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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The first of March in the morning they began to batter the castell of Caen, in such wise that about foure of the clocke in the afternoone, they within be|gan to parlée, but it tooke none effect: and then went off the artillerie againe till night,The castell of Caen batte| [...]. and in the morning the batterie eftsoones began. And before that two tires of the said artillerie had gone off, they within offered to parlee againe, and finallie agréed by com|position to yéeld; and so on that tuesdaie by ten of the clocke, the castell was surrendred into the hands of the French admerall,It is rendred to the adme|rall. and the marquesse Dalbeuf, and other that had the place in keeping, departed in safetie. On wednesdaie the third of March, the towne of Baieulx was also yeelded vnto the lord admerall of France,Baieulx, Fa|leise, and S. Lo, yéelded to the admerall. and on the morrow following Faleise, and afterwards S. Lo, with diuerse other townes and castels, yeelded likewise vnto him. The tenth of March the great gallie and the foists were sent a|waie from Newhauen, with a canon and shot and powder vnto Hunflue, where they met with mon|sieur de Mouie, that came thither with a faire com|panie of horssemen and diuerse footmen French, and of Englishmen, capteine Tuttie with his two hun|dred, and capteine Fisher with his hundred.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The canon [...] to the [...]stell of [...]ndue.The canon which came from Newhauen was immediatlie planted, and about ten of the clocke in the forenoone it was shot off, and after it had beene six times discharged, they within began to parlée, and in the end they agréed to yéeld vp the castell vnto monsieur de Mouie, [...] yéelded. with condition, that their soul|diers and men of warre might depart onelie with their rapiers and daggers, leauing all the residue of their mooueables behind them. And according to this capitulation, capteine Lion with his hundred souldiers, and capteine Nicholas with his hundred, and fiftie other souldiers which were within depar|ted, and left the castell vnto monsieur de Mouie, whereby his souldiers, as well English as others, gained greatlie by the spoile.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 A proclama| [...]on vpon [...] of death.The twelfe of March proclamation was made in name of the lord lieutenant, that no souldier should draw weapon to doo hurt therewith vnto anie of the French within the towne of Newhauen, or limits of the same, nor to molest them, nor to spoile nor take anie thing violentlie awaie from anie of them, nor to breake downe their houses, nor to carrie awaie their timber on paine of death.A proclama| [...]n in the Frẽch kings [...]. There was also a proclamation made in the name of the king & adme|rall, that no capteine, burgesse, souldier, mariner, or other of the French nation within the towne or without, should draw anie weapon, nor picke anie quarrell, nor vse anie iniurious words against anie man to mooue them to wrath, speciallie against the Englishmen on paine of death: nor that anie bur|gesse or inhabitant, of what qualitie or condition so|euer, except capteins, gentlemen, and souldiers, re|ceiuing paie, should beare anie weapon on the like paine.

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