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He being now committed to prison, continued there a good space [...] during all which time, he was la|boured and solicited dailie by wise and learned fa|thers, to recant his diuelish & erronious opinions, to confirme himselfe to the truth, and to acknowledge the quéenes maiesties supremasie. All which he vt|terlie denied to the death, saieng that he was sworne subiect to the king of Spaine, and was no subiect to the quéene of England, nor shée his souereigne queene.Storie a trai|tor hanged, drawne and quartered. And therefore (as he well deserued) he was condemned (as a traitor to God, the quéenes maie|stie, and the realme) to be drawne, hanged, and quar|tered which was performed accordinglie, he being laid vpon an hurdle, and drawne from the tower a|long the streets to Tiburne, where he being hanged till he was halfe dead, was cut downe and stripped. And (which is not to be forgot) when the executioner had cut off his priuie members he rushing vp vpon a sudden gaue him a blow vpon the eare, to the great woonder of all that stood by. And thus ended this blou|die Nemrod his wretched life, whose iudgement I leaue to the Lord.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The eighteenth of Iune in Trinitie terme,A combat appointed at Turhill but not tried. there was a combat appointed to haue beene fought for a certeine manour & demaine lands belonging there|vnto, in the Ile of Hartie, adioining to the Ile of [...] in Kent. Simon L [...]w & Iohn Kim [...]were plaintifs, and had brought a writ of right against Thomas Para [...]re, who offered to defend his right by battell. Whervpon the plaintifs aforsaid accepted to answer his challenge, offering likewise to defend their right to the same manour and lands, and to proue by battell, that Paramore had no right no [...] good title to haue the same manour and lands. Here|vpon EEBO page image 1226 the said Thomas Paramore brought before the iudges of the common plees at Westminster,Thorne and Nailer com| [...]ttants. one George Thorne, a big, broad, strong set fellow; & the plaintifs Henrie Nailer, maister of defense, and seruant to the right honourable the earle of Leice|ster, a proper slender man, & not so tall as the other. Thorne cast downe a gantlet, which Nailer tooke vp, vpon the sundaie before the battell should be tried. On the next morow, the matter was staied, & the par|ties agréed, that Paramore being in possession shuld haue the land, & was bound in fiue hundred pounds to consider the plaintifs, as vpon hearing the mat|ter the iudges should award. The quéenes maiestie abhorring bloudshed, & (as the poet verie well saith)

The quarell [...] combat [...] by the quéenes ma|ie [...]tie. (Tristia sanguinei deuitans praelia campi)
was the taker vp of the matter, in this wise. It was thought good, that for Paramores assurance, the or|der should be kept touching the combat, and that the plaintifs Low and Kime should make default of ap|pearance; but that yet such as were suerties for Nai|ler their champions appearance, should bring him in; and likewise those that were suerties for Thorne, should bring in the [...]ame Thorne in discharge of their band: and that the court should sit in Tuthill fields, where was prepared one plot of ground, of one and twentie yards square, double railed for the com|bat. Without the west square a stage being set vp for the iudges, representing the court of the common plées.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 All the compasse without the lists was set with scaffolds one aboue another,The maner of all things [...] redinesse for the combat. for people to stand and behold. There were behind the square where the iud|ges sat, two tents, the one for Nailer, the other for Thorne. Thorne was there in the morning timelie, Nailer about seauen of the clocke came thorough London, apparelled in a dublet, and gallie gascoine bréeches all of crimsin sattin, cut and rased, a hat of blacke veluet, with a red feather and band, before him drums and fifes plaieng. The gantlet cast downe by George Thorne was borne before the said Nailer vpon a swords point, and his baston (a staffe of an ell long made taper wise tipt with horne) with his shield of hard leather was borne after him, by As|kam a yeoman of the queenes gard. He came into the palace at Westminster, and staieng not long be|fore the hall doore, came backe into the Kings stréet, and so along thorough the Sanctuarie and Tuthill street into the field, where he staied till past nine of the clocke, and then sir Ierome Bowes brought him to his tent: Thorne being in the tent with sir Hen|rie Cheinie long before.

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