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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The effect of their indictment was, that they by a letter written had béene procurers of the said mur|ther: & knowing the murther doone, had by monie & otherwise reléeued the murtherer: wherevnto they pleaded not giltie. Howbeit they were both condem|ned as accessaries to master Sanders death,Anne San|ders, Anne Drurie, and trustie Roger hanged in Smithfield. and ex|ecuted in Smithfield the thirtéenth of Maie, being wednesdaie in Whitsunwéeke, at which time they both confessed themselues guiltie of the fact. Trustie Roger mistresse Druries man was arreigned on fridaie the eight of Maie, & being there condemned as accessarie, was executed with his mistresse at the time and place aforesaid. Not long after, Anthonie Browne brother to the fornamed George Browne,Anthonie Browne han|ged at Yorke. was for notable felonies conueied from Newgate to Yorke, and there hanged.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The tenth of Aprill seauen pirats which among o|thers had béene taken on the north seas,Pirats han|ged at Wap|ping. were lead from Southworke to Wapping, and fiue of them were there hanged: the other two had their pardon at the gallowes.Foure wo|men on the pillorie. The seauentéenth of Aprill a chande|lers wife without Aldersgate of London, who had practised hir husbands death by poisoning and other|wise, was set on the pillorie in Cheape, with thrée o|ther women, who had béene of hir counsell: two of them were with hir there whipped.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The seauenth of Iune,Haile in Nor|thamptõshire. betwéene the houres of one and two of the clocke in the after noone, a great tempest of haile and raine happened at Tocester in Northamptonshire, wherethrough six houses in that towne were borne downe, and foureteene more sore perished with the waters which rose of that tempest. The hailstones were square, & six inches about. One child was there drowned, and manie shéepe with o|ther cattell, which when the water was fallen, manie of them were lieng on the high hedges, where the wa|ters had left them. The sixteenth of Iune, Thomas Woodhouse, a priest of Lincolnshire,Thomas Woodhouse. who had laine long prisoner in the Fleet, was arreigned in the Guildhall of London, and there condemned of high treason, who had iudgement to be hanged and quar|tered, and was executed at Tiburne the ninetéenth of Iune.

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