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Abr. Fl ex Iohan. Foxi martyrologio. Stories [...]u|cation and birth.¶This doctor Storie (saith he) being an Englishman by birth, and from his infancie not onelie nuzled in papistrie, but also euen as it were by nature earnest|lie affected to the same, & growing somewhat to riper yeares, in the daies of quéene Marie became a most bloudie tyrant, and cruell persecutor of Christ in his members, as all the stories of martyrs almost doo declare.Storie a bloudie per|secutor. Thus he raging all the reigne of the fore|said quéene Marie; against the infallible truth of Christs gospell, and the true professors thereof, neuer ceased till he had consumed to ash [...] two or thrée hundred blessed martyrs, who willinglie gaue their liues for the testimonie of his truth. And thinking their punishment in fire not cruell inough, [...] inuen|ting new [...] for the martyrs. he went [...] Storie appre|hended.

Storie con|ueied himselfe ouer the seas where he con|tinued a blou|die persecutor. [...] raging against Gods saints with fire and sword. In|somuch as he growing to be familiar and right deere to duke Dalua in Antwerpe, receiued a speciall com|mission from him to search all the ships for goods forfeited, and for English bookes and such like.Storie [...]btei|ned a commi|sion to search for English bookes. And in this fauour and authoritie he continued there for a space, by the which meanes he did much hurt, and brought manie a good man and woman to trouble, and extreme perill of life through his bloudthirstie crueltie. But at the last the Lord (when the measure of his iniquitie was full) procéeded in iudgement a|gainst him, and cut him off from the face of the earth, according to the praiers of manie a good man, which came to passe in order as followeth.

It being certeinlie knowne (for the brute thereof was gone foorth into all lands) that he not onelie in|tended the subuersion and ouerthrow of his natiue countrie of England by bringing in forren hostili|tie,Storie inten|deth the ouerthrow of England. if by anie means he might compasse it; but also [...]ailie and hourelie murthered Gods people: there was this platforme laid (by Gods prouidence no doubt) that one maister Parker a merchant should saile vnto Antwerpe,A platforme laid to appre|hend Storie. and by some means to conueie Storie into England. This Parker arriuing at Antwerpe, suborned certeine to repaire to doctor Storie, and to signifie vnto him, that there was an English ship come s [...]aught with merchandize; and that if he would make search thereof himselfe, hée should find store of English bookes, and other things for his purpose. Storie hearing [...]his and suspecting nothing, made hast towards the ship, thinking to make the same his preie; and comming aboord sear|ched for English hereticall books (as he called them) & going downe vnder the hatches,Storie sear|ched the Eng|lish ships for bookes, and is apprehended and brought into England. bicause he would be sure to haue their bloud if he could, they clapped downe the hatches, hoised vp their sailes, hauing (as God would) a good gale, and sailed awaie into Eng|land, where they arriuing presented this bloudie butcher and traitorous rebell Storie, to the no little reioising of manie an English heart.

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