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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 Light horsse|men Scots.The next daie, being fridaie, & the thirtith of Octo|ber, there came to Newhauen from Diepe, fiftie light horssemen Scots, brought by one of maister Killigrues seruants. On saturdaie the last of Oc|tober, the earle of Warwiks commission was pro|clamed in Latine, English, and French, by Blew|mantell,An oth recei| [...]ed by the lord lieutenant, [...]nd other of| [...]cer [...]. purseuant at armes: which being ended, his lordship went into the church, and there sir Adri|an Poinings knight marshall gaue him his oth, and then my lord gaue the said sir Adrian his oth. And af|ter him were sworne Cutbert Uaughan controllor, Iohn Fisher knight porter, William Bromfield maister of the ordinance, William Robinson wa|ter bailife, and capteine Thomas Wood clearke of the councell. On mondaie the second of Nouem|ber, the earle of Warwike, with the knight mar|shall, and the controllor, rode out of Newhauen to Hauteuille, and so towards Mondeuille, accom|panied with all the horssemen English and Scotish, and a thousand footmen.A skirmish be|twéene the Scotishmen and them of Mondeuille. The Scotishmen & Mont|gomeries band passed foorth, and skirmished with them of Mondeuille, and the Scots brought awaie with them a bootie of thrée hundred shéepe: but in the morning, they were returned backe againe by com|mandement of the earle of Warwike.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 Maister controllors souldiors went as far as Harflue, and there skirmished with them of that garrison, but without anie hurt to either part. My lord lieutenant riding all about the hils, viewed the countrie,A prise of win [...]s to the quantitie of two hundred tuns. and at night returned. On wednesdaie the fourth of Nouember, a barke of Newhauen, belonging to Francis Clearke, brought into the hauen of the same towne, foure Britons laden with wines, to the quantitie of two hundred tuns of good Gascoigne wines, which they ment to haue brought to the enimies: but being thus taken as a good prise, it was discharged in Newhauen, and stood the Englishmen and others of that towne in good stead.An alarum in [...] towne of Newhauen. On fridaie the sixt of Nouember, about nine of the clocke in the morning, a great alarum rose in the said towne of Newhauen: for vpon the hils on the north side of the towne, the Reingraue, and the sonne of the viceadmerall of France, shewed them|selues, accompanied with two thousand footmen, and fiue hundred horssemen. And herewith, the Rein|graue sent a trumpettor to the towne, to aduertise the lord lieutenant, that he was on the hils there at hand; and that vnderstanding his lordship was come into the countrie, and entred into Newhauen, if it would please him to promise vpon his honor, and by the faith of a gentleman, that he might come, and re|turne in safetie, he would be glad to come & sée him. Wherevpon the lord lieutenant, taking with him certeine capteins and gentlemen, rode foorth of the towne, and sent before him sir Adrian Poinings the marshall,Stephan Medcalfe trumpettor. The earle of Warwike and the Rein|graue talke togither. with Stephan Medcalfe hir maiesties trumpettor vnto the Reingraue, who talking with him, returned, and met with the lord lieutenant: who therewith passed forward, and méeting with the Reingraue, they imbraced each other, and conferred togither as they had occasion. And the Reingraue told the lord lieutenant (among other talke) that he was come to be his neighbor, and so with such merie speech they communed togither: and after taking their leaue either of other, they returned vnto their homes.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 The counte Montgomerie and monsieur Beau|uois had some talke also with the Reingraue, casting out bitter and sharpe words in reproofe of the duke of Guise, and others that were of his faction. The Reingraue comming backe to his armie the same afternoone, forraied all the countrie, and droue awaie the most part of all the cattell that they might meet with: and comming to the church of Hauteuille, where an hundred and fiftie of Montgo|meries band laie, they skirmished with them, and in the end Montgomeries souldiors were forced to re|tire, and abandon the place, leauing it to the eni|mies; and comming awaie, withdrew the same night into Newhauen. The Almans the same euening, diuiding their armie into two parts, the one halfe of them went and lodged at Mondeuille, and the other halfe at Harflue. The morrow after, the Frenchmen that had abandoned the church of Hauteuille the night before, went thither againe,The church of Hauteuille recouered. tooke and kept it against the enimies, in like man|ner as they held it before.

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