Compare 1577 edition: 1 The fourth of Aprill being Paline sundaie, there was taken saieng of masse in the lord Morleis house within Algate of London, Priests sai|eng masse ap|prehended. one Albon Dalman priest, and the ladie Morleie with hir children, and di|uerse others were also taken hearing of the said masse. There was also taken the same daie and houre for saieng masse at the ladie Gilfords in Trinitie lane, one Oliuer Heiwood priest: and for hearing of the said masse, the said ladie Gilford with diuerse o|ther gentlewomen. There was also taken at the same instant in the ladie Browns house in Cowlane for saieng masse, one Thomas Heiwood priest, and one Iohn Cowper Priest, with the ladie Browne, and diuers other were likewise taken being hearers of the said masse. All which persons were for the same offenses indicted, conuicted, and had the law accor|ding to the statute in that case prouided. There was also found in their seuerall chappels, diuerse Latine bookes, beads, images, palmes, chalices, crosses, vest|ments, pixes, paxes, and such like.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The ninth of Iulie at six of the clocke at night,A monstrous fish (but not so monstrous as some repor|ted) for his eies being great, were in his head and not in his backe. in the Ile of Thanet besids Ramesgate, in the parish of saint Peter vnder the cliffe, a monstrous fish or whale of the sea did shoot himselfe on shore, where for want of water, beating himselfe on the sands, he di|ed about six of the clocke on the next morning, before which time he roared, and was heard more than a mile on the land. The length of this fish was twentie two yards, the nether iaw twelue foot the opening: one of his eies, being taken out of his head, was more than six horsse in a cart could draw, a man stood vpright in the place from whence the eie was taken. The thicknesse from the backe whereon he laie, to the top of his bellie (which was vpward) was fouretéene foot, his taile of the same breadth: betweene his eies twelue foot, thrée men stood vpright in his mouth, some of the ribs were six foot long, his toong was fif|téene foot long, his liuer two cart lode, into his nose|trils anie man might haue crept: the oile being boi|led out of the head was Sperma [...]. parmasitie, the oile of his bo|die was whitish and sweet of tast. The seuenth of Au|gust,Obsequie at Pauls for the French king. a solemne obsequie was kept in saint Paules church at London for Charles the ninth king of France, who deceassed on the twentie day of Maie last before passed.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 On the fiftéenth daie of August being sundaie, Agnes Bridges,Agnes Brid|ges & Rachell Pinder at Pauls crosse for counter|fetting to be possessed. a maiden about the age of twen|tie yeares, and Rachell Pinder, a wench about ele|uen or twelue yeares old who both of them had coun|terfetted to be possessed by the diuell (wherby they had not onelie maruellouslie deluded manie people, both men and women, but also diuerse such persons as o|therwise séemed to be of good wit and vnderstanding) stood before the preacher at Paules crosse, where they acknowledged their hypocriticall counterfetting, with penitent behauiours, requiring forgiuenesse of God and the world, and the people to praie for them. Also their seuerall examinations and confessions were there openlie read by the preacher, and after|wards published in print for the further posteritie hereafter to beware of the like deceiuers.