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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 Of the French protestants there were but thrée slaine and six hurt, and one of the thrée Englishmen was also hurt. As it hath béene crediblie reported,The French beholden to the English. the French protestants might thanke those thrée Englishmen that were with them in their gallies for that their good hap: for if they had not manfullie stood to it at the first, and bestowed such artillerie as they had aboord with them freshlie against the eni|mies, the French had yeelded. But by Gods good helpe, and their worthie courage, the victorie remai|ned on their side. The fouretéenth of Februarie there came from the lord admerall of France,Noble men sent from the admerall of France to the earle of War|wike. lieng then at Touque, monsieur de Rohen, and monsieur de Grandemont, a knight of the order, monsieur Te|legnie the admerals sonne in law, and diuerse other French gentlemen, to confer with the lord lieute|nant, who receiued them right gladlie, and made them great cheere. They remained in Newhauen till the eightéenth of Februarie, and then departed and went to Caen, whither the said lord admerall was remooued, & had entred the towne, & laie within it, preparing with all spéed to besiege the castell.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 The same daie that the French lords departed from Newhauen towards Caen,Sir Nicholas Throckmor|ton arriueth at Newhauen. monsieur Brique|mault, and sir Nicholas Throckmorton knight arri|ued at Newhauen in one of the quéenes ships called the Aid. The admerall Chatillon being got into the towne of Caen, kept the castell besieged,Caen castell besieged. The marquesse Dalbeuf bro|ther to the duke of Guise within the which was inclosed the marquesse Dalbeuf. There were sent to him from Newhauen the fiue & twen|tith of Februarie, seuen canons, two demie culue|rings, & one minion. On the morrow following be|ing fridaie, and six and twentith of Februarie, sir Nicholas Throckmorton knight, monsieur Bri|quemault, and monsieur Beauuois, with a thousand souldiers French, and as manie English, to wit,Aid sent to the siege of Cae [...] cap|teine Zouch, capteine Twedie, capteine Higate, ech of them with two hundred: capteine Iohn Ward, capteine Parkinson, capteine Saule, master Whée|ler, and capteine Fisher with his band, each of them with his hundred, and capteine Pelham with the la|bourers were imbarked in the rode at Newhauen, and sailed foorth towards Caen, to come to the siege which the admerall of France had laid to the castell there.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The same daie as the counte Montgomerie had imbarked at the hauen of Diepe in an English ves|sell, and was comming towards Newhauen, there came out from Festampe thrée shallops, by the ap|pointment of the Reingraue (as was said) which made towards Montgomerie, whose meaning when he perceiued, he set vpon the strongest of the same EEBO page image 1200 shallops,The counte [...] a French [...]. so that there followed a sharpe conflict be|twixt them, but in the end the victorie fell to Mont|gomerie, the shallop being taken, the capteine and maister slaine, and three English vittellers rescued, which the said shallops had taken. Montgomerie herewith arriuing at Newhauen, and bringing his prise with him was ioifullie receiued, and after he had talked a while with the lord lieutenant and the councell,Mõtgomerie [...]th to Caen to speake with [...] admerall. he went aboord againe and sailed to Caen, there to confer with the admerall.

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