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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The eleuenth of Nouember,A proclama|tion for good orders to be kept by the souldiors. a proclamation was made in the name of the lord lieutenant, by the of|ficer at armes Blewmantell, as well for good orders to be kept by the souldiors against the French inha|bitants of the towne, & reforming of certeine grée|uances, whereof the French had made complaint: as also for their comming to church to heare com|mon praier and preaching at due times, for the auoi|ding of vnlawfull games, whordome, wicked othes, and other blasphemies; and likewise concerning di|uerse other good orders to be obserued, and disorders to be eschewed, as was thought necessarie to giue warning of, with condigne paines appointed for pu|nishment of such as should transgresse in the same.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 On thursdaie the twelfe of Nouember, there went out of the towne of Newhauen towards Har|flue, thrée bands of Frenchmen, conteining about six hundred footmen; and suddenlie they were béeset by the Almans and Frenchmen of the garrison of Harflue: so that the French protestants were dri|uen to take a village called Grauille, where they mainteined the skirmish for the space of two houres, till the lord lieutenant,A skirmish be+fore Harflue hearing of the perill in which they stood, sent foorth with the controllor the num|ber of a thousand footmen, and all the English and Scotish horssemen, and monsieur Beauuois with diuerse French horssemen: who comming before Harflue, fell in skirmish with the enimies, to whose succor there issued foorth of Harflue a great number of the Almans, both horssemen and footmen. But the Englishmen behaued themselues so valiantlie, that they beat them out of the field, and droue them in the end to the verie gates of their towne, with such lionlike courage, as was woonderfull: choosing rather to die in battell (if hap had so cut their cards) in an honest cause, than in their sicke beds: as mo|ued by the poets reason not amisse for a souldior to EEBO page image 1197 remember and resolutelie to rest vpon, to wit:

Absumpti longis animam cruciatibus edunt
Languentes morbis: in bello pulchra paratur
Mors, homo momento pugnans extinguitur horae,
Euolat in tenues laetus citò spiritus auras.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 This skirmish was stoutlie mainteined and conti|nued for the space of thrée long houres. Their great artillerie was shot off freshlie from the wals and bulworks.The English|men retire to Newhauen with honor. At length, when the night drew on, the retire was sounded, and the Englishmen came their waie backe to Newhauen with honor, hauing lost not past eight of their souldiors, that were slaine and six other hurt: whereas there was one of the eni|mies capteins slain in sight, with twentie souldiors, and another of their capteins, with diuerse others of their numbers gréeuouslie wounded.Monsieur Beauuois. Monsieur Beauuois shewed himselfe that daie verie forward and valiant, & so likewise did the Scotishmen. The thirteenth of Nouember, a pinnesse of the French|men that belonged to Newhauen, being gone foorth the night before, brought into the hauen a ship laden with Rochell wines, fiue and twentie tuns, that was bound to passe vp to the enimies, and so esteemed a good prise.Prises taken and brought to Newhauen On the fourtéenth of Nouember, ano|ther ship fraught with twentie tuns of Gascoigne wines was brought in as a prise, likewise taken by a barke of Newhauen, that belonged to a French|man, called Iehan de Bois, an earnest aduersarie to the papists.

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