  • Alexander king of Scots de|ceasseth, the manner thereof, 283, a 10
  • Alexander bishop of Lincolne fled into Scotland, 8, a 30
  • Alexander Robert. ¶ Sée Iusts triumphant.
  • Alexander. ¶Sée Pope.
  • Alice the daughter of erle Mo|rieine sold for monie, 84, a 60,
  • Allum déere, 791
  • Almaine great and tall incoun|tred withall by the duke of Suffolke, 833, b 60, 834, a 10
  • Almes. ¶Sée Charitie.
  • Almeshouses for the poore, 1311, b 20. Within Bishopsgate, 1062, b 30. Of Dauid Smith for poore widows, 1375, b 50, 1376. For the reliefe of the poore, 1377, b 30
  • Almiramumoli king of the Sa|racens feineth himselfe dead, 124, a 20
  • Altars taken downe and tables set in their roome, 1062, b 10
  • Ambassadour into Denmarke, 892, b 10. 1348. a 20, 30, &c. Sent into France, 110, b 10, 167, a 50, 205, a 60, 209, a 20, 257, a 20, 336, a 20, 351, a 50, 477, a 30, 485, b 30, 546, b 30, 849, a 10, &c: 1229, EEBO page image 1480 a 10, 20, 1129, a 50, 1380, a 50, 60, 1381, all. 1382, a 10, &c. ¶Sée Sackuill. Sent to the generall councell, they come to the councell, 236, b 60. At Cambreie, 260, b 10. Sent into Germanie, 292, b 20. Sent to the king of Almaigne, 260, b 60. To Philip archduke of Bur|gogne, 777, a 50. To the pope, 242, a 20, 365, a 50, 380, a 20, 535, a 20, 30, 381, b 10, 237, a 60, 205, b 10, 179, b 60, 187, a 50, b 30, 29, a 50, 31, b 10, 20, &c. Sent to the king of Scots, 297, b 20, 162, a 60, 163, b 30, 1402, b 30. Sent into Spaine, 248, b 30. To the emperour Charles, 897, b 60. The answer which they receiue, 899, a 10. Sent from Alfonse king of Castile, &c: 100, b 50. Sent from the king of Connagh in Ire|land, 96, b 40. Sent from the emperour, 1093, a 30, 961, a 50, 894, a 30, 891, a 60, 839, a 60: note, 791, a 30, 35, a 10, 38, a 10, 75, a 60. Out of France into England, 1238, a 20. From the K. of Spaine, 808, b 60, 894, a 60, b 10. From the French king with a traine, 848, a 40, 50, 60, 771, a 50, 546, b 30, 1315, b 60, 1316, a 10, 518, a 30, 474, b 40, 350, b 60, 282, b 50, 334, b 60. From the good townes in Flanders, 368, a 60. From the king of Hunga|rie, 894, b 40. Out of Mus|couie, 1132, b 60, 1211, b 50, 60. From the duke of Bur|gogne, 693, b 30, 60. From the pope, 336, a 10. Out of Scotland, 705, a 30, 518, a 60, 159, b 60, 875, b 40. From Swethen about a marriage, 1185, a 60, b 10
  • Ambassador ligier of Spaine. ¶ Sée Mendoza.
  • Ambassage disdainefull, 545, a 10. Roiall into France, 477, a 60
  • Amberuilliers castell taken, 589, a 60
  • Amphibalus bodie found and buried at saint Albons, 101, b 30
  • Amphibologie of this woord daughter, 156, b 10
  • Ambition was Anselme loth to be suspected of, 28, a 10. Of earle Robert of Nor|thumberland, 22, b 10. Of earle Iohn, 132, b 40. In the French and Spanish kings aspiring to the em|pire. 851, a 40, &c. Of arch|bishop Thurstane notable, 38, b 10. Of bishop Long|champe. 129, a 10. Of an old aged bishop of Durham: note, 119, b 40, 50, 60. Of earles suing to be kings, 1, a 30. Of two archbishops, 39, b 60. Of bishops, 38, b 20. Con|tentious, 121, a 30. Of two moonks labouring for an ab|basie, 18, b 60. Of mans na|ture, 76, a 40, 714, a 30. The working thereof, 739, b 60. And fruits thereof: noted in Robert, 12, a 30. It will haue a fall: note, 734, b 60. Note the whole storie, from page 1083, a 60, b 10, &c. 1084, b 10, &c. ¶ Sée Selim and Turke.
  • Amsterdam a towne of great concourse and commerce, in|expugnable, 1430, b 30, 50
  • Anabaptists doo penance and are burned, 946, a 40, 50. Their heresies, recantation, and penance at Pauls crosse, 1260, b 10, 20, 30, &c. Ba|nished. 1261, b 20. Burned in Smithfield, 1261, b 40. Manie in Amsterdam, 1430, b 40
  • Anger and what the heat there|of driueth a man vnto: note, 211, b 10. ¶ Sée Enuie.
  • Angiers citie taken, 158, b 30. Woone of king Iohn by as|sault, 170, a 30. And by him repared, 170, b 30
  • Angleseie inuironed with the sea, 23, a 40
  • Angolesme recouered by the Frenchmen, 369, a 30
  • Aniou, a rode made thereunto by the duke of Clarence, 579, b 60
  • Anne Askew and others ar|reigned and acquited, 968, b 10, &c.
  • Anne Bullen created marchio|nesse of Penbroke, 928, b 30. ¶ Sée Quéene.
  • Anne of Cléeue, a marriage betwéene hir and king Hen|rie the eight concluded, 947, b 60. She is receiued at Ca|lis, landeth in Kent, the or|der of hir receiuing on Black heath, 948, a 40, b 30, The méeting of hir and the king, hir chariot wherein she rode all hir iournie, hir welcome to Gréenewich, 949,, a 50, b 20, 60. She is married to king Henrie the eight, 950, a 10, &c. At quéene Maries coronation, 1091, a 30. Decea|seth, 1133, b 60
  • Annates forbidden to be paid to the pope, 928, a 40
  • Annuities. ¶Sée Patents.
  • Anselme archbishop of Can|turburie elected, 20, a 60. At strife with William Rufus, and whie, 24, a 10. His shift for his paiment to William Rufus and his honest sa|tisfaction, 22, b 10. ¶ Sée Archbishop. Prepareth to auoid the realme by ship, and complaineth to the pope of William Rufus, 26, a 10. His admonition from Rome to William Rufus, retur|neth into England, 27, b 60. At the instance of Hugh earle of Chester commeth o|uer into England, 28, a 10. Restored home, 28, b 20. Go|eth to Rome, 31, b 20. De|nieth to doo homage to Hen|rie the first: note, 29, a 50. Holdeth a councell at West|minster: note, and what was there decréed, 30, a 60. Re|fuseth to consecrat the bi|shops inuested by the king, 31, a 60. Banished, and his sée seized vpon into the kings hands, 32, a 10. Receiued into Henrie the firsts fauour and returneth home, 33, b 20, 30. Held a synod, and what was there decréed, 34, b 10. Writeth to pope Pas|chall that he would not send archbishop Thomas of Yorke his pall, 35, a 20. His cursse feared of king Henrie the first and his bishops, 36, b 30. He falleth sicke, 35, b 60. His death, and what coun|trie man he was, 36, a 30
  • Antedating of the kings seale tresonable and so executed, 953, a 20
  • Anticipation. ¶Sée Subsidie.
  • Antipape, 421, a 50, b 50, 475. a 10, 535, a 10, 24, b 20. ¶Seé Fitzleo, Pope, and Schisme.
  • Antiquitie reuerenced, note the meaning of the proclama|tion, 1321, b 30. Presented vnto quéene Elisabeth at Norwich, 1293, b 30, 1294, a 60, b 10
  • Antwerpe entred into by the Spaniards who plaied the cruell tyrants, 1263, a 10 In|terteineth the duke of Alan|son right roiallie: note, 1332, 1333, &c: to 1344, a 10. Re|ioiseth at the duke of Alan|sons comming, 1331, a 60, ¶ Sée Duke of Alanson.
  • Apparell of king Henrie the eight at his coronation, 801, a 40. Running at the ring, 805, b 60. Of him and his nobles going to méet Maxi|milian, 820, a 10, 20. After the taking of Tornaie, 822, b 60. Sumptuous at quéene Annes coronation, 931, a 10, &c. b 60. Of the duke of A|lanson whereat the French woondered, 1337, a 10. Of William Rufus counted gor|gious then, but now verie simple, 27, b 40. Of Edward the second gorgious and tri|umphant, 322, a 20. Sump|tuous of Richard the second, 501, b 40. Of sir Iohn A|rundell verie sumptuous, 423, b 50. Strange of prince Henrie, sonne to Henrie the fourth, 539, a 30. Gorgi|ous of Richard the seconds court: note, at the verie end of his storie, 544. Of Ed|ward the fourth at an inter|view with the French king, 699, a 60, b 10, &c. Sump|tuous of the earle of Nor|thumberland, 791, a 60. Sumptuous of the duke of Buckingham, 801, a 10. Of great estates, 825, a 20. Statelie in France at a tilt, 834, a 30. Of the earle of Surie receiuing the French kings ambassadors, 148, a 40. Statelie of the duchie of Brabant, 1336, a 20. Of the monsieur of Brabant, 1333, b 60. Of the king of England and France at an interuiew, 851, a 50, b 60, 859, a 60, 860, a 20, 30, 40. Right gorgious in a shew, 807, b 40. Faire sutes gi|uen by king Iohn and the archbishop of Canturburie to their seruants: note, 163, a 60. Disguised souldiers in womens apparell: note, 1188, b 40. Of women wherein a bishop disguiseth himselfe, 132, a 10. Costlie forbidden, 111, b 40. An act for it, 353, a 40, 396, b 40. Of a knight all not worth foure shillings, 1099, b 20. Changed from robes to rags: note, 460, b 30. ¶ Sée Maske.
  • Apparition. ¶ Sée Uision.
  • Appeales to Rome, 213, a 40, 133, a 60, 98, a 50, 210, a 30. Forbidden, &c, 74, a 30. Of the prince of Wales before the French king, 401, a 20
  • Appletrée. ¶ Sée Gun.
  • Apprentises at what time ad|mitted to fellowships of com|panies, 120, a 20
  • Aques besieged by earle Ri|chard, Henrie the seconds sonne, 99, b 40
  • Aquitane full of warre, [...]03, a 50. The grant thereof to the duke of Lancaster reuo|ked, 485, b 10. Recouere [...] by the French, the dignitie [...]nd state of that dukedome, 641, a 40, 50
  • Arbitrement of certeine graue persons in the strife be|twéene William Rufus and his brother Robert reiected, and whie, 21, a 60
  • Archbishop Aldred submitteth himselfe to duke William, 1, a 50. ¶ Sée Aldred. An|selme, ¶ Sée Anselme. A|rundell of Canturburie his answer for the clergie, he chafeth, the kings answer to him, 526, a 20, 40, 60. Bald|wine of Canturburie decea|seth, 130, b 50. Exhorted men to go to warre against the Saracens, 108, a 40. Boni|face of Canturburie vncle to quéene Elenor, 225, a 60. Described, and how he came to be aduanced, 226, a 60. He deceaseth, 767, a 30. Courtneie of Canturburie his visitation, 483, b 60. He excommunicateth the Wicle|nists: note, 484, a 10. Au|thorised by the pope to leuie foure pence of the pound, &c: note, 485, a 20. Cranmer of Canturburie, 929, b 30. ¶ Sée Cranmer. Edmund of Canturburie getteth him to Pontneie to remaine in voluntarie exile, 224, b 60. What caused him to depart England, his death and sur|name, reputed a saint, 225, a 10, 20. Grindall of Can|turburie elected, 1262, a 30. Deceaseth, 1354, a 20. Heath of Canturburie his words vttered in the parlement house touching the procla|ming of quéene Elisabeth, 1170, a 40. Lord chancel|lor, 1130, b 40. Hubert e|lected of Canturburie, lord chéefe iustice, 140, a 30, 145, b 30. Complained of to the pope, 153, a 20. His words at the coronation of king Iohn, 158, b 60. Lord chan|cellor, to the mislike of some: note, 159, b 30. Deceaseth, 169, a 50. Lanfranke. ¶Sée Lanfranke. Langton of Canturburie elected whiles two others were striuing for it, 171, a 10. Neuill of Can|turburie commended, 213, a 60. His conditions, b 10, &c. Parker of Canturburie de|ceaseth, 1261, a 10. His com|mendation, 20. A benefactor diuerse waies, 40, 50, 60, ¶Sée Parker. Rafe of Can|turburies returne into Eng|land out of Normandie, 41, a 10. Dieth, 42, a 60. Reignolds election of Canturburie bred much discord, 169, a 60. Ri|chard of Canturburie elected receiueth his pall, 37, b 20. His consecration disturbed, 85, b 60. His death, and con|ditions: note, 108, a 40. Ro|bert of Canturburie accused by Edward the first to the pope, suspended, 313, b 50. Ro|ger of Canturburie, 64, b 20. Sauage of Canturburie deceaseth, 795, b 30. Ste|phan of Canturburie decea|seth, 210, a 10. Stigand. ¶Sée Stigand. Stratford of Canturburie in Edward EEBO page image 1481 the thirds displesure, he wri|teth vnto him, refuseth to come to the court, 361, a 10, 30, 60. Sudburie of Can|turburie made lord chancel|lour, 424, b 50. Theobald of Canturburie consecrated, 50, a 60. Deceased, 68, b 60. Tho|mas, 9, a 20. ¶Sée Thomas. Wethersheid elected to Can|turburie, 210, a 10. White|gift doctor of diuinitie, thank|full for his aduancements, the armes of both sées which he inioied blasoned, his po|sie answerable to his proper|tie, 1355, b 30, &c. Made of the priuie councell, 1434, b 60. William of Canturburie, 42, a 60
  • Archbishop of Canturburie primat of Ireland, 22, b 50. Made the popes legat, 147, b 50. Besieged Marleburgh castell, 142, a 40. Flieth out of the realme, 59, a 60. Goeth to Rome, 39, b 60. Hath power legantine, 69, a 10. He and king William at conten|tion and whie, 24, a 20, Cap|teine of an armie, 2 a 10. Put by from crowning the king, 1, b 20. Accused of treason by the speaker in parlement, 490, b 40. Condemned to perpetuall imprisonment, 491 a 50. His words at a parle|ment in the behalfe of the clergie, that would be exemp|ted from paieng of subsidies, &c: 301, b 60. His goods con|fiscat, his obstinacie, 302, a 20, 50. Purchaseth a grant of the pope to leuie monie, 238, a 60. Restored to his sée, 514, a 10, His cursse, 241, a 60. He and Winchester made fréends, 247, b 10. Standeth against Henrie the third in defense of his clergie, at contention with the earle of Kent, appealeth to Rome, dieth in his re|turne from thense, 213, a 30, &c. Readie to broch new contention, 204, b 60, Le|gat and lord chéefe iustice of England, 147, b 60
  • Archbishops at contention for primasie: note, 9, a 30. De|cided by the king and bi|shops of the lands, 9, a 60. Sentenced by decrée of the pope, 9, b 40. Go both to Rome, and whie, 31, b 20. At strife, 35. all. For the pri|masie: note, 37, b 40. Tho|rough ambition, 39, b 60. Sue both personallie for their con|secration to the pope, 40, a 10, &c. At strife for a peece of seruice about king Henrie the first, 43, a 40. At strife for carrieng of their crosses, 142, b 20. At strife in king Henrie the eights time, 919, b 30. Of Canturburies sée void foure yeares, and in Henrie the first hands, 37, a 60
  • Archbishops of Canturburie from the first to the last, their names and liues, &c: set downe in a collection, 1435, a 10, &c.
  • Archbishop Geffreie bastard of Yorke, 119, b 10. Obteineth his pall, 130, b 20, Commit|ted to prison: note, 130, b 60. Depriued and whie, 161, b 60. Restored to all his dignities, 163, b 20 Stealeth out of the realme, 170, b 50. Deceasseth, 176, b 10. Gerard of Yorke consecrateth the bishops of Henrie the firsts inuesting, 31, b 10. Receiueth his pall, 31, b 60. Deceaseth, 35, a 10. Greie of Yorke, 182, a 60. Gréenewich, and what summes of monie the pope had of him, 315, a 20. Neuill, 969, b 10, Roger sent to the pope, 72, a 60. For|bidden the vse of the sacra|ments, 76, b 10. Deceaseth, 105, b 20. Sands, 1145, b 50. ¶ Sée Sands. Thomas sometimes Henrie the firsts chapleine and much a doo a|bout his consecration, 35, a 10. &c. Refuseth to come to Can|turburie to be consecrated, 35 a 50. Suspended, &c. 35, b 60, 36, a 10. Hath his pall sent him from the pope, 36, a 50. Submits himselfe to Can|turburie, note the forme, 36, b 30. Dieth, 37, b 40. Thur|stane of Yorke, 37, b 40. Re|stored vpon condition, 40, b 60. Made lieutenant of the north parts, 49, a 20. In armes against the Scots, 49, a 50. Deceaseth, 1211, a 50
  • Archbishop of Yorke acknow|leged primat of all Scot|land, 9, b 20, His subiection to the archbishop of Cantur|burie: note, 9, b 10. Sent o|uer to Guisnes to be kept in safe custodie, 693, b 10. In|constant and variable: note, 683, a 20, 60, b 10. A conspi|rator, he is in armes, 529, b 10, 20. Forbidden to be at Ri|chard the firsts coronation, 143, b 30. The estimation that was had of him, his protesta|tion whie he put on armes, b. 60. He and others arre|sted, put to death, reputed a martyr, 530, a 30, 60, a 10. Of counsell with the Per|sies conspiracie, 522, a 10, 20. Made cardinall, resig|neth his archbishoprike, 279, b 20. Crowneth Henrie the first, and whie, 28, a 20. De|priued of his crosse, 257, b 50. Accurssed by the pope, his constancie: note, 256, b 40. Gouernour of the realme, 229, b 10. Proud, deposed, and out of fauour with Ri|chard the first, 147, b 40. Ac|cused but to no purpose, 143, a 10. His presumptuous demeanor, 98, a 30. He and Elie reconciled by Richard the firsts means, 144, a 60. He and Durham at strife, 133, a 60. Sicke and his place sup|plied, 49, a 60
  • Archbishop of Cullen visiteth Beckets toome, 107, b 60. Of Rome chéefe gouernour of England, 132, b 30. Of saint Andrews in Scotland re|ceiueth his staffe from an al|tar, 41, a 50. A deadlie eni|mie to Henrie the eight, 959, b 10. Of Uienna the popes legat not receiued as legat, and whie, 29, a 40
  • Archbishops of England are in no respect to deale with the pope: note, 24. Their authoritie notablie exempli|ed in Anselme: note, 24, 25. Their election annulled vp|on good causes: note, 210, a 10. Six at London in time of the parlement, 256, a 10
  • Archbishoprike of Canturbu|rie void more than thrée yeares, 225, a 60. Uoid foure yeares: note, 18, b 10. Let out to farme, 206, a 40
  • Archbishopriks giuen to stran|gers by duke William, 9, a 20
  • Archdecons should be decons, 30, b 30
  • Archdeconries not to be let out to farme, 30, b 30
  • Archer good was Henrie the eight, 806, a 40
  • Archer English of the garri|son of Calis, a notable péece of seruice against the enimie, 380, a 60
  • Archers of England driue the French from their siege, 363, a 10. Notable seruice against the Genowaies: note, 372, a 40, 50, Uictorious a|gainst the French, 373, a 60. Seruice against the Scots, 987, a 60. Fulfill a prophe|sie: note, 388, b 50. Force a|gainst the French, 389, a 40, Worthie actiuitie, 396, b 60. Ualiancie against the Spa|niards, 399, a 30. Good ser|uice vnder sir Hugh Caluer|lie, 422, b 50. Under the conduct of a préest, 443, b 50 Shot killeth in a quarell, 447, a 50. Great seruice a|gainst the Spanish & French 448, a 10. Good seruice a|gainst the Saracens, 473, a 60. In the time of a con|spiracie: note, 516, a 30. The greatest force of the Eng|lish armie: note, 553, a 60. Good seruice at Teukesbu|rie field, 687, b 60. Good ser|uice vnder sir Humfreie Talbot, 770, b 30. Good ser|uice against the enimie, 771, a 10. Of the Cornish re|bels whose arrowes were in length a full cloth yard. 782, b 10. Game made with laieng wast of garden [...] in Moore field, 785, a 20. A shew of two hundred in a mai|game before king Henrie the eight, 836, b 40. Gall the French horssemen, 966, a 60
  • Archers Irish, 986, a 20. Dis|comfited, 984, b 40. ¶Sée In|closures.
  • Ard assaulted by the English|men, 528, b 40
  • Arden murthered by the means of his wife a notable whoore: note, 1062, b 40, &c.
  • Arden. ¶Sée Sumeruill.
  • Arks besieged, 819, a 30
  • Arlet duke William Conqu [...]|rors mother the daughter of a burgesse, 20, a 10
  • Armach in Ireland, where the sée metropolitane is, 100, b 40
  • Armenia, the king thereof com|meth ouer into England for aid against the Turkes, 448, b 50. Sueth for a safe con|duct to come into England, which is denied him, 453, b 30. Would gladlie that a peace betwéene England and France should be concluded, 480. b 30
  • Armetrid [...] the wife of Hugh Lou earle of Chester, 20, a 40
  • Armie called the armie of God and the holie church, 185. a 50
  • Armour, and an ordinance for the same, 105, a 30. ¶ See England.
  • Arnalt knight his valiantnesse, 997, a 10, 40
  • Arrogancie of Becket bla|med, 77, b 10. ¶Sée Ambition and Pride.
  • Arsacid [...]. ¶ Sée Saracens.
  • Arthur made awaie by meanes of his vncle king Iohn, and whie, 7, b 30
  • Arthur the eldest and first son of Henrie the seuenth borne, 769, b 10. Had carnall know|ledge with his wife, he is sent into Wales, 789, a 50, 60, b 20. Deceaseth, 790, b 10
  • Arthur Plantagenet created vicount Lisle, 878, a 50. De|ceaseth in the tower, 955, a 60. ¶ Sée Plantagenet.
  • Arthur of Britaine. ¶ Sée Duke.
  • Arundell castell besieged, 30, a 50
  • Arundell knight drowned, his excesse and sumptuous appa|rell, 423, b 10, 60
  • Aske a notable rebell pardoned: note, 942, b 30. He and o|thers practise to raise a new rebellion, 944, a 10, &c. He with his coparteners is exe|ecuted, 944, b 10
  • Assassini. ¶ Sée Saracens,
  • Assemblies vnlawfull an act there against, 1061, a 30
  • Assise of bread published by proclamation: note, 166, a 20, 30
  • Astronomers deceiued, and how they excused their false predictions, 882, b 20. De|ceiued in their predictions 1356, b 30, &c.
  • Attaindors at parlament, 946, b 20. 995, a 10. ¶Sée Trea|son.
  • Audleie lord chéefe capteine of the Cornish rebels ignomi|niouslie drawne vnto Ti|burne and executed, 782, a 10, b 30. Slaine. 649, b 10
  • Audleie knight lord chancel|lor, 929, b 20. Kéeper of the great seale, 928, b 20
  • Auricular confession. ¶ Sée Confession.
  • Auxerre citie taken by sir Ro|bert Knols 391, b 30

Appendix A.2 B.


  • BAbington and his confede|rats. ¶Sée Traitors.
  • Bacon knight lord kéeper de|ceaseth, 1271, b 60. His epi|taph in Paules, 1272, a 10. Sée more of him, 1286, b 40. ¶ Sée Chancellors.
  • Badbie his notable constancie, 536, a 60
  • Badge of the bright sunne the earle of Marches badge, 660, a 20. Of the earle of Warwike worne in euerie mans cap: note, 678, b 40. Of Richard the second, 500, b 60. Of quéene Elisabeth, note, 1290, b 10
  • Badges a bill against the wea|ring of them, 472, b 60
  • Baffuling what it is among the Scots, 427, a 30
  • Bagot knight and prisoner discloseth secrets of trouble 512, b 50, 60, &c: 513, a 10, &c.
  • Bailiffes first that bare rule in London, 119, b 60. ¶Sée London, and Officers.
  • Bainards castell new built. 788, a 10
  • Baion yéelded to the English|men, 293, b 20
  • Bakers sell bread lacking six EEBO page image 1482 or seuen ounces weight in a penie lofe, 282, b 60. Puni|shed by the pillorie, 259, b 40
  • Bales writing within the com|passe of a penie, 1262, b 10
  • Balioll king of Scots obtei|neth the kingdome of Scot|land, 288, b 60. The forme of his fealtie to the king of En|gland, 288, b 60. 289, b 50. His homage, 290, a 20. Crowned king of Scotland, 349, b 60. Chased out of Scotland, 350, a 20. Doth homage to Ed|ward the third, 350, b 20. De|parteth this life, 308, b 60
  • Banbourgh. ¶ Sée Castell.
  • Banket roiall: note, 254, a 50.825, a 30. Of two hundred and thrée score dishes. 849, a 40. Of two hundred dishes vpon the sudden, 922, b 20. Of thirtie or fortie dishes and not one of them fish nor flesh, 1192, b 50. Full of proper de|uises, 1425, a 30
  • Banketting house of French king describeth, 849, b 10, &c. Of Henrie the eight in his palace at Guisnes, 857, b 60. Within the towne of Calis, 861, b 20, &c. At Westminster builded, 1315, b 10. How gar|nished and decked, 30. The costs and charges thereof, 40
  • Bankerupts practise, 812, b 20
  • Banishment of bishops and o|ther English in duke Willi|ams time, 8, a 30. By whome ordeined, 33, b 50. For twelue moneths, 269, b 10. Of the earle of Cornewall out of the realme, 319, b 60. Perpetuall. 465, a 30
  • Banister the duke of Buck|ingham seruant receiueth the duke in perill of life into his house, 743, b 50. Betraieth him into the hands of his e|nimies for monie, Gods se|cret iudgements vpon him and his children: note, 744, a 50, 60
  • Barnabées daie kept holie daie all London ouer, 1062, b 10
  • Barnard of Newmarch a Norman, 17, a 60
  • Barnes doctor and two mer|chants of the Stilliard did penance at Paules crosse for heresie, 892, b 60. For a ser|mon inuectiue against bishop Gardiner, asketh him for|giuenesse, 950, b 10. He and others executed, 952, b 30
  • Barnet towne how seated, 684, a 10
  • Barnet field. ¶ Sée Battell.
  • Barons foure vnder th [...] earle of Chester, 20, a 20
  • Barton the Scotish pirat, 426, b 20. Incountreth the lord Howard, he is slaine, 811, a 20, &c.
  • Bastard of Burgogne ambas|sadour into England, iusts betwixt him and the lord S [...]ales, 669, a 10, 20
  • Bastard to a king made a bi|shop, 99, b 60
  • Bastards made legitimat, 487, b 10
  • Bath taken by the bishop of Constance, 17, a 40. It and Welles when and by whome vnited, 27, b 50
  • Battell of Agincourt, 552, b 60, 553, a 10, &c. At Barnet, 684, a 10, &c. 685, a 10, &c. Of Bloreheath, 649, a 50, 60, b 10. Of S. Edmundsbu| [...]ie, 90, b 20. Of North|hampton, 654, b 20. Of Palmesundaie, 664, a 40. Of Saxton. ¶ Sée Palmesun|daie. At Hedgcote or Ban|berie, 672, b 30. At Exham, 666, b 10. At Teukesburie, 687, b 60. The first at saint Albons, 643, a 60, 644, a 20. At Wakefield, 659, b 10. Of thrée long houres betwéene the English & French, great losse on the English side, 601, b 30. Second at saint Al|bons, 660, a 60. Of Morti|mers crosse, 660, a 20. Of Uerneull, 588, a 50, b 40. Of Ferribrig the thirtéenth of March, one thousand foure hundred thrée score and one, wherein twentie thousand were slaine, most knights and gentlemen, 1234, a 50. Be|twéene duke William and his sonne Robert: note, 12, a 40. Betwéene the Danes and Normans verie fierce, 7, a 40. Begun with praier: note, 371, a 60. At Kenils crosse 376, a 20. Of Aulr [...]ie, 396, b 10, &c. Of Sluise where the English were victors, 358, b 10. Of Ba [...]okesbu|rie, 322, a 40. Called the White battell, and why, 325, a 10. Of Borroughbridge, 341, a 10. Of C [...]meran in Uister, 322, b 60. At Dun|bar betwéene the English and Scots in Edward the first time, 299, b 30. Betwéene the earle of Lincolne and the earle of Arthois, 302, b 30, 40, &c. Of Fowkirke, 307, b 30. Betwéene Henrie the third and his barons: note, 267, b all. Of Euesham, 270, a 50. Of Chesterfield, 272, a 40. Betwéene king Ri|chard the third and the earle of Richmond, called Bos|worth field, 758, b 60. At Stoke néere to Newarke betwéene the earle of Lin|colne, &c: and Henrie the se|uenth, 766, b 40, 50, 767, a 10, 20. Of saint Aulbin in Bri|taine betwéene the duke of Britaine and the French king, 769, a 30. At Black|heath, 782, b 10. Of Spurs, 822, a 50. At Floddon betwéen the English and the Sco|tish, 426, 427, 428. Of Pa|uia, 884, a 60, b 10, &c. At Muskleborrow. ¶Sée Leith and Scotland. Staied by Gods prouidence: note, 943, a 30. Of the bridge of Bo|uins, 183, a 60. Sharpe and bloudie betwéene duke Ro|bert and Henrie the first bre|thren, 33, a 10, 20, &c. Thrée things to be forséene by them that shall giue it, 52, b 50, 60. Of Monadmore in Ireland, 59, b 10
  • Battell betwixt fishes, 225, b 60. Of herrings, 600, a 40. Betwixt flies and gnats, 465 b 60. Their slaughter, 466, a 10. ¶ Sée warres.
  • Battell abbeie, why so called and by whome built, 15, a 40. The church to what saint dedicated, 21, a 40. Their ab|bie roll, 3, 4, 5
  • Baulbason a French knight valiant fight [...]th with Henrie the fift hand to hand, 577, a 10, 60
  • Becket Thomas archdecon of Canturburie, 64, b 20. Lord chancellour, 65, a 40. Sent into France, 67, a 50. His & Henrie the seconds first fal|ling out, 68, b 20. His authori|t [...]e. 69, a 10. A better courtier than a preacher, 69, a 30. Pra|ctiseth secret treason, 69, b 10. Receiueth an oth, 70, b 10. Repenteth him thereof, and would haue fled the realme, 70, b 20, &c. Cited to appéere before the king and sentence against him, 70. b 60. Con|demned in fiue hundred markes, 71, a 10. Called to an account, 71, a 20. Will not be persuaded to submit him|selfe to the king, appealeth to Rome, goeth to the court, is reputed a traitor, and dis|allowed to be archbishop, 71, all. His stout courage, 72, a 10. His flight by night, 72, a 40. His complaint to the pope, 72, b 50. Resigneth his pall, 73, a 50. His cursse, 74, b 20. An edict against him, 74, a 20. Six years in exile, 77 a 30. His arrogancie and wilfulnesse in opinion, in fa|uour with the French king, reconc [...]led to Henrie the se|cond the king of England, 77, b all. Is aduised by the French king, returneth into England, is complained of to Henrie the second by the archbishop of Yorke, he is killed, 78, all, 79, all. His death discussed, 82, b 50. The king purgeth himselfe of his death, 83, b 30. Canonized a saint, his holie daie and col|lect for the same, 85, b 10, 20. His toome visited by the French king, 103, a 60. His toome visited by the archbi|shop of Cullen, 107, b 60. His shrine visited by the earle of Flanders, 152, a 60. His sword in the ministration of an oth, 303, b 40. His shrine taken awaie and his dead bones burnt, 945, b 50
  • Becons and the vse of them in countries néere the sea, 752, a 30
  • Bedford castell besieged, 206, b 20. Deliuered to the barons, 185, a 60
  • Bele doctor an vndiscréet and seditious preacher, 841, a 10, 20
  • Belesme. ¶Sée Erle.
  • Bell a seditious préest arreig|ned, condemned, his prophe|sie, his sermon to the rebels, his seditious letter, his exe|cution at saint Albons, 437, a 40, &c.
  • Bell roong at eight of the clocke at night by whom appointed, and whie, 6, a 50. ¶ Sée Chime.
  • Bell castell assaulted and yeél|ded vp to the English, 879, b 30
  • Belman. ¶Sée Common crier.
  • Benbrike doctor poisoned at Rome, 835, b 50
  • Benefices belonging to stran|gers their valuation taken, 236, b 40. The value of them in strangers hands, 247 b 20. Bestowed without con|sent of patrones, 224, a 10. Impropriat, 214, b 60. With request to the pope that he would not meddle with their reseruations, 408, b 60, 409, &c. Inhibited by the king & how: note, 363, b 60. The best in strangers hands, 365, a 60. A proclam [...]tion that all En|glish beneficed men in Rome should returne into Eng|land, 474, b 50, 60. ¶Sée Ad|beies, Bishops, Churches Clergie, Pope, Sequestr [...]|tion.
  • Beneuolence granted to Ed|ward the fourth, 694, a 50. Put into Henrie the se|uenths head to be leuied ouer the whole land, 792, a 20. An exaction of monie of whose deuise. 771, b 60. ¶Sée Sub|sidie.
  • Beneuolence of the French king to the earle of Rich|mond: note 745, a 40
  • Beningfield knight his chur|lish vsing of the ladie Elisa|beth his prisoner and in his kéeping, 1117, b 40. He is too streict and seuere in his of|fice against the ladie Elisa|beth, 1155, b 10, &c. He grud|geth at the gentle interteine|ment of hir, his rude and vn|gentle behauiour, 1156, a 60, b 10, 20, &c. 60. His cruell dea|ling towards hir, 1157, a 30
  • Berebeating on sundaie reuen|ged by Gods iust iudgment: note, 1353, a 30
  • Berds shauen, and rounded haire in vse with the Nor|mans, 5, b 10
  • Berengaria daugther to the king of Nauarre, king Ri|chard the firsts wife, 126, b 40 127, a 40
  • Berkhamstéed castell surren|dred, 198, a 60
  • Bertie, husband to the duchesse of Suffolke attached by bi|shop Gardiner: note, 1142, b 10, &c. ¶ Sée duchesse Ka|tharine of Suffolke.
  • Berwike fortified, 320, b 10, Taken by the Scots, 383, a 60. Besieged, 350, a 30. Surrendred, 350, a 50. Be|traied to the Scots, 324, a 20. Summoned and woone by Edward the first, 298, a 20, 50. Fortified by Ed|ward the first, 299, a 30 Chéeflie regarded, 881. b 40. Yéelded to Henrie the fourth, 530, b 50. The castell woone by the Scots, recouered by the earle of Northampton 446, b 20. Woone by the Scots, 421, a 60. Recoue|red by the earle of Northum|berland, 421, b 10. Woone by the Scots, recouered by the English, 418, a 60. The capteine thereof will not suf|fer the duke of Lancaster to enter, 439, a 10. Deliue|red to the French king and of him possessed, 665, a 60. Woone by the Englishmen, 705, b 60. Deliuered to the lord Stanlie, &c: 706, b 60
  • Betrice Henrie the thirds daughter borne, 230, b 10
  • Beuchamps iournie to the ho|lie land against the Sara|cens, 22, a 60. His valiant|nesse, 88, a 10
  • Beuclerke Henrie why so cal|led, 1 [...], a 60
  • Beuer castell to whom it apper|teined, 189, a 30
  • Beuerleie towne burned, 113, b 20
  • Beumont vicount his daugh|ter married vnto the Scotish king, 110, a 60. Disco [...]fited by the Scots, 323, a 40
  • Beaumont lord of Heinault: EEBO page image 1483 note, 337, a 60, 346, b 60, 347. Forsaketh the king of Eng|lands seruice, 367, b 50, Lord high constable of England, 627, a 20
  • Bible in euerie church com|m [...]nded to be read, 945, b 40. The necessarie vse and bene|fite thereof, 1042, b 50. Pre|sented to quéene Elisabeth which she promiseth the ci|tie often to read ouer, 1175, b 60
  • Bigod Roger his spoiles and booties, 17, a 50. Hugh some|time steward to Henrie the first, 46, b 40. Knight procu|reth a commotion, 943, b 60. Apprehended and executed, 944, a 10, b 10
  • Bilneie burned, 928, a 10
  • Bishop Adrian an Italian of Hereford, Bath and Wels, 771, a 40. Agelmarus. ¶Sée Agelmarus. Alexãder. ¶Sée Alexander. Anthonie of Dur|ham his great reuenues, kept out of the abbeie of Durham, summoned to appeare before Edward the first, refuseth, the conclusion of the strife be|twéene him and the moonks, 315, a 40, &c. Athelmarle Hen|rie the thirds halfe brother bishop of Winchester, 243, a 10. Beauchampe of Salis|burie is sent to the duke of Yorke, &c: to know the lords meaning that were vp in armes, 649, b 60. Beaufort of Winchester sonne to Iohn duke of Lancaster, 590, b 60, 591, a 10, &c. Otherwise cal|led the rich cardinall, decea|sed, and described, 627, b 60, 628. Christianus. ¶ Sée Christianus, Cox of Elie de|ceaseth, his epitaph, 1321, b 60. Egelwinus. ¶ Sée E|gelwinus. Ermenfred. ¶Sée Ermenfred. Fisher of Ro|chester complained of to king Henrie the eight, 911, b 40, 50. Beheaded, 938, a 60. Fo|liot of London embassador to the French king, 72, a 50. For of Durham owner of Norham castell, 782, b 50. Of Excester ambassadour into Scotland, 767, b 50. Of Winchester, 839, b 50, 60. ¶ Sée Corpus Christi college. His wisedome in procuring the clergie to be contributors of monie for Henrie the se|uenths behoofe, 792, a 50, 60. Gardiner bishop of Winche|ster ambassador into France, 939, a 60. ¶ Sée Gardiner. Geffreie of Lincolne king Henries base sonne, 99 b 60. His letter to the archbishop of Canturburie, be resigneth his bishoprike, 104, b 10, 40. Gifford of Winchester refu|seth to be consecrated at the archbishop of Yorks hands, and therefore banished and depriued, 31, b 10. ¶Sée Gif|ford. Godfreie of Winche|ster sonne to the lord Richard de Lucie deceaseth, 168, b 30. Graie of Norwich lord lieu|tenant of Ireland, 174, b 30. Graie of Norwich president of the councell, 169, b 10, Grosted of Lincolne decea|sed, his praise, 249, a 10, Har|uie first bishop of Elie, 36, a 30. Horne of Winchester de|ceaseth, 1299, b 60. Hugh of Lincolne his bold courage to king Richard the first, 143, b 60. Deceaseth, a descrip|tion of [...]is dooings, and life presump [...]uous, 162, b 30. Admitted into the number of seints, 163, a 10. Of Co|uentrie res [...]ored to his sée, 147, b 30, Iewell of Salis|burie decea [...]eth, 1226, b 30. Lis [...]e of Elie and the ladie Wake at variance, 392, a 10. Longchampe of Elie the popes legat, his statelie port, 129, a 10 Depriueth bishops, meaneth to kéepe earle Iohn low, besiegeth the castell of Lincolne, raiseth his siege with dishonour, breaketh a|gréements concluded, 129, all. Lord chancellor of Eng|land, 121, a 10. Morton of Elie commended, 791, a 10, Buildeth vpon the dukes ambition, 737, b 10. Deuiseth to be at his owne libertie in his bishoprike of Elie, he satieth into Flanders to the earle of Richmond, 741, a 60, b 10. What pagents he plaid, the high honour wherein he was placed, his subtill vn|dermining of the duke of Glocester, 736, b 10, 30, 50. Defeated the practises of king Richard the third and Peter Landoise, 747, b 60. Adiureth duke Richard to release the realme by some deuise from the present euill estate, 738, a 60. A new con|ference betwéene them, b 20, Made archbishop of Can|turburie, cardinall, and lord chancellor, 767, a 30. Odo. ¶Sée Odo. Osmond. ¶Sée Osmond. Pecocke of Chi|chester abiured at Paules crosse: note, 646, a 20. Pe|ter of Winchester gouernor of king Henrie the third, 202, a 60. Rafe of Durham his warlike exhortation, 49, a 60 [...]. Ralegh of Winchester consecrated by the pope, he stealeth out of the realme, he giueth to the pope six thou|sand marks, 231, b 60. Ra|nulfe. ¶ Sée Ranulfe Rem|clid of Hereford inuested by the king: note, 31, a 50 Re|migius. ¶ Sée Remigius. Richard of London trans|lated to the archbishoprike of Canturburie, 37, b 10. Ro|ger of Salisburie put in trust with the gouernement of the realme, 45, b 50. Ruthall of Durham, one of king Hen|rie the seuenths priuie coun|cell, his booke of priuat af|faires vnaduisedlie deliue|red in stéed of the kings, dis|aduantageable to himselfe, 796, b 60. He dieth with griefe, 797, a 10. Samson of Worcester the mouth of the bishops, 36, a 60. Tunstall ¶ Sée Tunstall. Wainsléet of Winchester founder of Magdelene college in Ox|ford, 628, b 10, &c. Walkhelme. ¶ Sée Walkhelme. Walk|her. ¶ Sée Walkher. Walter of Alba bringeth Anselme his pall, 25, b 60. ¶Sée Wal|ter, 1, a 50. Waltham of Sa|lisburie buried of Westmin|ster among the kings, 485, a 40. Warlewa [...]ts words to pope Paschall in behalfe of Henrie the first, 31, b 40. Watson of Winchester decea|seth, 1368, b 60. Wickham of Winchester remembred and commended: note, 526, b 60, 527, a 10, &c. Made lord chan|cellor, 466, b 50. William ¶Sée William. Wolstane. ¶Seée Wolstane.
  • Bishop of Beauuois taken pri|soner, 150, b 50. An aduersa|rie to Richard the first, two of his chapleins come to Ri|chard the first, to intreat that they might wait vpon their maister, but are denied, 151, a 10
  • Bishop of Carleill bold and faithfull, commended, 513, b 40. The first was a prior, and the kings consellor, 44, b 20. Of Constance with others taketh Bath, 17, a 40. Of Couentrie committed to prison, 318, a 30. Of Du|blin made archbishop, 59, b 20. Of Durham created an earle, 119, b 50. Besieged the castell of Tick [...]ill, 142, a 30. Lost his earledome. 144, a 10. Restrained of his libertie, 122, b 60 Chiefe ru|ler of the north parts, 121, a 10. He & earle Patrike at strife, 161, a 10. By letters asswageth the Scotish kings displeasure, hee goeth into Scotland, 785, a 30, 40. Win|neth castels, 307, a 40. Of E|lies taking vp of horses to K. Richard the firsts vse, 122, b 50, 60. Summoned to ap|peare at Reading, his re|turne to London, a declara|tion against him, he yéeldeth vp the tower, 131, all His let|ter to the shiriffe of Kent, 130, b 30. Disguiseth himselfe in womans apparell, he fli|eth, is betraied, and commit|ted to prison, complaineth of his wrongs to the pope, 132, a 10. He deceaseth, 151, b 10. Of Elie imprisoneth arch|bishop Geffreie of Yorke, 130, b 30. Arriueth in England as a simple bishop, 139, b 30. Sent ambassadour to the emperour, 148, a 30. Bani|shed, 50, b 30. Blind of Ex|cester sent to Rome from Henrie the first, 37, b 30. Pat in charge with the citie of London, beheaded by the Londoners, 338, a 40, b 30. Hereford arrested for treson, 335, a 10. His deuise to get monie of the bishops, 251, b 10. Of Ireland elected out of England, 22, a 50. Of Léege murthered, 140, a 10. Of Lincolne visiteth ab|beies, and is suspended by the pope, 244, a 40, 50. Cap|teine of a band of men, 30, a 50. Of London taken vp with reprochfull words, and reuenged by the Londoners, 412, a 20. His palace, where Richard second kept open house, 474, a 10. Stout words to an earle, 458, a 20. Made lord chancellor, 440, b 60. Ambassadour to the empe|rour, 168, b 20. Deane to the archbishop of Canturburie, 35, b 20. Of Norwich in armes against the antipa [...]e, 441, b 50, 60, 442, a 40. Cou|ragious and warlike, 444, a 20. Setteth forward with his armie, & inuadeth Flan|ders, 442, b 10, 50. The or|der of his battell against the Flemings, 443, a 30. His dis|obedience punished, 445, a 20. His armie of fiue hundred footmen and manie horsmen 176, b 50. Returneth out of Flanders into England, 444, b 60. Of Rosse an eni|mie to the English estate, 1370, b 60. Of Salisburies men and the Londoners in a riot, he maketh a great [...]o [...]|plai [...] of them to the king, 478, a 20, 50. Dreth for thought, 50, b 30. Made lord chancellor, 51, a 10. Shame|fullie m [...]rthered: note, 636, a 10. Of Whiteherne consecra|ted, 119, b 10. Of Winche|ster lent Henrie the fift two hundred thousand pounds 580, b 10, Made a cardinall, 596, b 10. Legated and vnle|gated by the pope, 602, a 60, b 60
  • Bishop earle of Kent, 13, a 60. Capteine of an armie, 7, b 40. Wiped of fiue thousand pounds by William Rufus: note, 20, b 10. Depriued of his staffe by the king, 21, a 40. ¶ Sée Herbert. One reuen|geth anothers death, 12, b 20
  • Bishops chosen principall iu|stices of the realme, 115, b 20. Sent ambassadours to the French king, 112, b 50 For|bidden the vse of the sacra|ment, 76, b 10. Disallow arch|bishop Thomas Becket, 71, b 40. Thinke to please God in breaking their oth, 46, b 40. Of Man first and second, 59. b 10. Threatened, 59, a 40. In suspicion to be disloi|all, 50, b 10. Inuesting doon [...] by the kings of England. 29, a 50. ¶Sée William Ru|fus. At strife about crow|ning the king, and saieng masse before him, 37, a 10. Translation from sée to sée, 36, a 30. Of priuie councell and ambassadors to Rome, 31, b 20. Fiue consecrated by Anselme in one daie, 34, a 40. Inuest [...]tures giuen awaie from the king by the popes sentence, 31, b 60. Of a late election Salisburie and He|reford, 30, a 60, b 10. Depri|ued by the bishop of Elie, 129, a 50. Con [...]entious and am|bitious, 121, a 50. Elected and consecrated, 119, a 60, b 10. Quarell with the moonks of Canturburie, 169, b 30. Thrée dead in one yeare, 788, b 20. Restored and others depriued, 1089, a 20. Tra|uell to make peace, 265, a 30. Would rather become mar|tyrs than loose their monie, 252, b 40. Practise to disap|point the archbishop of Can|turburie of his purpose, 243, a 50. Readinesse to resist the Saracens, 209, a 50. Ambas|sadors, 205, a 60. Cannot tell what to saie in the conten|tion betwéene king Wil|liam Rufus and Anselme: note, 25. Of Ireland their names and fées, 22, b 50. Se|ditious and ranke warriors, 17, a 30, 40. In fault that duke William was king of Eng|land, 1, a 40, 50. Submit themselues to duke William, 1, a 40. Sworne to be loiall, 1, b 20. Flie into forren lands and countries, 6, a 20. Sées remooued from small towns to cities of more fame, 11, b 60. In armes against rebellious earls, 11, a 50. Of EEBO page image 1484 Scotland consecrated by the archbishop of Yorke, 9, b 20. Of Excester from the first to the last set downe in a ca|talog, 1300, a 20, 30, 1301, &c. Six receiue the communion, 1185, a 60 Depriued, & others succéeding, 1184, b 30. ¶ Sée Ambition, Archbishops, and Consecration.
  • Bishoprike of Carleils erection 44, b 20. Of Elie first erected, 36, a 30. Of Lincolne void seuentéene yeares, 75, a 60, 109, b 40. Of Waterford in I|reland erected, 22, b 40
  • Bishoprikes bestowed by king Henrie his gift thought in|sufficient, 31, a 50. Bought of king William Rufus, 21, a 40. Let out to farme, 26, a 40
  • Bishopsgate new builded, 702, b 60
  • Biskains and Englishmen to|gither by the eares, 813, b 60
  • Blackwagon that followed euill Maie daie, 844, a 60
  • Blackheath field, 782, b 10
  • Blackenesse an hauen towne on the south shore of Scot|land, 989, b 50
  • Blackwell knight smothered to death in a throng, 319, a 10
  • Blacke Will a notorious mur|thering ruffian, 1063, a 50, b 40. Receiueth ten pounds in reward for murthering of Arden, 1065, a 10. Burnt at Flushing, 1066, a 20
  • Blasing star, 1131, b 10, 252, a 50, 204, b 40, 277, b 40, 1344, a 40, 1314, a 50. Of strange ap|péerance. 37, a 40. With other strange sights, 519, b 60. Ue|rie dreadfull for thirtie daies space togither, 225, b 60. In the north of a moneths conti|nuance, 323, a 10. With long & terrible streames, 353, a 20. Appéering in a faire & cleare daie, 11, b 50. ¶ Sée Comet and Starre.
  • Blasphemie of pope Iulie a|gainst God, 1128, a 40. Of a popish preacher seuerelie pu|nished by God, 1128, b 60, 1129, a 10
  • Bleothgent king of Wales par|taker with a rebell, 5, a 20
  • Blewbeard, capteine of rebels, 632, a 20
  • Blockhouses & bulworks buil|ded, 946, b 10
  • Bloreheath field, 649, a 50
  • Bluet Robert bishop of Lin|colne: note, 20, b 10
  • Blunt knight, his notable ser|uice against the French, 540, b 50
  • Bohune Iohn, his wife and issue, 20, a 50
  • Boier maior of Bodwin in Cornwall hanged: note, 1006, b 50, &c: 1007, a 10
  • Boldnesse. ¶ Sée Magnani|mitie, and Words.
  • Bolton prior of S. Bartholo|mews buildeth an house at Harrow on the hill to auoid flouds prognosticated that yeare, 882, b 20
  • Bondage. ¶Sée Seruitude.
  • Bondmen by letters reuocato|rie disfranchised, 437, a 10 Letters fo manumission cal|led in, 438, a 10
  • Boner bishop of London em|ploied about the controuersie of Henrie the eights vnlaw|full marriage, 923, b 30. Bea|reth with the enimies of the L. Elisabeth, 1160, a 10. His god was the rood of Paules, 1121, a 60. Writeth to cardi|nall Poole concerning perse|cution, 1164, a 10. Head bro|ken: note, 915, a 60, b 10
  • Bookes anie waie imparing the popes dignitie are forbidden, 1131, a 60. Seditious scatte|red, and the offendors execu|ted, 1353, b 40. Printed & the printer executed, 1357, a 40. Popish dangerous and dam|nable to read or listen vnto, 1391, b 50. Seditious publi|shed against the state, and the offendors executed, 1413, a 50 ¶ Sée Libels.
  • Boorne doctor preaching at Paules crosse hath a dagger throwne at him, 1089, a 60, b 10
  • Bosworth field. ¶Sée Battell.
  • Bounarme with his ten spears all at once about him, 834. a 50
  • Bowes Rafe. ¶Sée Iusts tri|umphant.
  • Bow stéeple builded, 815, b 60
  • Brabanders and the reason of their name: note, 98, b 50, 60, 99, a 10. Ouercome by earle Richard, Henrie the seconds sonne, 98, b 50. The num|ber of 20000 reteined by Hen|rie the second to beare armor, 87, a 50
  • Braie knight of the garter com|mended. 791, a 10
  • Brambre knight executed with an ax of his owne deuise, 464, a 10
  • Brandon knight standardbea|rer to the earle of Richmond slaine, 759, a 50. Knight his pompe at a iusts, 807, b 60. He is created vicount Lis|le, 816, a 30
  • Bread made of bran & puffens, 1022, a 10. Made of ferne rootes, 616, b 60. ¶Sée Assise.
  • Breame. ¶Sée Bruistar.
  • Brest yéelded vp to the duke of Britaine, 487, b 30. Besieged by the duke of Lancaster, and the maner how, 449, b 10. Force intended against it, 1149, b 50
  • Brethren at deadlie hate & pur|suing one another, 32, b 40. Set at variance by factious persons, 32, a 60. In armes one against another, 19, a 10. Forces vnited how valiant & effectuall in warre, 6, b 50, 7, a 20
  • Brereton capteine of the ad|uenturers taken and slaine, 882, b 20
  • Briake in Britaine assaulted & taken, 534, b 30
  • Bribe of fiue hundred markes giuen to come to the popes presence, 80, b 30
  • Bribes the ouerthrow of lawes & good orders: note, 862, b 40. Of a iustice seuerelie handled for taking them, 243, b 50 244, a 10. Hinder the execution of good orders & statutes: note, 380, b 30, 40. Refused, 18, b 60
  • Briberie how it tempteth mens minds: note, 361, b 50. ¶Sée Gifts and Rewards.
  • Bridges made with hard shift, 1138, b 60. In England borne downe with landflouds, 38, a 40. ¶Sée Flouds.
  • Bridgenorth besieged, 30, a 60
  • Bridewell a place which Hen|rie the eight put to vse of ple|sure. 894, a 20. Henrie the eights new palace, a place re|ceiuing noblemen, 873, b 30. The maior and aldermen en|ter and take possession there|of, 1130, b 40. When it became a place to punish vagarant and lewd persons, 1082, b, 10
  • Bristow taken by the earle of Glocester, 48, b 60. ¶ Sée Faire.
  • Britaine was the first name of England & Scotland, 1000, a 10. ¶Sée Earles.
  • Britains plagued by the lord admerall, 814, a 10, &c.
  • Bromleie esquire his manhood, 551, b 10
  • Bromleie knight his decease, 565, b 40. Made capteine of Dampfront, 563, b 30. The old armes of their house, 564, a 30. Knight lord chancellor, 1272, a 20, 1286, b 60
  • Brotherton Thomas K Ed|ward the first his sonne, 309, a 60
  • Browne his seditious bookes procure losse of life, 1353, b 40
  • Browne. ¶Sée Murther.
  • Brunkard Henrie. ¶Sée Iusts triumphant.
  • Bruse crowned king of Scot|land, in armes against prince Edward and the English power, put to flight by the erle of Penbroke, fled into Ken|trie, his wife and brethren ta|ken, his words to his wife, he is executed, his lands gi|uen awaie by the king Ed|ward the first, wherein note the end of disloialtie, 314, a 10, 40, 60, b 20, 40, 50
  • Bruse inuadeth England, 332. His ill dealing with Welsh|men, 95, b 30. His wife whose daughter she was, 314, b 20. Pronounced accursed, 324, a 50. Chriueth in his successe, inuadeth England, & raiseth his siege, 322, a 10, b 30, 40
  • Bruistar and Marie Breame smoothered to death, 1353, a 60, b 10
  • Bucchanan reprouing and re|proued, 112, a 30
  • Buckhurst lord made of the pri|uie councell, 1434, b 60. ¶Sée Sackuill.
  • Buggerie committed by a lord and punished, 952, b 20
  • Buieng and selling on the sun|daie a law against it, 624, a 20. ¶ Sée Selling.
  • Buildings of William Rufus verie great and famous, 23, a 60, b 10
  • Bull seditious hanged on the bishop of Londons gate, and the partie executed as a trai|tor, 1221, a 20, &c. 1222, a 30. ¶Sée Felton and Pope.
  • Bullen besieged, assalted, deli|uered vp, the number of them that went foorth of the towne, 964, a 40, b 30, 60. Manie seats of armes exploited be|twixt the English & French, 972, a 40. The Frenchmen busie to build a fort there. 970, a 60, b 10. To be restored to the French king by accord, note how, 973, b 20. And Bul|lenois restored to the French vpon certeine conditions: note, 1061, b 60. Deliuered vp and entered into, a 10, 20 By the French king, 1062, a 10, &c. Besieged by the English|men the king himselfe being present, 775, a 10. The bas [...], a canuasado giuen vnto it, the French haue an ouerthrow, 967, a 20, &c.
  • Bullocke a mercilesse murthe|rer hanged within Bishops|gate: note, 1228, b 20, &c. ¶Sée Murther.
  • Bulmer knight rebuked for re|fusing K. Henrie the eights seruice, and taking the ser|uice of the duke of Bucking|ham, 852, b 60, 853, a 10
  • Burchet gentleman of the mid|dle temple hanged: note, 1259 a 30
  • Burdet knight his valiantnesse against the enimie; note, 590, b 40
  • Burdet knight slaine, 618, a 40
  • Burdet for a word spoken be|headed. 703, a 10
  • Burdeux yéelded againe to the French king, 641. a 30
  • Burgesse of the parlement ar|rested, and what mischéefe thereof insued: note, 955, b 40, &c. 956, a 10, &c.
  • Burgognians ioine with the English host & make it stron|ger, 875, a 30
  • Burlie knight and the earle Uéere in faithfull freendship, 464, a 40. What the same Burlie was: note, a 50, &c.
  • Buriall of duke Williams bodie not suffered without satisfac|tion to the lord of the soile, 15 a 50. Of more than two hun|dred ded corpses in the Char|terhouse yard, 379, b 30. Chri|stian forbidden préests con|cubines, 207, b 30. Of nobles and great men in a moonks cowle: note, 195, b 10, 20. Ne|glected: note, 157, a 10. Of the dead doone with honor and reuerence, 576, a 60. For the dead, 1211, b 10. Of dead bodies within their owne parishes, 31, a 10. Of the Iewes at London, 101, b 20. ¶Sée Churchyard new.
  • Burning in the hand when in|acted, 787, a 60, b 10
  • Bursse, ground purchased to build it, the first stone thereof laid, 1209, a 40, 50. Finished & named The roiall exchange by the now quéene Elisabeth, 1224, a 60
  • Bushie knight, 495. ¶ Sée Flatterie.
  • Butcher strangelie saued from drowning, 41, b 30. Hanged for fauouring rebels, 943, a 60
  • Butterwife set on the pillorie. 702, b 40

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